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Old 09-24-2014, 12:13 PM   #1
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Default Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision


I was thinking about a "Ultimate Vision Advantage", mergint both Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision. But I'm unsure of how to do it.

I mean, sure, I can just take both for full price. But's when you have Hyperspectral Vision for 25 points, paying another 25 for Dark Vision it seems too much. It doesn't seems to be cost-effective.

I also know I can get one as the main advantage (probably the HSV) and use the other as an alternative ability for something like 5 points.

But I was wondering if there would be other alternatives. Something like a HSV Enhancement maybe, I don't know.

What do you guys think?

Anyway, sorry for any english mistakes!

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Old 09-24-2014, 01:08 PM   #2
Bramble Thorn
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

I would think if you had both extensions and could see the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum, you would have effective darkvision all the time, barring extreme circumstances.

I saw a science show where they lit up the sky with all the cosmic rays we cannot see, and there was no black in the sky. And many of those rays can pass through matter so you can see them indoors.
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Old 09-24-2014, 01:32 PM   #3
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

Unless you have the disadvantage No Body Heat, just being in the room will cause you to emit some thermal radiation. That said, taking both enhancements on Hyperspectral Vision would allow you to see in some frequency of light in 99.99999999% of situations. And that tiny fraction is you having No Body Heat in an area at 0° Kelvin (absolute zero).
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Old 09-24-2014, 01:34 PM   #4
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

Originally Posted by Bramble Thorn View Post
I would think if you had both extensions and could see the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum, you would have effective darkvision all the time, barring extreme circumstances.

I saw a science show where they lit up the sky with all the cosmic rays we cannot see, and there was no black in the sky. And many of those rays can pass through matter so you can see them indoors.
Dark Vision and Hyperspectral Vision have different benefits. Both allow you to see in the dark, but in different ways. As far I know, in a total darkness, someone with Dark Vision would see better.

HSV, B60:

Hyperspectral Vision grants nearperfect night vision: you suffer no vision or combat penalties if there is any light at all. In total darkness, it functions exactly like Infravision.
And Infravision, also B60:

This lets you fight at no penalty even in absolute darkness, if your target emits heat (this includes all living beings and most machines). It also gives you +2 on all Vision rolls to spot such targets, since their heat stands out from the background.


Infravision does not let you distinguish colors, and only allows you to judge the general size and shape of heat-emitting objects, including living beings (for instance, you might have trouble telling two people of the same size apart). Roll at -4 to distinguish objects of similar size and shape.
Whyle, Dark Vision, in B47:

You can see in absolute darkness using some means other than light, radar, or sonar. You suffer no skill penalties for darkness, no matter what its origin. However, you cannot see colors in the dark.
Again, both allow you to see in total darkness. And you can not distinguish colors on either, not without a enhancements. But the benefits of each is distinct.

My point is: It doesn't seems to be cost-effective to have both. Since you already see in the dark somehow, the benefit of adding another full-cost advantage seems little. That's why I was thinking in merging both advantages somehow.
“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.”
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Old 09-24-2014, 01:54 PM   #5
Philosopher Rogue
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

Seeing in color requires the presence of visible spectrum light... That's just physics. Add a modifier to interpret non-visual spectrum light into its regular "colors".

I'd suggest using whatever the modifier is for Radio Hearing to translate radio waves into something that makes sense.
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Old 09-24-2014, 02:07 PM   #6
Bramble Thorn
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

Originally Posted by Philosopher Rogue View Post
Seeing in color requires the presence of visible spectrum light... That's just physics. Add a modifier to interpret non-visual spectrum light into its regular "colors".

I'd suggest using whatever the modifier is for Radio Hearing to translate radio waves into something that makes sense.
Actually, no. Colors happen because when light strikes an object, there is an interaction, and some energy is absorbed, and this shifts the rest of the energy.

I would think something similar would happen if you are able to detect minute differences in the light due to it interacting with matter; if you could not you would not be able to use the light to see.

So you would be seeing colors by default, far more colors than ROYGBIV. Colors we have no experience with, because we cannot natively perceive them. Remember, radio waves ARE visible to the person we are talking about.
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Old 09-24-2014, 03:19 PM   #7
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

This is slightly more advantageous than taking Hyperspectral Vision [25] and then Dark Vision as an AA [5, or 6 with color]. As such, "Dark Sight" might make a reasonable (if completely unrealistic) special enhancement for Hyperspectral Vision at +30% for B&W or +40% for color. That works out to +8 points or +10 points, which seems fair considering the hefty degree of overlap.
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Old 09-24-2014, 04:19 PM   #8
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

My suggestion is to go from passive to active "seeing." When there is no source of photons, you emit your own and see the reflection. That would just be a 0-point feature on Dark Vision, but it might be a plausible enhancement to Hypersight. Maybe +20%?
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Old 09-24-2014, 04:29 PM   #9
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

Originally Posted by Not View Post
My suggestion is to go from passive to active "seeing." When there is no source of photons, you emit your own and see the reflection. That would just be a 0-point feature on Dark Vision, but it might be a plausible enhancement to Hypersight. Maybe +20%?
Having a temperature above 0° Kelvin implies emitting photons in the infrared range. Unless you have No Body Heat and you are in an environment of absolute zero, Infravision will at least let you navigate through a cave. Sure, you can't tell which gem is green and which is red, but, you won't step into the open death pit.
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Old 09-24-2014, 04:36 PM   #10
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Default Re: Merging Hyperspectral Vision and Dark Vision

Originally Posted by Philosopher Rogue View Post
Seeing in color requires the presence of visible spectrum light... That's just physics. Add a modifier to interpret non-visual spectrum light into its regular "colors".

I'd suggest using whatever the modifier is for Radio Hearing to translate radio waves into something that makes sense.
Seeing at all requires "visible" light by definition. Dark vision is magical so can operate by nano scale pixies for all we know.
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