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Old 05-23-2017, 11:26 AM   #1
Yako's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Germany
Default Custom Cardboard Miniatures

I recently made a set of Libre Office Documents to use as templates for printing out my own "Cardboard Heroes" and wanted to share them with the community. You can find them on my google drive and feel free to share the link elsewhere:

I use the GURPS Cardboard Heroes myself, but often found that they did not include (enough of) the figures I wanted or needed - and given how many people make pains to select or create a character picture, I also wanted to use those instead of assigning each a Cardboard Hero that at least somewhat came close.

They pretty much work like the original cardboard heroes, save for the fact that they do not have lines to fold them together at the bottom, these here are intended to be glued together at the bases.

I have made a variety of sizes and the different "tables" can be freely combined to make a sheet with figures of different sizes.

There is a little instruction in German and English and a file to more easily insert numbers or such for humanoid sized figures, but otherwise, it is pretty self explanatory.

I hope some of you may find them useful, there is also a sample sheet included with artwork from David Revoy, who has published a number of illustrations under the creative commons license.

If you have any feedback, feel free to comment or contact me, I am not sure how regularly I will check the thread though.

I hope you may find them useful!

Last edited by Yako; 08-05-2022 at 04:14 PM.
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cardboard heroes, game aids

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