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Old 12-02-2023, 02:15 PM   #1661
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"I don't know what the other choice might be yet, I'm just getting the hang of things around here. Can you explain what you mean by your 'balance'? How does this work? Does an 'offering' have to die? You say it's a someone... is there a ritual? Is there a way you can be sure you stay in balance? You say the village is safe, buit what happens when you go out of balance and there are no bad guys around? I think we should talk to your brother. If you can convince him that I am one of these cursed people but I'm okay, he should be able to accept you."

Peter thinks about the bringing him back part... He has no idea, but wonders about if the source of the magic can somehow be transplanted so that he was fueled by the light instead of the black flame of Kailasol.
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Old 12-04-2023, 02:23 PM   #1662
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"My Balance of Good and Evil. I've finally saved lives. The balance of my life. Or my death, as the case my be. Kailasol would probably prefer for it to be negative, but that will not effect the bond."

"The Offering is given to Kailasol. It is a life, taken from their heart though my arm to feed the black flame. Yes, I kill them, and feed their life to a dark power. That is the price of my continued existence. I will feel when more is required."

"If I tell Gerwin, he will attempt to destroy me. Or he will destroy my opinion of him. He should not try to let me live. I will not make him make that choice. It was painful enough for me."
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Old 12-05-2023, 06:58 AM   #1663
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will ask him how long he's existed this way, and see if he can get any more detail on how often he needs to "refuel" than "when I need to".

He tells Helmut he has much to think about and assures his he will keep his secret while he tries to figure out how to help him.

Peter is quietly hoping that he was here to deal with the cursed one, and that he will jump away and not have to deal with Helmut's moral quagmire.
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Old 12-05-2023, 08:39 AM   #1664
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Helmut: "Its been Seven months. I've given five offerings in that time. the first three were with... the people who made this bond."

The conversation ends, and Helmut goes back to digging his brother's ditch.

As night falls, Gerwin and Luitwin approach Peter and ask how long he needs to stay. They express gratitude for his help, and say we can stay one or three days longer than they had initially given him. The Man who was once a beast also approaches him and says in his thick accent:

"They say you worked hard to save my life. Thank you. I am in your debt. I would like to travel with you and help you as best I can. My name is Landolf."
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Last edited by ericthered; 12-05-2023 at 08:51 AM.
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Old 12-06-2023, 06:53 AM   #1665
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter doesn't give a time of departure and prefers to play it by ear for a few more days.

He would like to be able to say he is leaving tonight, but since he can't be sure, he doesn't want to create the expectation and then end up remaining here.

Peter tells Landolf he owes him nothing and he would have done it for anyone. He appreciates the gesture, but he and Goliath travel alone. (When they leave, he can feel free and try and follow, Peter laughs to himself at the thought...)
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Old 12-06-2023, 09:45 AM   #1666
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter, hoping to leave tonight, is thinking about things he needs to do that aren't here, and has an idea about solving Helmut's problem. The Gods in the divine village might know about this sort of thing: he's seen that at least some of the magic between here and Thuroma is similar.

Landolf asks if no debt is owed, could he travel with them as a favor: the world is a dangerous place.

OCC: Would you, the player, prefer to leave now (and probably come back sometime) or to stay and day and sort it out?

I had the thought about asking the divine village recently and thought it might be something that occurred to Peter.
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Last edited by ericthered; 12-06-2023 at 09:49 AM.
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Old 12-06-2023, 10:38 PM   #1667
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Landolf asks if no debt is owed, could he travel with them as a favor: the world is a dangerous place.
"Sorry Landolf, but I don't think that's a good idea. Goliath and I might make unreliable companions."

OCC: Would you, the player, prefer to leave now (and probably come back sometime) or to stay and day and sort it out?
((OOC: I'm not 100% sure if I want Peter to leave... I know Peter wants Peter to leave! He's not sure of Helmut... Is this the vampire who's a good guy and only feeds on criminals in classic anti-hero fashion, or just an evil doer with a scam and has a good thing going? Peter is obviously a potential threat to Helmut, raising his concerns that he might act out against Peter even further.

Based on Peter's idea that destiny or whatever is moving him to complete tasks he is thinking he will jump if he was here to save the cursed man or his potential victims. If he does not jump, he will likely assume that his purpose is to either save Helmut, or save the town from Helmut.

If Peter is still there in the morning he will try and find a job to keep himself useful while trying to learn more about the local magic and keeping an eye on Helmut.))
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Old 12-07-2023, 01:56 PM   #1668
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter goes to sleep.

He dreams of a vast red plains, with strange low red shrubs growing on it. Soldiers marched across it in widely spaced columns, wearing dark green uniforms and carrying riffles and bayonets. Behind them were several pillars of smoke, marking their progress across the land.

He dreams of a fortress still standing amid the smoke. Its surrounded by trenches, cannon, and soldiers. Its defended by men in faded Red Uniforms, though mostly they watch each other and take long shots at each other.

Will he attempt to travel, or will let the dream take its course?

2 points awarded for dealing with the beast!
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Old 12-08-2023, 12:00 AM   #1669
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter scrutinizes his dream and watches it unfold where it takes him at first.

He muses.

'Red soil... North Carolina clay? Peter remembers seeing the bright red runoff on the street from the high clay content soil... but those shrubs... they probably have it in other places.'

He concentrates on the question, as if pleading with his sight. 'Where am I needed? Why here?'

If no additional focus presents itself, Peter reaches out with his "Meta-sense" for possible insights.

While Peter generally tries to go where dreams bid him, embedding himself in the potential horrors of a military campaign is a daunting proposition...

Will he attempt to travel, or will let the dream take its course?
Can he do the latter and then the former? Peter will learn all he can before the universe puts him where it needs him.
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Old 12-11-2023, 08:30 AM   #1670
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Rolled an 8 vs. Dreaming...

Peter's view shifts to the fortress, and a grizzled old general. He's writing what appears to be a letter or memoir. He writes about the supply situation (not quite bad yet), the strength of the fortress, and his hopes for relief. Everything depends on one of several messengers getting through, and on the Royal Alliance having a relief force. If not, he is resigned to waste as much of the enemy's time and manpower as possible.

Then his view shifts to a set of ruins, with two men camping in them, a low and meager fire near them. Both carry firearms with complex locks*, and one man carries an impossibly long and thin sword. The other man has a large blood stain and bandage on his right arm. They are wearing the red faded uniforms.

His view shifts to a group of five men in the dark dull green uniforms with three dogs, tracking something.

*These are early breachloaders, so think wild west "repeaters".

OCC: Red soil is all over the place: southern Utah, the Australian Outback, Alabama... brown is the color of decaying matter, not of rock, sand and clay.
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