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Old 05-17-2016, 06:56 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2015
Default "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Welcome to the OOC thread for my After The End campaign.

At this time, all of the player slots are full, but I encourage lurking. If someone has to drop from the game before it is done, I'd prefer to recruit someone who has been reading the threads and keeping up with the game. My next few posts will contain campaign details and rules that I will be making use of. Also, if you aren't one of the committed players and have questions about the game, please feel free to PM me.

And now, here is the current cast of characters:

Lee the Eel - Mutated Scavenger - played by GnomesofZurich
Dr. James Cole - Hardy Doc - played by RogerBW
Silas Longnecker - Hardy Hunter - played by Ransom
Corbin Drake - Hardy Trooper - played by Skullcrusher
Linford Cauldenhoff - Blessed Tech - played by ericthered
Hank Cafferty - Blessed Trader - played by Bogie1494

Please post the final build of your character in this thread, and I'll hyperlink your post in this one so I have easy reference to your characters.

Last edited by EskrimadorNC; 05-23-2016 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 05-17-2016, 07:06 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2015
Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC


• Bombs Away
• Things Fall Apart
• Walkers and Shufflers

Appropriate Hazards: Radiation, Chemicals and Munitions, Gangs, Paramilitaries, Zombies, Disease, Mutants

Max TL Reached: TL8 (~ Year 2020)

How long ago? 2 – 3 Generations (~70 years ago)

Location/Setting: Campaign will begin near the former US Appalachians, but will likely include travel well outside of that area. Campaign begins in early December, with cool/chilly weather as the norm (~mid to low 30s [Fahrenheit]), with light snowfall in the area.

Campaign Style:
-Heroic Realism with a dash of Gritty.

-Heroes Wanted with a dash of Shades of Gray
• The PCs need to be heroic and self-sacrificing, but most of the rest of the world is somewhere between good and evil...mostly just selfish.

General Background:
There was a great conventional war that wrought much destruction across the land. Small arms, bombs, missiles, and even precise tactical nukes devastated the land. But it was the plague that bought humanity to its knees. It is believed that some faction released a virus that soon affected most of the world’s population.

Starting Location: Raintown (previously Raintown, West Virginia, USA)
Population: 17 (+the PCs)

The Grey family
o Gaffer Grey (70’s) lame right leg, great story teller
o Lucius and Tristine Grey (40s) maintain chickens, pigs, and game/trapping
o Virge and Samus Grey (17 and 15) help with the animals and trapping
o Ben (11 or 12) unrelated – Virge and Samus ran into Ben a week ago while out trapping. Ben and his father were on their way to Summersville from Lexington when they were attacked by a black bear. Ben’s father was killed, but Ben managed to escape, though without any supplies. Lucius agreed to let Ben stay with them until the next caravan to Summersville comes through.

Bethesda Lott (70s), assistant to Dr. Cole, gathers herbs and curatives

Mitchum and Legit Gant (20s), young couple from Lexington
o Mitchum is a carpenter and woodsman who helps maintain the barn
o Legit helps Mitchum, does fine woodwork, and helps with other chores

The Kase family
o Landon and Ilsa Kase (30s) maintain a garden and grow fruits and vegetables
o Eugenie Banks (Ilsa’s mother, 50s), lost her left arm. Primary cook and helps with gardening
o Tabithina, Elizabetha, Marakis (11, 8, 5), Children who help with the garden

Navanni (late 20s, no last name): seamstress and shoemaker
o Cherish, (10): helps mom with sewing and shoemaking

Caleb Miller (late 20s): latecomer to camp. Young/Strong man, helps wherever it is needed, but no particular skillsets. Also helps guard/keep watch. Is courting Navanni

Last edited by EskrimadorNC; 05-19-2016 at 04:30 PM.
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Old 05-17-2016, 07:14 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2015
Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC


Campaign Dice roller:

Melee Weapon Skills have been simplified to the following list:
NOTE: All templates should replace existing Melee Weapon skills with the skills below

• One-Handed Balanced (DX/A)
o Defaults: DX-4, Two-Handed Balanced -2, One/Two-Handed Unbalanced -3
o Includes Swords, Sticks, and all other Balanced 1-handed weapons larger than a Knife
o Also includes any balanced one-handed improvised weapons

• One-Handed Unbalanced (DX/A)
o Defaults: DX-4, Two-Handed Unbalanced -2, One/Two-Handed Balanced -3
o Includes Axes, Maces, weighted clubs, etc.
o Also includes any unbalanced one-handed improvised weapons

• Two-Handed Balanced (DX/A)
o Defaults: DX-4, One-Handed Balanced -2, One/Two-Handed Unbalanced -3
o Includes two-handed Swords, Staves, Spears, and Balanced Polearms
o Also includes any balanced two-handed improvised weapons

• Two-Handed Unbalanced (DX/A)
o Defaults: DX-4, One-Handed Unbalanced -2, One/Two-Handed Balanced -3
o Includes Great Axes, Warhammers, Mauls, and Un-balanced Polearms
o Also includes any unbalanced two-handed improvised weapons

• Chain/Flexible Weapons (DX/H)
o Defaults: DX-5
o Includes Kusaris, One and Two-handed Flails, Whips, and other Flexible weapons
o Also includes any improvised chain/flexible weapons

• Knife (DX/E)
o As Knife skill on B208, but including weapons formerly covered by Main-Gauche and Sai/Jitte.

Revised Ranged Combat Modifiers:
• See Douglas Cole's Quick and Dirty Guns Combat

Blunt Trauma and Edged Weapons
-Cutting damage that exceeds Armor DR but do not exceed 2x DR deal CRUSHING damage.
-Cutting attacks that exceeds 2x DR deal normal cutting damage (1.5x mod).

No School Grognard Blog
-After The End skill cheat sheet
-Easier Armor Design
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Old 05-18-2016, 06:11 AM   #4
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Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Dr James Cole, Hardy Doc
250 points
Cole is from a medical family - they say the original Richard Cole was a doctor before the End, and laid up a store of teaching materials as things were falling apart. James is no blood relation, but he passed the tests and ordeals of the Medical School and gained the Name of Cole, before setting out to help others. He's not a fighter, though he can look after himself with a pistol or throw grenades; but most people don't want to kill a doc who's going to help patch up their wounded after the fight even if he was fighting on the other side.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 14 [40].
Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 14 [0]; Basic Speed 5.75 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].
Advantages: Combat Reflexes () [15]; Doc (After the End; Effective Skill 12) [0]; Doc - Experienced (After The End; Effective Skill 12) [0]; Hardy (After the End) [0]; Healer 4 [40]; High Manual Dexterity 1 [5]; Higher Purpose (Heal others) [5]; Immunity to Disease [10]; Luck [15]; Resistant to Poison (+3 to resist) [5]; Very Fit [15]; Very Rapid Healing [15].
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]; Easy to Read [-10]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Post-Combat Shakes [-5*]; Sense of Duty (Friends & Companions; Small Group) [-5]; Shyness (Mild) [-5]; Xenophilia [-10*].
Quirks: Horrible Hangovers [-1]; Nosy [-1]; Uncongenial [-1].
Skills: Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ+1 [2]-14; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-10; Diagnosis/TL (Human) (H) IQ+4 [4]-17†; Diplomacy (H) IQ-2 [2]-11; Driving/TL (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-10; Electronics Operation/TL (Medical) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Expert Skill (Mutants) (H) IQ-2 [1]-11; Guns/TL (Pistol) (E) DX+2 [4]-13; Hazardous Materials/TL (Biological) (A) IQ+1 [4]-14; Hazardous Materials/TL (Chemical) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Hazardous Materials/TL (Radioactive) (A) IQ [2]-13; Knife (E) DX+1 [2]-12; Naturalist (Earth) (H) IQ-2 [1]-11; Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-12; Pharmacy/TL (Herbal) (H) IQ+2 [1]-15†; Pharmacy/TL (Synthetic) (H) IQ+4 [4]-17†; Physician/TL (Human) (H) IQ+5 [8]-18†; Poisons/TL (H) IQ-1 [1]-12; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-14; Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-12; Surgery/TL (Human) (VH) IQ+4 [8]-17†; Survival (Mountain) (A) Per [2]-13; Throwing (A) DX+1 [4]-12; Veterinary/TL (H) IQ+2 [1]-15†; Weather Sense (A) IQ-1 [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.
† Includes +4 from Healer.

Last edited by RogerBW; 05-18-2016 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 05-18-2016, 08:59 AM   #5
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Linford Cauldenhoff
Mechanic and fixer-upper

ST 10        HP 10
DX 11 [20]    Will 12 [-10]
IQ 14 [80]    Per 15 [5]
HT 12 [20]    FP 12

Speed 6 [5]  move 6

Advantages [120]
Artificer 1 [10]
Veristile [5]
Single Minded [5]
High Manual DX 1 [5]

Intuitive Math [5]
Eidetic Memory [5]
Gadgeteer [25]

Luck 1 [15]
Serendipidy 2 [30]
2 Gizmos [10]
Doodad (perk level gizmo) 1 [1]

Resistant to disease +3 [3]

Disadvantages [-40]
Compulsive Gadgeteering (CR 12) [-5]
Intolerance (Luddites) [-5]
Chummy [-5]
Truthfulness (CR 12) [-5]
Skinny [-5]
Sense of Duty (Freinds) [-5]
Stubborness [-5]
Quirks (To be anounced, developed, and so forth) [-5]

Skills [49]
Scrounging        Per    E    16    [2]
Electrician        IQ    A    14    [1]
Machinist        IQ    A    14    [1]
Armory (Melee)        IQ    A    16    [4]
Armory (Small Arms)        IQ    A    16    [4]
Mechanic (Automobiles)        IQ    A    16    [4]
Electronics Repair (medical)        IQ    A    16    [4]
Armory (Body Armor)        IQ    A    16    [4]

Engineer (Materials)        IQ    H    13    [1]
Engineer (Small Arms)        IQ    H    13    [1]
Engineer (Electronics)        IQ    H    13    [1]
Chemistry        IQ    H    12    [1]
Pharmacy (Synthetic)        IQ    H    12    [1]
Engineer (Automobiles)        IQ    H    13    [1]

Melee (Balanced two hand)        DX    A    12    [4]
Brawling        DX    E    13    [4]

Survival (Forest)        Per    A    15    [2]
Merchant        IQ    A    14    [2]
Anthropology        IQ    H    13    [2]
Architechture        IQ    A    14    [2]

Navigation (Land)        IQ    A    13    [1]
Hiking        HT    A    11    [1]
Lockpicking        IQ    A    13    [1]
Fast Talk        IQ    A    13    [1]
Traps        IQ    A    13    [1]
Linford is an older sort of guy with a faint 'geezer' quality to him.
Be helpful, not pedantic

Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 05-18-2016, 01:54 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Kansas, USA
Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Henry “Hank” Cafferty: Trader+Experienced+Blessed

Basic premise: Hank is a traveling merchant in his mid-thirties dealing in common items used in settlements. He is also a self-appointed arbitrator, trying to bring some sense of order to settlements in the region. He prefers traveling in groups for several reasons. 1) He hates fighting, preferring to settle things with words whenever possible. Groups tend to offer a measure of determent against those looking for a fight. 2) He hates being alone. He was lost in a cave for two days as a child, and the lack of human contact severely scarred him. Hank’s last job nearly killed him when the negotiations turned bloody and the settlement was nearly burned to the ground. He had to dig his way out of a burning building as it collapsed. He lost nearly everything at the settlement, and is trying to replace his lost wares and now tarnished reputation.

Attributes:  [130]
		ST 10 [0]	HP 10 [0]	RP 10 [0]
		DX 12 [40]	Will 13 [-5]	LFP ____
		IQ 14 [80]	Per 14 [0]
		HT 11 [10]	FP 11 [0]
Basic Speed: 6 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0]
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs; 

Advantages: [110]
Absolute Direction [5]; Charisma (1) [5]; Eidetic Memory [5]; 
Extraordinary Luck [30]; No Hangovers [1]; Reputation (+3) [5]; 
Resistant to Disease (+3) [3]; Serendipity (2) [30]; 
Smooth Operator (1) [15]; Temperature Tolerance (+1) [1]; Voice [10]

Disadvantages: [-45]
Chummy [-5]; Curious (12) [-5]; Pacifism: Cannot Harm 
Innocents [-10]; Post-Combat Shakes (9) [-10]; Sense of 
Duty (Friends) [-5]; Xenophilia (12) [-10] 

Quirks: [-5]
•	Code of Honor: Treat animals as you would a friend.
•	Delusion:  “A GMO’s pollen caused the Pandemic, not a virus.”
•	Dislike:  Locked rooms.
•	Distinctive Feature: Heterochromia
•	Responsive

Skills: [60]                                   Base  Adv  Total   
•	Acting				(A)	IQ+0 (+1) [2]-15
•	Animal Handling (Equine)	(A) 	IQ+0      [2]-14
•	Boating (Canoe)			(A)	DX-1      [1]-11
•	Boating (Sail)			(A)	DX-1      [1]-11
•	Body Language			(A)	Per+0     [2]-14
•	Bolas				(A)	DX+1      [4]-13
•	Camouflage			(E)	IQ+0      [1]-13
•	Climbing			(A)	DX-1      [1]-11
•	Crossbow			(E)	DX+2      [4]-14
•	Current Affairs (Appalachia)	(E)	IQ+1      [2]-15
•	Detect Lies			(H)	Per-1(+1) [2]-14
•	Diplomacy			(H)	IQ-1 (+3) [2]-16
•	Disguise			(A)	IQ+0      [2]-14
•	Fast-Talk			(A)	IQ+0 (+3) [2]-17
•	Gambling			(A) 	IQ+0      [2]-14
•	Hiking				(A)	HT+1      [4]-12
•	Knife 				(E) 	DX+1      [2]-13
•	Knot-Tying			(E)	DX+0      [1]-12
•	Leadership			(A)	IQ-0 (+2) [2]-16
•	Merchant			(A) 	IQ+2      [8]-16
•	Mimicry (Speech)		(H)	IQ-1 (+2) [2]-15
•	Public Speaking			(A)	IQ+1 (+4) [4]-19
•	Sleight of Hand			(H)	DX-2      [1]-10
•	Streetwise			(A) 	IQ+0 (+1) [2]-15
•	Survival (Forest)		(A)     Per+0     [2]-14
•	Swimming			(E)	HT+1      [2]-12

Other (unlearned) Skill Bonus:
  • Carousing +1
  • Fortune-Telling +1
  • Intimidation +1
  • Panhandling +2
  • Performance +2
  • Politics +3
  • Savoir-Faire +1
  • Sex-Appeal +3
  • Singing +2
-- "What monstrosities would walk these streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds." Eric Hoffer

Last edited by Bogie1494; 05-19-2016 at 05:40 PM. Reason: Added advantage skill modification
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Old 05-18-2016, 06:40 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2015
Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Originally Posted by Bogie1494 View Post
Henry “Hank” Cafferty: Trader+Experienced+Blessed

Not sure if you have it written down some other place, but don't forget the skill bonuses you get from Voice, Smooth Operator, and Charisma. I think it puts your Public Speaking, somewhere around 19, and gives quite a few points to other skills.

Just don't forget to add that stuff into your effective skill when making a skill roll.
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Old 05-19-2016, 01:45 PM   #8
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Location: Kansas, USA
Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Originally Posted by EskrimadorNC View Post
Not sure if you have it written down some other place, but don't forget the skill bonuses you get from Voice, Smooth Operator, and Charisma. I think it puts your Public Speaking, somewhere around 19, and gives quite a few points to other skills.

Just don't forget to add that stuff into your effective skill when making a skill roll.
Thanks for the reminder. Those do give bonuses to 8 of my skills. I have what each advantage does written on my physical sheet, but I was not sure if their skill modifications should be listed in the skills section as a combined total or just "added" as a bonus to the roll.

Also, how do the advantages affect a skill I get a bonus to, but do not have? For instance with Smooth Operator and Voice I have a +3 to Politics. I don't have that skill though.
-- "What monstrosities would walk these streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds." Eric Hoffer
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Old 05-19-2016, 01:59 PM   #9
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Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Originally Posted by Bogie1494 View Post
Thanks for the reminder. Those do give bonuses to 8 of my skills. I have what each advantage does written on my physical sheet, but I was not sure if their skill modifications should be listed in the skills section as a combined total or just "added" as a bonus to the roll.
The usual approach is to include it if it always counts, and footnote it if it's situational.

Originally Posted by Bogie1494 View Post
Also, how do the advantages affect a skill I get a bonus to, but do not have? For instance with Smooth Operator and Voice I have a +3 to Politics. I don't have that skill though.
Your default is 3 points higher than it would otherwise be.
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Old 05-19-2016, 04:01 PM   #10
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Location: Kansas, USA
Default Re: "...and the road becomes my Bride." OOC

Originally Posted by RogerBW View Post
The usual approach is to include it if it always counts, and footnote it if it's situational.

Your default is 3 points higher than it would otherwise be.
Got it. That makes sense, thanks. It appears they are always added on so I will make adjustments to my sheets.
-- "What monstrosities would walk these streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds." Eric Hoffer
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