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Old 07-24-2019, 11:39 PM   #1
Michael Thayne
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Default [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

I've been thinking about how it would be interesting to do cinematic TL5+ fantasy that, unlike GURPS: Monster Hunters, uses the standard GURPS magic system. There was a Pyramid article about using Action with the Technomancer setting, but it didn't have any rules for dedicated mages as opposed to members of other professions with a bit of magic sprinkled in. So I thought I'd try to whip up a "modern mage" template that lets you do Action with full-blown wizards. Feedback welcome.

Modern Mage
250 Points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].
Secondary Characteristics: Basic Speed +0.50 [10].
Advantages: Energy Reserve 3 (Magical) [9]; Luck [15]; Magery 3 [35] • 30 points in other suitable advantages.
Disadvantages: -50 points in appropriate disadvantages.
Primary Skills: Alchemy (VH) IQ [8]-15; Occultism (A) IQ [2]-15; Thaumatology (VH) IQ [1]-15.
Secondary Skills: One of Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-13, or Boxing or Wrestling, both (A) DX+1 [4]-12. • Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-12. • One of Innate Attack (any) or Guns (any other), both (E) DX+1 [2]-12, or spend 2 points to raise Guns (Pistol) by 1 level.
Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens. • Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-15; Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-10.
Spells: 30 spells at either (H) IQ+1 [1]-16 or (VH) IQ [1]-15.
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Old 07-25-2019, 05:07 AM   #2
Gold & Appel Inc
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

The template is what it says on the tin, but this is probably the last published magic system that I would personally try to inject into Action, and supplementing existing archetypes is the direction I would go with it. What role does "Guy who does magic but isn't a Shooter, Medic, Wheelman, Spy, etc" have in an Action story?
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Old 07-25-2019, 05:58 AM   #3
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

Depending on that selection of spells he could probably cover any one of those roles, I can definitely see shooter that uses spells or magic enhanced guns, medic is easy with healing spells, and dont even get me started on spy. Wheelman, dunnow.

And since I don't really know any of the other magic systems I have no problems with this.

How widespread would magic be?
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Old 07-25-2019, 07:38 AM   #4
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

Originally Posted by Aldric View Post
Depending on that selection of spells he could probably cover any one of those roles, I can definitely see shooter that uses spells or magic enhanced guns, medic is easy with healing spells . . .
Medic, sure.

Spells are considerably inferior to modern firearms: they are comparatively slow, especially if you want to do a lot of damage, burn lots of fatigue, and are harder to hit with at long ranges. What spells were you reckoning on using for enhancing guns?
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Old 07-25-2019, 08:11 AM   #5
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

Any enchantment spell, would work quite well.

Sure, direct damage spells are inferior to modern guns, but you can bring your magery in places where you couldn't bring a gun, or a knife. And then you can create your gun if you know how to do it (and a smart mage would learn these things)

Several spells can enhance the caster, has been a while since I checked all available spells, but enhancing DX was possible, and also other senses.

Speaking of senses, remote viewing would be quite useful, and all the other information gathering spells...
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Old 07-25-2019, 08:41 AM   #6
Gold & Appel Inc
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

Originally Posted by Aldric View Post
Depending on that selection of spells he could probably cover any one of those roles, I can definitely see shooter that uses spells or magic enhanced guns, medic is easy with healing spells, and dont even get me started on spy. Wheelman, dunnow.
Any one of those roles, sure. That's my point. What is his unique role distinct from those tropes, that the OP seems to want him to have?

Originally Posted by Aldric View Post
How widespread would magic be?
It's going to have to be pretty common for a guy whose purpose is "Knows Magic" to be more than a supporting character in a standard Action! game.


Anyway, assuming that I was going to do my own On-Topic version of what I think the OP is trying to do here, I'd probably make it look more like:

Modern Magic Expert
250 Points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].
Secondary Characteristics: NA
Advantages: Luck [15]; Magery 0 [5] • 120 Points divided among raised Attributes, More Luck or Magery, Additional Languages [Varied], Energy Reserve (Magic) [3/Level], Gadgeteer (Fast; Alchemy Only -50%) [25], Gizmos [5/Level], or other suitable Advantages.
Disadvantages: -50 points in appropriate disadvantages.
Primary Skills: Alchemy (VH) IQ-2 [2]-10; Hazardous Materials (A) (Magical) IQ [2]-12; Occultism (A) IQ [2]-12; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2]-10. • 32 points to raise any of the above and/or for Magic Spells.
Secondary Skills: One of Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-12, or Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-10, or Boxing or Wrestling, both (A) DX [2]-11. • Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-12. • One of Innate Attack (any), Fast Draw (Pistol or Potions), or Guns (any other), all (E) DX+1 [2]-12, or spend 2 points to raise any of the above skills by 1 level or add another one.
Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens. • Choose 4 of Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12; Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-10; First Aid (E) IQ [1]-12; Savoir-Faire (E) (Magical) IQ [1]-12, Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-10.

Possible Specialties include: The Adventure Alchemist, whipping up buffs for the team and MacGuyvering a broad variety of tools from universal solvents to binary high explosives on the fly from everyday materials. Despite the thread's stated intent, I would be remiss if I left out The Mimic, focusing on higher IQ, Higher Magery, and a suite of spells that let him perform the duties of a Medic, Infiltrator, Investigator, Wire Rat, Cleaner, etc in ways that break the non-magical rules. You could also try to do a Sorcerous Jack-Of-All-Trades, putty to fill any gap but master of none, but being good at one thing enough to equal any other PC's niche is for the Mimic.

Last edited by Gold & Appel Inc; 07-25-2019 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 07-25-2019, 08:42 AM   #7
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

I was thinking that draw power would be a fantastic spell for a modern action mage, but oh my goodness, it has a massive set of prereqs. (minor healing, 2 spells from each of 10 colleges). And the stats given are just barely in valid action hero territory as it is.
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Old 07-25-2019, 10:08 AM   #8
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

I took a quick trip through the spell charts and these are what stood out to me as possibly great ideas for such a campaign:

Devitalize Air (range problems)

Body of ___

___ missiles (cast on ammo) particularly, look at lightning effects on electronics.

Spasm (has range problems)


Choke (range problems again)

Everything in Illusion & Creation

Glass Wall

Most of Making & Breaking

Apportation (never underestimate this one!)



Hawk Flight


Reverse missiles

Force dome/wall

Most of the Tech college


Overall, there are lots of ways to go which could make the mage really useful. Yah, he's probably not going to do as much damage as the guy with a gun. Unless he also has a gun. But... there are lots of great ways for him to contribute. If the goal is to take down a computer, a wall-walking body-of-lightning mage is pretty hard to beat. For infiltration, maybe a body-of-shadow mage who can turn locks with apportation. If things get hairy, someone who can destroy a wall with no explosives is a real asset. And if everything comes down to one person doing their job well... Maybe the mage can enhance an attribute. It depends on the build and there are lots of ways to build depending on which utility the mage wants to have. But in a modern setting, missile shield is almost a requirement because it's SO cool.
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Old 07-25-2019, 10:21 AM   #9
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

And reverse missiles is plain evil.
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Old 07-25-2019, 10:42 AM   #10
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: [Action] Modern Mage template for blending Action and fantasy

Originally Posted by khorboth View Post

Reverse missiles

Force dome/wall
You can make the case that once you bring guns into play, all the defensive spells in Magic become ridiculously broken because they're really designed for a game where ranged attacks are secondary to melee attacks. That's the thing that's previously made me most hesitant about doing something like this, but I think it makes for an interesting premise. If you ran with it you might come up with something interesting, like a world where Missile Shield means there's a niche for melee fighters at relatively high TLs.
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