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Old 03-09-2018, 11:17 AM   #1
wolf90's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Please enjoy our latest article for Ogrezine, titled "Rearguard Action". Feedback and comments are more than welcome here. Let us know what you think!

Proud sponsor of Ogre KS $4.5k Sheet #3 - Bringing the Vatican Guard, a Tiger-striped mercenary unit, and of course pink GEVs, to a game near you! Orders may be placed here.
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Old 03-09-2018, 02:36 PM   #2
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Originally Posted by wolf90 View Post
Please enjoy our latest article for Ogrezine, titled "Rearguard Action". Feedback and comments are more than welcome here. Let us know what you think!

I thought that name sounded familiar :-)
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Old 03-10-2018, 04:28 AM   #3
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action - bridge alternative

When a unit is in a retreat, blowing up the bridges behind them is a common tactic for safety.

So instead of "no bridge destruction", try a rule where the defender loses a VP if they (and only the defenders) destroy a small bridge, and 3 if they destroy a big one. The incentive should be to not do it, but if it keeps a 3-6 VP tank alive by breaking up an attacking GEV formation on the road, it may be worth it.

Play with those points a bit to see where the balance lies given the high point value of escapes for one of the teams, to reflect that the strategic commander doesn't want the bridges destroyed, but the tactical decision may make it necessary.

The attacker gains nothing for destroying bridges (that's not the goal). Only the defender can lose for what they destroy.
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Old 03-10-2018, 09:48 AM   #4
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Maybe I'm reading this looks to me that "column" 20 is actually "row" 20. So I can't figure out how to set up east of it. Someone please tell me what I'm doing stupid.
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Old 03-10-2018, 12:58 PM   #5
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Doh I figured it out. Yes, I'm a dumba$$.
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Old 03-10-2018, 01:45 PM   #6
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action - bridge alternative

Originally Posted by acroyear View Post
When a unit is in a retreat, blowing up the bridges behind them is a common tactic for safety.

So instead of "no bridge destruction", try a rule where the defender loses a VP if they (and only the defenders) destroy a small bridge, and 3 if they destroy a big one. The incentive should be to not do it, but if it keeps a 3-6 VP tank alive by breaking up an attacking GEV formation on the road, it may be worth it.

Play with those points a bit to see where the balance lies given the high point value of escapes for one of the teams, to reflect that the strategic commander doesn't want the bridges destroyed, but the tactical decision may make it necessary.

The attacker gains nothing for destroying bridges (that's not the goal). Only the defender can lose for what they destroy.
Excellent feedback! I love the concept.

If anyone plays around with this idea, please let me know.

Proud sponsor of Ogre KS $4.5k Sheet #3 - Bringing the Vatican Guard, a Tiger-striped mercenary unit, and of course pink GEVs, to a game near you! Orders may be placed here.
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Old 03-10-2018, 02:28 PM   #7
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Drew, to answer your question from the update: hell yeah I want more! I love the format, I am really enjoying the ideas coming out of the community, and I'd like to sell you a couple pieces. ;)
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Old 03-10-2018, 05:06 PM   #8
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Good to hear. (And I haven't forgotten about your submission - hours in the day, and all that. I will get back to you!)

Although I intend to repeat last year's public self-review later this spring, it is helpful to get feedback all along the way with Ogre releases. A perfect example of this is acroyear's suggestion about penalty VP for dropping bridges in the Rearguard Action scenario. I intend to play around with this idea [& hopefully others will too, and post their results!] which may end up with me tweaking the scenario prior to final publication. The end result is a better article for everyone to enjoy.

But even putting that aside, people talking about Ogre products serves multiple purposes - first, it generates "buzz" about the game. In this day of age, games without notable chatter tend to disappear. It's simply the reality of the market.

Which brings us to the direct result: Buzz in turn sells games. Ultimately, there is only so much bandwidth for any company to dedicate to production and they need to allocate their resources carefully. [Total aside here: has anyone made a game about producing games? I feel like there's a seed here . . . !] That's not to say that a company won't invest in new ideas or longer developing lines, but at the end of the day, games need to move.

As mentioned above, dialogue amongst fans generates ideas, which in turn can improve the product. No one has a monopoly on "good game ideas". They can come from anywhere. One of my favorite Ogre Miniatures is the small Ogre tower generating a wake in water for showing movement of the Ogre underwater. That miniature is the off-shoot of a fan's suggestion at a Con. And so it goes.

Finally, feedback allows us to know we're reaching you. I'll concede that Kickstarter allows for a much more efficient gauge of fan interest and is truly a market changer, but there is still value in hearing from fans as to what they like and don't like about a game line.

So, thank you for taking the time to let me know how you feel. It's appreciated!

Proud sponsor of Ogre KS $4.5k Sheet #3 - Bringing the Vatican Guard, a Tiger-striped mercenary unit, and of course pink GEVs, to a game near you! Orders may be placed here.
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Old 03-10-2018, 05:31 PM   #9
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

I've got Rearguard printed out and ready to play on my regular Monday game ... I'll let you know how it goes.
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Old 03-10-2018, 10:33 PM   #10
Tim Kauffman
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Default Re: Ogrezine: Rearguard Action

Nice idea for a Scenario. Wish I had more time to actually play the game...

We really need to be able to have units move off-board in the PC Game.
I posted the suggestion over in the STEAM forums.

This really caught my attention in the OGREzine update:
"Plus, there is a fun article by Steve Jackson that will give everyone whole new ways to play the game."

Any official word on a release date for the entire 1st Edition of OGREzine?

When is everyone who had submissions approved for publishing going to be contacted with the 'finalizing acceptance'?
My last name is spelled Kauffman. It was spelled Kaufman in the new update. A common mistake.

Let's keep those Tread Units rolling! We should definitely start OGREzine issue 2!
I have more submissions in the works...Graphical, Variant Rules, Variant Units, Scenarios, and Game Aids.
I think once issue 1 is out it will inspire more submissions.
"So I stood my only hope to die as I had always lived-fighting" John Carter of Mars

Last edited by Tim Kauffman; 03-10-2018 at 11:01 PM.
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