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Old 04-02-2024, 12:10 PM   #1811
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter greets Tar-Bilik, and sets about his business of delivering messages, gathering charms and info to bring home, and snooping about information on the war and if they are reviving the fallen Arn-Oda. Any updates on Ink-Thur?

He will try and see if Iliphi-Phili, the god of mathematics can give him some tips or tutoring while he is there as well.

If Peter runs into Yal Pona, he will ask about her if being goddess of the wild gives her special insights into nature she might be able to teach? Can she talk to Goliath (and other critters)?

They were able to embed some information in the charms before, can they teach Peter to do that? Could be useful to imprint the info rather than have to memorize it.

Peter will offer to demonstrate and try to teach Yaka to Tar-Billik. He is interested to know if a 'god' can do it, or are vulnerable to the Voice (which he will only test with informed permission!) and if he can tie it in to their energies.

Peter also explains the situation as he understands it with Helmut, the black flame empowered dead man, and his desire to flip his power source and if that's possible. He also demonstrates his progress with creation, and how he can use it to support the other magics... Maybe that sort of thing can help everyone if they can figure out how to adapt to another energy source. Maybe they can help Helmut and win their war at the same time.

He also wants to be sure and see An-kona to say hello and socialize.


Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 04-03-2024 at 03:35 PM.
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Old 04-05-2024, 11:36 AM   #1812
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter greets Tar-Bilik, and sets about his business of delivering messages, gathering charms and info to bring home, and snooping about information on the war and if they are reviving the fallen Arn-Oda. Any updates on Ink-Thur?
He also wants to be sure and see An-kona to say hello and socialize.
There is no new news on the war or Arn-Oda. Tar-Bilik gently says its been this way for months. An-Kona says that's why they've been meeting late at night so often, trying to figure out what to do next.

He will try and see if Iliphi-Phili, the god of mathematics can give him some tips or tutoring while he is there as well.
Iliphi-Phili is happy to be paid for tutoring. He regrets that he cannot simply touch Peter and grant him the knowledge, like he once could: this realm is simply too hungry for divine power. He is a brilliant teacher, with a way of saying things that just stick in your head, though he says that "Mathematics must be Earned. It is the product of both brilliance and labor."

If Peter runs into Yal Pona, he will ask about her if being goddess of the wild gives her special insights into nature she might be able to teach? Can she talk to Goliath (and other critters)?
Yal Pona: "when I am in my full power and proper realm, yes, I speak with wild animals, and some tame ones. And even give them the gift of speach. But Alas, we must hoard our power here until we can return."

They were able to embed some information in the charms before, can they teach Peter to do that? Could be useful to imprint the info rather than have to memorize it.
It requires some of their precious power, one of the reasons asking for it is a great way to learn secrets. Peter's energy reserves don't hold enough to do that.

Peter will offer to demonstrate and try to teach Yaka to Tar-Billik. He is interested to know if a 'god' can do it, or are vulnerable to the Voice (which he will only test with informed permission!) and if he can tie it in to their energies.
Tar-Bilik is... reluctantly willing. He cannot do Yaka, and he is resistant but not immune to the voice. They can't hook the energy up.

Peter also explains the situation as he understands it with Helmut, the black flame empowered dead man, and his desire to flip his power source and if that's possible. He also demonstrates his progress with creation, and how he can use it to support the other magics... Maybe that sort of thing can help everyone if they can figure out how to adapt to another energy source. Maybe they can help Helmut and win their war at the same time.
Helmut: "Do you have a way to show me what this "black flame" is like? That does sound like the magic of the divine. I would expect they have a realm much like our old realm where these powers live and that is the source of the energy."

"You do not have the capacity to fuel such magic, even with your progress at creation. But perhaps I can think of a way to find an energy source for your friend... if we had our realm, perhaps we could do it... though that might begin a fight between us, which would be a bad thing."
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Old 04-05-2024, 12:11 PM   #1813
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There is no new news on the war or Arn-Oda. Tar-Bilik gently says its been this way for months. An-Kona says that's why they've been meeting late at night so often, trying to figure out what to do next.
Peter will gather the messages for the mortal followers that are available.
Iliphi-Phili is happy to be paid for tutoring. He regrets that he cannot simply touch Peter and grant him the knowledge, like he once could: this realm is simply too hungry for divine power. He is a brilliant teacher, with a way of saying things that just stick in your head, though he says that "Mathematics must be Earned. It is the product of both brilliance and labor."
There were several gods working on establishing trade for Peter, so he should be pretty flush for an hour of tutoring... I would think the expense would be negligible against that of taking a message across the dimensions.
Yal Pona: "when I am in my full power and proper realm, yes, I speak with wild animals, and some tame ones. And even give them the gift of speach. But Alas, we must hoard our power here until we can return."
Darn. Oh well!

Helmut: "Do you have a way to show me what this "black flame" is like? That does sound like the magic of the divine. I would expect they have a realm much like our old realm where these powers live and that is the source of the energy."

"You do not have the capacity to fuel such magic, even with your progress at creation. But perhaps I can think of a way to find an energy source for your friend... if we had our realm, perhaps we could do it... though that might begin a fight between us, which would be a bad thing."
Sounds like negotiation with the Light will be required to replace the flame...

Peter socializes and studies with his godly companions until he can dream back to Thuroma to work on what's next.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 04-06-2024 at 11:04 AM.
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Old 04-08-2024, 10:23 AM   #1814
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will gather the messages for the mortal followers that are available.
This goes as expected.

There were several gods working on establishing trade for Peter, so he should be pretty flush for an hour of tutoring... I would think the expense would be negligible against that of taking a message across the dimensions.
Yeah, he's pretty wealthy at this point. For living in a bunch of huts.

Darn. Oh well!
It was a good question. And emphasizes just how much is riding on Ink-Thur and his expedition.

Sounds like negotiation with the Light will be required to replace the flame...
That... should be interesting.


Peter socializes and studies with his godly companions until he can dream back to Thuroma to work on what's next.
Peter has two nights of uninterrupted sleep. And then... He dreams...

OCC: setting up the world deserves its own post.
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Old 04-08-2024, 12:07 PM   #1815
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
This goes as expected.
If it comes up, Peter continues to resist any attempts to get him to accept scratches or tattooes. If he feels uncomfortable with the volume and length of messages, he will raise prices... in fact...
Yeah, he's pretty wealthy at this point. For living in a bunch of huts.
Let's loop in those commerce gods interested in helping out before... they might find it entertaining to build Peter's business and brand among the gods.

If they have not already arranged it, Peter will have a place he will write down messages he is unable to deliver (the recipient may not always be around after all).
It was a good question. And emphasizes just how much is riding on Ink-Thur and his expedition.
When Peter is able, he will have to see if he can turn his visions to Ink-Thur's expedition.
Peter has two nights of uninterrupted sleep. And then... He dreams...

OCC: setting up the world deserves its own post.
Ooooh, am I getting a shiny new one! Can't wait!

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Old 04-10-2024, 11:05 AM   #1816
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter Dreams.

Peter dreams of a storm at sea. Lightening flashes. Huge waves drive up on the shore. Howling winds drive rain with such intensity as to impair visibility, their sound periodically interrupted by thunder. He dreams of cliffs rising above the ocean, and of a sandy beaches between them. He's familiar with only the most classic plants being whipped about, like the palms loosing their fronds in the winds.

The storm isn't only physical in nature: Peter can sense magic in the air. Brief momentary portals ripple in and out of existence in the howling storm. Peter even senses what feels like an Infinity Conveyor arrive.

He dreams of strange leather pods over four feet long thrown onto the beach, and of a giant leather and ivory structure shaped like a blimp sinking in the waves.

He dreams of a conveyor, tipped over so that its door is trapped underneath.

He dreams of a modern fishing boat caught in the storm. The men inside are terrified, drenched in their ponchos and trying to keep the boat from being swamped

He dreams of hovels made of splintered wood and galvanized sheets. Some have held up, most haven't. The inhabitants run from the beach and the site of the ruin, looking for shelter. They wear warm weather clothing, t-shirts, and sandals.

He dreams of old fashioned thick wooden table, where a single finely balanced domino-like wooded totem falls on a map. On it is carved "Minder", by hand.

He dreams of two men and a woman standing outside of a tent in the storm, watching it as it whips their cloaks and tunics. One of them is holding a tiny spell that seems to hold a piece of the essence of the storm in it. The woman appears regal in the storm. The last man Peter recognizes from statues... from the statues littered all over Thuroma. From the statues especially in the temple complex. From the statues of Ink-Thur.

Peter feels himself dragged into the storm... he's unable to steer himself. Somehow, it has caught him.

When he wakes, the storm is over. He is soaked to his skin, as is goliath. The air is brisk and cool. The short beach is littered with debris, mostly sea weed, driftwood, and the remnants of four or five of those wood and galvinized steel shacks.

He thinks he can tell which way east is: the storm was at night, he thinks. The south end of the beach has two leather pods on it, and ends in forbidding cliffs. The north end has most of the wrecked shacks, including what looks like clothing. Its cliffs end in a series of tide-pools that he should be able to walk along. The beach is only about 50 yards only. Out to sea, he can see the other side of a bay, facing south. Behind him, the beach runs steeply up, and it looks like he can get even goliath up to the top.
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Old 04-10-2024, 06:23 PM   #1817
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter Dreams.

Peter dreams of a storm at sea. Lightening flashes. Huge waves drive up on the shore. Howling winds drive rain with such intensity as to impair visibility, their sound periodically interrupted by thunder. He dreams of cliffs rising above the ocean, and of a sandy beaches between them. He's familiar with only the most classic plants being whipped about, like the palms loosing their fronds in the winds.

The storm isn't only physical in nature: Peter can sense magic in the air. Brief momentary portals ripple in and out of existence in the howling storm. Peter even senses what feels like an Infinity Conveyor arrive.
He dreams of strange leather pods over four feet long thrown onto the beach, and of a giant leather and ivory structure shaped like a blimp sinking in the waves.
Some sort of escape "pods" I presume... Lovely!
He dreams of a conveyor, tipped over so that its door is trapped underneath.
Is this another location, or is the conveyor on the beach here?

He dreams of a modern fishing boat caught in the storm. The men inside are terrified, drenched in their ponchos and trying to keep the boat from being swamped
Any sign of the boat in the morning?
He dreams of old fashioned thick wooden table, where a single finely balanced domino-like wooded totem falls on a map. On it is carved "Minder", by hand.
Is this a location change? or does the table seem to be in the tent?
He dreams of two men and a woman standing outside of a tent in the storm, watching it as it whips their cloaks and tunics. One of them is holding a tiny spell that seems to hold a piece of the essence of the storm in it. The woman appears regal in the storm. The last man Peter recognizes from statues... from the statues littered all over Thuroma. From the statues especially in the temple complex. From the statues of Ink-Thur.
Peter wonders if this one belongs to the Thuroma he knows... there was a second Arn Oda after all!

He thinks he can tell which way east is: the storm was at night, he thinks. The south end of the beach has two leather pods on it, and ends in forbidding cliffs. The north end has most of the wrecked shacks, including what looks like clothing. Its cliffs end in a series of tide-pools that he should be able to walk along. The beach is only about 50 yards only. Out to sea, he can see the other side of a bay, facing south. Behind him, the beach runs steeply up, and it looks like he can get even goliath up to the top.
Peter is most immediately concerned with anyone who might be in danger... but he realizes there must have been hours between his dream and his waking, so another 20 minutes is unlikely to make a big difference.

Peter heads over to the wrecked shacks and secures clothing, and anything he might be able to use as a tool or weapon should it come to it.

If no people have returned to the beach, he will go ahead and investigate the other peculiarities before seeking out the beach-folk.

If the location of the conveyor is apparent and close, he will investigate that first to see if there are occupants that can be liberated and if not, he will go investigate the pods.
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Old 04-11-2024, 11:54 AM   #1818
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Is this another location, or is the conveyor on the beach here?
A different beach.

Any sign of the boat in the morning?
Not yet. Visibility is still poor.

Is this a location change? or does the table seem to be in the tent?
This is a location change.

Peter is most immediately concerned with anyone who might be in danger... but he realizes there must have been hours between his dream and his waking, so another 20 minutes is unlikely to make a big difference.

Peter heads over to the wrecked shacks and secures clothing, and anything he might be able to use as a tool or weapon should it come to it.
The clothing is all soaked and covered in sand, but there is a good amount of it, and its in good shape otherwise. He can wear a blank white t-shirt, a pink button-up shirt, or a blue shirt proudly proclaiming "Nike". He can get sweat pants, shorts, or jeans. Underwear is available too, if he wants it.

There is a bunch of wooden planks, if those count as "tools". The electronics all seem ruined, and there isn't much at all: just a TV and radio. There are several machetes, a flat-ended shovel, metal dishes, a stove (and propane tank), a kerosene lamp with its glass broken, and some loose electric cable.

If no people have returned to the beach, he will go ahead and investigate the other peculiarities before seeking out the beach-folk.
what/which peculiarities? I'm not sure what counts... I suppose I removed a bunch of them. I need to know what he does as soon as he's done gathering up the stuff.
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Old 04-11-2024, 12:26 PM   #1819
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
what/which peculiarities? I'm not sure what counts... I suppose I removed a bunch of them. I need to know what he does as soon as he's done gathering up the stuff.
I was specifying ion the follow up sentence, the peculiarities were the possible things to investigate as I was unsure what was on the beach here.
  • Conveyor
  • Tent
  • Ship
  • Pods

as I wasn't sure if the conveyor, boat, tent or anything else to investigate other than the pods, so I was saying if the conveyor was not there, he would investigate the pods.

Peter will shake the sand out the clothing as best he can and dress in the underwear, jeans and tee shirt and bring the machete and shovel with him to investigate the pods. He can come back for a plank or anything else if he needs leverage or some such.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 04-11-2024 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 04-12-2024, 10:10 AM   #1820
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

oh, and flip flops if you want them. Forgot that. sorry!

As Peter approaches the pod, he senses a very very weak magical signal coming from it. Its not an effect he's seen before. Maybe its most similar to the animating force of the Karana smoke?

The pod has no stitches, though it has what looks like holes in its surface from the original animal. Not that the animal is recognizable, and the holes come in odd numbers, and look like very small nostrils. A single seam runs over 270 degrees in a sort of crooked smile. With five teeth or claws studded along the seem. This might be a living creature rather than a leather object.

The pod is shaped like a rounded cylinder, four feet in diameter and three feet high.
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