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Old 03-18-2006, 06:51 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Weird Bug!

Just installed the 232-287 patch. Each time I start GCA or go into full-edit window the program tries to start the setup app for TurboCAD, which is another InstallShield package! GCA still works, but it's annoying. I tried uninstalling GCA, but it still happens.
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Old 03-19-2006, 11:34 AM   #2
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Default Re: Weird Bug!

Originally Posted by Cypher
Just installed the 232-287 patch. Each time I start GCA or go into full-edit window the program tries to start the setup app for TurboCAD, which is another InstallShield package! GCA still works, but it's annoying. I tried uninstalling GCA, but it still happens.
It sounds to me like Windows may have cross-linked something. (And GCA is installed by a WISE installer, by the way, not InstallShield.)

Does windows also try to launch the TurboCAD setup when you open up the Protection window? If so, then I suspect that Windows has cross-linked the SmartUI control with the TurboCad setup program, somehow. (The SmarUI control is what does the toolbars now, as well as the property sheet on the Protection window, and the Save to Data File... button on the Full edit window).

This is a little bit outside my area, since it seems to deal with how Windows identifies things. Does anyone else have any help to offer here?

I would suggest trying to uninstall and reinstall TurboCad. Since doing so with GCA didn't help, maybe that will. Unfortunately, if InstallShield has some sort of auto-install system, it may also be a case of linked CLSIDs (although I don't even know if that's possible), which won't be cleared by uninstalling, thanks to Windows' stupid registry.

And be sure to reboot a few times. Once just to see if that helps, and definitely after the uninstall of TurboCad, to see if GCA will run without calling up the setup program (which it may still do, if it's InstallShield, and not TurboCad, which is the real culprit).

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Old 03-19-2006, 01:43 PM   #3
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Default Re: Weird Bug!

I work in internal tech support, and for some reason we see this constantly with Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.3 and Windows Messenger 5.1 - try to open a PDF and the Windows Messenger installer tries to run.

Usually this is solved by removing Windows Messenger (ie the program that Windows tries to install) and all it's .MSI files (windows installer files), reboot, and then reinstalling it from fresh installers.

In your case, I'd suggest removing TurboCAD, not GCA. It's not an issue with GCA, so much as windows has gone temporarily insane.

And the windows installer DOES have an autoinstall thingamy, which is probably at fault in these situations, but I haven't got a clue what the deal "under the hood" here. I just have symptoms to work with.
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Old 03-19-2006, 03:05 PM   #4
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Default Re: Weird Bug!

Thanks, Bruno!

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