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Old 06-08-2010, 02:46 PM   #1
Andrew Hackard
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Default uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

I'll be on uStream chatting about all things Munchkin at 6:30 p.m. Central. If you have questions, here's the thread for them. I'll pick the best questions to answer LIVE on the air . . . well, the Internet, anyway. (And I might answer a few in this thread, too.)

Ask me questions about Munchkin 19th printing, or the newly revised FAQ, or the boosters, or anything else Munchkinly that strikes your fancy.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
If you have a question that isn't getting answered, we have a thread for that.

Let people like what they like. Don't be a gamer hater.

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Old 06-08-2010, 04:49 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2010
Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

Awesome! I will definitely tune into this.
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Old 06-08-2010, 09:44 PM   #3
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Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

I have one: If you play a GUAL on other player, what happens to any secondary effects? Does it applies as if the player himself had played the Gual? Or this cannot be done at all?

Exemple: Kill a Hireling: who would chose which Hireling to go? Or any GUAL that you can't be the highest level. The target player doesn't need or I don't?
Igor Toscano
MiB: #1602
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Old 06-08-2010, 11:30 PM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2009
Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

First off let me say, hats off to all those involved in the new FAQ. A huge amount of work, and very well done.

Question: The new FAQ specifies how a helper brought in to a fight by Charm ze Rival can be "bounced out" if the fight subsequently becomes "for the winning level".

Now that the Kneepads of Allure are back, they say that they cannot be used to force help if the fight is for the winning level. Would the same "bouncing out" mechanism apply there?

Are there other cards whose use is restricted to combats not for the winning level? Should this be considered a general mechanic?
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Old 06-08-2010, 11:33 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2009
Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

Separate question:

I would like to hear the rationale behind the removal of race-based penalties to run away.

Why were they considered a problem that needed to be fixed?
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Old 06-09-2010, 04:38 AM   #6
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Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

That was actually answered in the first chat, but, as I recall the discussions about this: Penalties actually on a Race/Class card aren't cool and we all agreed that everyone would like Race/Class features that are cool.
Erik D. Zane
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Old 06-09-2010, 06:02 AM   #7
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Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

Percontation and Listening At The Door... when the room is empty, what do you draw?
(I know I've asked this before and it's an optional rule and all, but still curious if anything has come up)
- - -

From the FAQ on Bad Feng Shui: "You also cannot use it to swap a card that is attached to another card (like a Class being used with Super Munchkin)"

Given the revision to Super Munchkin, is it still considered to be "attached" to anything? Then again, I'm surprised it was ever considered attached, as my 13P cards say nothing to even hint at that. Neither did Half-Breed...
Are the discard conditions simply "You have no Races/Classes" or are they attached?

- - -

Third-Breed and Ultra Munchkin: Can you have these in play while only having a single race/class?

- - -

Is Munchkin Dice going to be reprinted?

- - -

I notice that Marked For Death is 19 cards, and is intended to be the new Rigged Demo. Is it intended to be demoed with 2+2 starting hands (old rules) or the new 4+4? It seems awfully small if it's 4+4...

- - -

If a card is powered by discards, but does not specify where the discards have to come from, can I power it via discarding cards already in play?
If so, is there a limit on which cards are valid?
Example: WARRIOR
"You may discard up to 3 cards in combat; each one gives you a +1 bonus"

Can I discard my equipped rat on a stick? (not sure why you would...)
How about my not equipped and not usable by a dwarf Bow With Ribbons?
Non-plus granting potion (Friendship?) in backpack?
An item enhancer (Official Mythos ____) while leaving the base item behind?
My current race? Race modifier (High, Dark, these say you lose them if you lose the race, but nothing about losing them alone)?
Your class (besides Warrior obviously)?

This came up a couple days ago, actually.
MIB #5799 - Vancouver, BC, Canada, Eh?

August 24 - 26, 2012 - Cos & Effect, Vancouver BC
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Old 06-09-2010, 06:08 AM   #8
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Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11


I'm going to miss the live part, I'll be at the game store showing off my shiny new colored cards. I'll have to watch later, so I thought I would toss these out now...

You guys have put in a ton of work on updating the FAQ's, the changes in the Cards, ect... Has this slowed down on the progress of new sets?

From the Borderlands Store owner: "Can we count on the "blister" packs coming out more often?".

Add on from them: "Each Base set will come out with it's own colored die? Star Munchkin will have a blue one, Cthulhu will have a green one or did we read that incorrectly?"

Also, Have John K's fingers decided they need a vacation yet? ;)


Salem Midnight Crew / MIB 1987 Or the Wrong MIB. Salem Cell leader, for the clueless in Oregon.
Ahhhh... I see the Screw-Up Fairy has visited us again.
Closed Captioned for the Humor Impaired
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:56 AM   #9
Cotion of Ponfusion
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Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

Is there gonna be any new core games?

Also, what is the point of Listening at the door?
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Old 06-09-2010, 02:31 PM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default Re: uStream chat this Friday, 6/11

The updated FAQ is great and I am enjoying all the new card changes. Nice job to the Admins.

For the Gnome's new alterations, I understand that the -1 to run away was removed and that it now receives bonuses for equipped items beginning with the letters "G" and "N". I'm just wondering how much of a bonus does it get per item? Some of clarification on this would be great as I hope to implement this into my games as soon as possible. Thanks!
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