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Old 12-30-2010, 10:33 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
Default Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

Hi there!

Last year, I've discovered GURPS 4E. I keep collecting the books and I'm fascinated by the system. Unfortunately, I haven't had any opportunity to actually play in a GURPS game...

So, with this being GURPS' home and all, I'd like to ask: would anyone be interested in running a game for me? Specifically, I'd be interested in a Play-by-Post game. We could play it here on SJG forum, or on some other site, or even by e-mail... I'm also quite flexible when it comes to story's genre - I could go with SF, fantasy, horror... whatever would be interesting :)

So... anyone interested? If so, then please contact me :)
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Old 12-31-2010, 09:03 PM   #2
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

You should check out the Play by Post forum's "Looking for Players" thread:
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Old 01-02-2011, 11:23 AM   #3
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

I checked. Unfortunately, there aren't too many games that are recruiting right now...
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Old 01-04-2011, 10:42 PM   #4
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

I'd be willing to play. I'd even be willing to run it with at least 3 players (3 PCs is a minimum for me, 4 is about right). One GM and one PC is a little dull. I'm not against fantasy, but if I run fantasy expect some non-dwarf/elf/dragon stuff to pop up all the time as I'm currently (still) tired of the "standard" fantasy setup. SF, perhaps Serenity ( I might be able to scrounge up a player if Serenity) is more appealing to me. This would be my first time running it so I'd like to do a short storyline first.

Additionally, I'm not too enamored with Play by Post but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'd like to consider a digital tabletop but I think a Play by Post would be good for the first, short storyline as I've never GMed GURPS and would like to reduce the number of "uh" sounds I make as I look up rules.

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Old 01-05-2011, 06:06 AM   #5
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

The problem with virtual tabletop games is that they are time-consuming and may be hard to coordinate (as the players can be posting from different time zones). Play-by-Post games have their flaws, but they have the upside of players posting when each of them has a moment of time to spare...

Anyway, if you wanted to do fantasy, then sure - I'd definitely could live with you not going with the "standard" fantasy setup. That'd be my prefer choice, actually :) I would also be interested in SF - although I admit that I know next to nothing about Serenity / Firefly...
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Old 01-05-2011, 10:33 PM   #6
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

I'd like to do play by post for the first one anyway, for a variety of reasons.

Alright, I think I'd like to do some sort of first contact scenario: The world has recently had contact with a foreign world, which is now interfering but not invading. Inter-world travel is very rare and expensive (virtually unknown on your planet). The foreign world has two major factions that immediately begin allying themselves with different factions on your world. All sorts of alien creatures are now present and their motives are uncertain. They are familiar with magic but have other tools at their disposal (e.g. psionics).

Your world will be a more or less standard fantasy world that's going through a very tumultuous period of adjustment. I'm thinking 150CP characters. I'm okay with a continuum of magical powers: mages and other casters have the most, while there are other melee/rogue types that have some important powers. If you've read some of the Malazan series your characters are probably like younger versions of the main characters. Your average officer will likely have some sort of fetishes for protection and magic weapon with other fighters having looted fetishes or won them as rewards. There will be some orders of fighters that have some powers from Powers book or other enhancements. Innate casters will not be unheard of.

Books: Basic two, Powers, Magic, maybe Thaumatology, maybe Fantasy

Posting in the play by post LFG sticky thread.
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Old 01-06-2011, 09:08 AM   #7
Dorin Thorha
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

Lurking with interest.
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Old 01-06-2011, 04:22 PM   #8
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

Originally Posted by 1iOneeyed View Post
I'd like to do play by post for the first one anyway, for a variety of reasons.

Alright, I think I'd like to do some sort of first contact scenario: The world has recently had contact with a foreign world, which is now interfering but not invading. Inter-world travel is very rare and expensive (virtually unknown on your planet). The foreign world has two major factions that immediately begin allying themselves with different factions on your world. All sorts of alien creatures are now present and their motives are uncertain. They are familiar with magic but have other tools at their disposal (e.g. psionics).

Your world will be a more or less standard fantasy world that's going through a very tumultuous period of adjustment. I'm thinking 150CP characters. I'm okay with a continuum of magical powers: mages and other casters have the most, while there are other melee/rogue types that have some important powers. If you've read some of the Malazan series your characters are probably like younger versions of the main characters. Your average officer will likely have some sort of fetishes for protection and magic weapon with other fighters having looted fetishes or won them as rewards. There will be some orders of fighters that have some powers from Powers book or other enhancements. Innate casters will not be unheard of.
Hmm. I admit that I'm not sure about the ubiquitousness of magic you'd like to have in this setting. I may be weird, but I think that the less magic there is in fantasy, the better :) Magic weapons, supernatural powers etc. should be very rare - otherwise, they lose any mystique...

Some of the things I'd look for in a fantasy game are:

- PCs who are slightly larger-than-life, but still not supernatural,
- magic which is rare, mysterious and wielded mostly by powerful NPCs,
- a story focused on humans, with non-humans being mostly NPCs,
- the "standard" fantasy races like elves, dwarves etc. not being present.

Could you do something like that?
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Old 01-06-2011, 04:58 PM   #9
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

I'm fine with that. I'm used to a lot of magic...

Alright, how about all PCs are mundane. Any sort of of PC magic will be minor and require some sort of unusual background and, also, magic users are often hunted. Human mages are rare and very untrusted since they often have to make deals with alien forces or engage in unsavory activities to gain their powers. The world might be low mana in most places with places having regular mana often having more dangerous inhabitants.
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Old 01-06-2011, 11:21 PM   #10
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Default Re: Looking for a GURPS Play-by-Post game...

I would be interested in trying this, i have read a bit of GURPS material and really want to give it a go. I have a little DnD experience but never by post, but im more than willing to try!!
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