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Old 12-11-2018, 10:31 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
Default Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

Updates here.

I cannot comment on the ability of any of the following to do whatever a spider does, but yeah, they probably can.

These assume familiarity with the giant spider entry in DFRPG Monsters, and probably have mistakes and overlooked fun bits, so feel free to improve on my work.
Giant Animal
A spider that is 9' across, with a 3' wide body. At this size it doesn't fill you with poison, it cuts you into chunks with its shear-like jaws or impales you on it's forelegs for easier manipulation.
ST: 26
DX: 12
IQ: 5
HT: 14
HP: 26
Will: 10
Per: 10
FP: 14
Speed: 6
Move: 6
SM: +2
DR: 5 (Including eyes.)
Dodge: 9
Parry: 11 (Forelegs count as weapons.)
Bite (14): 3d-1 Cutting. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn't penetrate DR – roll damage each turn as a free action. Reach C,1.
Stab with sharp foreleg (16): 2d Impaling. Due to small jagged spines it gets stuck if it causes a major wound, counting as a grapple at ST15, giving the S.O.U.S. +4 to bite attacks, and any attempt to remove it (successful or failed) does 1d additional damage. Reach 1,2.
Sever (*): Requires a bite grapple on an extremity. Roll a quick contest of ST vs. the S.O.U.S.'s effective grappling ST of 28, apply the margin of success as cutting damage to the extremity. If a limb is crippled, it is severed. Wounds to the head work the usual way.
Traits: As big spider with nictitating membrane to match DR, but Spider Climb is move 3.

Skills: Brawling – 14, Stealth – 12, Wrestling - 14

Class: Giant Animal.
Notes: On one hand, its webs are thick enough to see pretty easily. On the other hand, they are ST 26. Poisonous varieties exist – change bite to impaling with a 2d tox (poison, HT+1 for half) + 1d-2 crushing (blowing you up like a poison balloon) follow-up instead of the grapple.

Giant Animal
A spider that is 15' across, with a 5' wide body. Similar in size to a rhino on 8' bent stilts, a Spider of Ridiculous Size is starting to get too ponderous for regular spider activities. If it has webs at all, they are thick like ropes and not really breakable by delvers.
ST: 35
DX: 11
IQ: 5
HT: 14
HP: 45
Will: 10
Per: 10
FP: 14
Speed: 5
Move: 7
SM: +3
DR: 7 (Including eyes.)
Dodge: 8
Parry: 10 (Forelegs count as weapons.)
Bite (13): 4d Cutting. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn't penetrate DR – roll damage each turn as a free action. Reach C,1.
Stab with sharp foreleg (15): 2d+2 Impaling. Due to small jagged spines it gets stuck if it causes a major wound, counting as a grapple at ST 19, giving the S.O.R.S. +4 to bite attacks, and any attempt to remove it (successful or failed) does 1d+1 additional damage. Reach 1-3.
Sever (*): Requires a bite grapple on an extremity. Roll a quick contest of ST vs. the S.O.R.S.'s effective grappling ST of 37, apply the margin of success as cutting damage to the extremity. If a limb is crippled, it is severed. Wounds to the head work the usual way.
Traits: As big spider with nictitating membrane to match DR, but Spider Climb is only move 2 – it has to be very careful of footholds.

Skills: Brawling – 13, Stealth – 11, Wrestling - 13

Class: Giant Animal.
Notes: Poisonous varieties exist – change bite to impaling with a 3d tox (poison, HT+1 for half) + 1d crushing (blowing you up like a poison balloon) follow-up instead of the grapple. Most of this spider is usually above SM 0 delvers.

Giant Animal
A spider that is 20' across, with a 7' wide body. Spiders of Oh C'mon Size are too big for many dungeon locations, but can make formidable wilderness encounters.
ST: 45
DX: 10
IQ: 5
HT: 15
HP: 60
Will: 10
Per: 10
FP: 15
Speed: 4
Move: 8
SM: +4
DR: 10 (Including eyes.)
Dodge: 7
Parry: 10 (Forelegs count as weapons.)
Bite (12): 5d+2 Cutting. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn't penetrate DR – roll damage each turn as a free action. Reach C-2
Stab with sharp foreleg (14): 3d+1 Impaling. Due to small jagged spines it gets stuck if it causes a major wound, counting as a grapple at ST 24, giving the S.O.O.C.S. +4 to bite attacks, and any attempt to remove it (successful or failed) does 2d-1 additional damage. Reach 2-5.
Sever (*): Requires a bite grapple on an extremity. Roll a quick contest of ST vs. the S.O.O.C.S.'s effective grappling ST of 47, apply the margin of success as cutting damage to the extremity. If a limb is crippled, it is severed. Wounds to the head work the usual way.
Traits: As big spider with nictitating membrane to match DR, but Spider Climb is only move 1 – assuming it can find something sturdy enough to support it.

Skills: Brawling – 12, Stealth – 10, Wrestling - 12

Class: Giant Animal.
Notes: Poisonous varieties exist – change bite to impaling with a 3d tox (poison, HT+2 for half) + 2d crushing (blowing you up like a poison balloon) follow-up instead of the grapple. On the battle mat, put counters to show where the head and feet are – the rest of the beast is 10' or more above ground level.

Giant Animal
A spider that is 30' across, with a 10' wide body – imagine an elephant, only it's a spider, and it has legs that are a yard thick and 7 yards long. Spiants don't usually view SM 1 or smaller creatures as dangerous, but they may try to squish them for food.
ST: 55
DX: 9
IQ: 5
HT: 15
HP: 80
Will: 10
Per: 10
FP: 15
Speed: 4
Move: 10
SM: +5
DR: 15 (Including eyes.)
Dodge: 7
Bite (11): 7d Cutting. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn't penetrate DR – roll damage each turn as a free action. Reach C-3
Thoom (Stomp) (14): 4d Crushing, double knock back. On a crit, or if the target prefers it to knockback, target is pinned under the spiant's foot instead. Reach 2-6. (Legs count as weapons.)
Poison Spray (*): As a medium dragon.
Traits: As big spider with nictitating membrane to match DR, but Spider Climb is only move 1 – assuming it can find something sturdy enough to support it. Injury reduction 2. On the battle mat, put counters to show where the head and feet are – the rest of the beast is 15' or more above ground level.

Skills: Brawling – 11, Stealth – 9, Wrestling - 11

Class: Giant Animal.
Notes: When attacking small foes, especially with it's bite, a spiant will tend to all out attack. Delvers in melee will often be limited to targeting the legs, until they cripple enough to bring it down to their level. Injury Reduction 2, HT 15 and 80 HP means it might take a while to wear down.

Giant Animal
A spider that is 45' across, with a 15' wide body – it's kinda a big deal. Spitans don't usually view SM 2 or smaller creatures as dangerous, but they may try to squish them for food.
ST: 70
DX: 8
IQ: 5
HT: 16
HP: 110
Will: 10
Per: 10
FP: 16
Speed: 3
Move: 12
SM: +5
DR: 22 (Including eyes.)
Dodge: 6
Bite (10): 9d+2 Cutting. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn't penetrate DR – roll damage each turn as a free action. Reach C-4.
THOOM (Stomp) (13): 5d+1 Crushing, double knock back. On a crit, or if the target prefers it to knockback, target is pinned under the spitan's foot instead. Reach 4-9. (Legs count as weapons.)
Poison Spray (*): As a large dragon.
Traits: As big spider with nictitating membrane to match DR, but Spider Climb is only move 1 – assuming it can find something sturdy enough to support it. Injury reduction 3. On the battle mat, put counters to show where the head and feet are – the rest of the beast is 20' or more above ground level.

Skills: Brawling – 10, Stealth – 9, Wrestling - 10

Class: Giant Animal, or possibly small Kaiju.
Notes: When attacking small foes, especially with it's bite, a spitan will tend to all out attack. Delvers in melee will often be limited to targeting the legs, until they cripple enough to bring it down to their level. Injury Reduction 3, HT 16 and 110 HP means it might take a while to wear down.

Last edited by martinl; 12-16-2018 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 12-11-2018, 11:16 PM   #2
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

I'm not sure I can love this enough.
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Old 12-11-2018, 11:40 PM   #3
Tom H.
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

You're having way too much fun with the names.
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Old 12-12-2018, 12:52 AM   #4
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

Love them!

Any good ideas on how to defeat the Spitan with its DR22?
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Old 12-12-2018, 12:53 AM   #5
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

These guys are too good for the delvers they will be demolishing.
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Old 12-12-2018, 07:17 AM   #6
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

Originally Posted by bert View Post
Love them!

Any good ideas on how to defeat the Spitan with its DR22?
Penetrating weapon (plus bodkin for scouts), weapon master and 4d damage.
Running 3 GURPS games: DFRPG, Supers and a weird Evil Hogwart's (ish) game.
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Old 12-12-2018, 07:20 AM   #7
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

You know we now need stats for the matryoshka spider. "Well, that was a battle well-fought. We only lost two. Wait, what's that creeping out from inside the spitan?"
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
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Old 12-12-2018, 07:43 AM   #8
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

Originally Posted by Kromm View Post
You know we now need stats for the matryoshka spider. "Well, that was a battle well-fought. We only lost two. Wait, what's that creeping out from inside the spitan?"
That is actually the plan - well more spider-themed grey goo, but that is why I needed more sizes.

Are you spying on my hard drive?

Preview - "An individual spiderness is smaller than the eye can see, but locks legs with other spidernesses to assemble into as large of a spider body as it can manage. However, if that larger spider is "slain" the remaining chunks reform into spidenessess of <insert rules here>"
Plan is to go all the way down - eventually you are hip deep in spider swarms and ducking airborne spiderdust (based on spore clouds). Gods help you if they colonize your bloodstream.

Hints that the elemental plane of fire was once like our world before the spiderness infestation and resulting godly smite are probably not true.
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Old 12-12-2018, 07:48 AM   #9
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

Originally Posted by DouglasCole View Post
I'm not sure I can love this enough.
The spiders love you too Doug. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Tom H. View Post
You're having way too much fun with the names.
Originally Posted by bert View Post
Any good ideas on how to defeat the Spitan with its DR22?
Giant powerarmor golem? Parkour up and find chinks? (I'd allow neck, torso, and leg chinks on a spitan.) It's supposed to be hard to fight one of these.

I'm actually interested if anyone sees an obvious cheese way to defeat spitans. Note that vulnerability spider control and animal empathy are deliberate. One use for these things is to allow very angry uber-druids to act out in fun ways.
Originally Posted by evileeyore View Post
These guys are too good for the delvers they will be demolishing.
Thanks! But they are not aligned with Good. Uplifting one and making it a holy warrior would be lots of fun though.

Last edited by martinl; 12-12-2018 at 08:15 AM.
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Old 12-12-2018, 07:54 AM   #10
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Default Re: Spiders in a Wide Variety of Convenient Sizes

Originally Posted by martinl View Post

Hints that the elemental plane of fire was once like our world before the spiderness infestation and resulting godly smite are probably not true.
The Elemental Plane of Spiders would be a fine place to visit for an adventure.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
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