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Old 06-05-2018, 07:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
Default He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

Cazador “Thunderchild” Gallos
248-point Human Druid

Cazador is kind of hazy on his background, but he knows two things. Firstly, he's pretty sure Bohemian Rhapsody was written about him. Secondly, when he was still a mere acolyte, he investigated a lightning struck tree after a storm and found an ancient, charred spear buried point down in the smoldering heartwood. Drawing that spear forth seems to have changed him, and given him a specific affinity for lightning.

ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 13 [30].
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0] (15 taste/smell); FP 13 [0].
Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Move 6.
Dodge 9; Parry 11 (Spear); Block N/A.

Acute Taste and Smell [2]
Animal Empathy [5]
Energy Reserve (Druidic) 3 [9]
Green Thumb 1 [5]
Luck [15]
Power Investiture 3 (Druidic) [30]
Thunderchild 2 (+2 Power Investiture for Storm, Thunder, and Lightning Spells) [12]

Disadvantages and Quirks
Poor [-15]
Odious Personal Habit (Dirty Hippie) -1 [-5]
Sense of Duty (Nature) [-15]
Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) [-5]

Loves stormy weather, unafraid of lightning strikes [-1]
“Crystals are full of lightning, let me tell you more” [-1]
No inside voice [-1]
Quotes Bohemian Rhapsody way more than appropriate [-1]
Clothes made from hemp ropes and woven hemp cloth [-1]

Animal Handling (Canines)-13 [1]
Camouflage-14 [1]
Climbing-12 [1]
Diagnosis-12 [1]
Disguise (Animals)-13 [1]
Esoteric Medicine (Druidic)-14 [4]
Herb Lore-14* [4]
Hidden Lore (Elementals)-13 [1]
Hidden Lore (Nature Spirits)-13 [1]
Hiking-12 [1]
Innate Attack (Projectile)-14 [4]
Mimicry (Animal Sounds)-12 [1]
Naturalist-14* [2]
Pharmacy-13* [1]
Religious Ritual (Druidic)-12 [1]
Singing-13 [1]
Spear-15/16† [12]
Stealth-13 [2]
Survival (Woodlands)-13 [1]
Theology (Druidic)-12 [1]
Veterinary-12 [1]
Weather Sense-13 [1]

Beast Speech- 15 [1]
Breathe Water- 15 [1]
Coolness- 15 [1]
Detect Magic-15 [1]
Fog-15 [1]
Forest Warning- 15[1]
Hail-17~ [1]
Instant Neutralize Poison-15 [2]
Lightning-17~ [1]
Major Healing++ - 15 [2]
Minor Healing++ - 15 [1]
Mystic Mist-15 [1]
'Pollen' Cloud-15 [1]
Protection from Evil-15 [1]
Purify Food- 14[1]
Recover Energy-15 [1]
Resist Cold-15 [1]
Resist Lightning-17~ [1]
Sunlight-15 [1]
ThunderClap- 17~ [1]
Umbrella- 15 [1]
Windstorm- 15~[1]
* Includes +1 for Green Thumb.
† Use higher skill with balanced spear.
‡ Includes +3 for Power Investiture.
~ Includes +2 For Thunderchild
++ Druidic, takes 10 rounds and a druidic healer's kit to cast
Equipment ($1195) (2 pts spent on gear)
22.8 lbs. (No encumbrance)
Canteen, Full. 1 quart water. $10, 3 lbs.
Clothing. $0, 2 lbs.
Coins. $5, 0.1 lb.
Special Brownies (~Elven Rations), 9 meals. $30, 1.5 lb.
Healer's Kit (Druidic). $200, 10 lbs.
“Locnar” – 1d+2 imp in one hand, 1d+3 in two (reach 2, 3*)
A long spear with an ancient black-patina-ed silvered iron head and a shaft made from the blackened heartwood of a lightning-struck hollyoak. Found it in a lightning-struck tree, didn't buy it. (Long Spear, Balanced, Fine, Dwarven, Silvered, Ornate +1) $940, 5 lbs, 8 point power item. If a spear from the sky named 'Loc Nar' bothers you, make a giant pterapidgeon riding holy warrior named Tarna and post her.
Personal Basics. $5, 1 lb.
Pouch. Holds personal basics, rations. $10, 0.2 lbs.
I threw this PC together for a player who won't be able to attend the PC generation session for our summer DF game, so I thought I'd post it as well. Cazador is clearly not RAW DFRPG, since he has specialized PI, some cleric spells, and uses a non-techno sound track. These things are fairly easily cleared out if you don't approve of them.

The ridiculously expensive spear is mostly an excuse for a fun background element and solid power item, but it's ok in combat as well. A cautious player would apply sig gear to it but I'm the GM for this run and think it would be funnier to lose it to misadventure.
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Old 06-05-2018, 08:06 PM   #2
Dog of Lysdexics
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Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

No social stigma (criminal record) for having killed a man?
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Old 06-06-2018, 04:18 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2006
Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

Originally Posted by roguebfl View Post
No social stigma (criminal record) for having killed a man?
I did consider it, but then I realized that in DF that's ok if they were in a dungeon when you did it.
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Old 06-06-2018, 05:48 AM   #4
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Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

Originally Posted by martinl View Post
I did consider it, but then I realized that in DF that's ok if they were in a dungeon when you did it.
but the song is about killing a man when it wasn't social ok like in town even in DF that not ok [basically when self defense isn't likely to be believed]

but then again DF most social disadvantageous have been striped from the game
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Old 06-06-2018, 06:00 AM   #5
The Colonel
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Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

Did you consider a destiny (enter a musical contest against a titan and his retinue) or an enemy (personally assigned devil)?
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Old 06-06-2018, 07:06 AM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2006
Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

Originally Posted by The Colonel View Post
Did you consider a destiny (enter a musical contest against a titan and his retinue) or an enemy (personally assigned devil)?
I was somewhat constrained by trying to make a PC that would play well with the group. If I wanted to go whole hog on the Bohemian Rhapsody shtick there would be a lot more there references, but playability would suffer. At this point is is up to the player to run with it or not.

If one of you folks wants to make a more intensely themed character please do - these boards could use more activity, and I suspect an extended debate on how to represent our favorite songs as DFRPG characters would generate a fair bit. The 1812 Overture is either a barbarian with a maul or a wizard with boom spells, Purple Rain is probably some sort of weird druid, and Hound Dog is probably Hank.
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Old 06-06-2018, 08:15 AM   #7
The Colonel
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Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

If it helps, we used to have a thread somewhere on using songs for campaign ideas and someone had taken the inspiration from Bohemian Rhapsody and built a fairly complicated premise from it...
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Old 06-07-2018, 12:54 AM   #8
Night Watchman
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Default Re: He's Just a Poor Boy, From a Poor Family

Splendid lunacy! Indexed.
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bohemian, bohemian rhapsody, druid, dungeon fantasy, lightning

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