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Old 04-08-2019, 07:13 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2017
Default Battlesuits in a anime fashion

I am making a cyberpunk anime like campaign to my group.
Thus, i want they have access to battlesuit, how do you suggest i approach this, think in bubblegum crises and the like.
I want they have access to a variety of models tailored to their style. So, as example, there is a batman esque character. She would need a more mobile battlesuit that have is good on stealth and with some visors and sensors to do the detective work.
Another is a adventurer, so he probably would need a more "explorer" battlesuit
(i also have a mecha pilot, in the bigger versions sense. A esper and a inventor)
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:18 PM   #2
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Hey there,

GURPS Ultratech features powered suits; I would pick one of these for starters, IMO the looks could be a 0-point feature.

Have you checked it?
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:22 PM   #3
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Hum... But those suits are to the more cinematic side? I was reading that they are not to mobile...
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:24 PM   #4
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

But yeah, i can start from there and build something nice :)
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:24 PM   #5
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Take an ordinary battlesuit from Ultra-Tech or the Basic Set. Remove all logic and consistency.

Et voila, an anime battlesuit that moves at the speed of plot and has DR and ST of whatever you want in each scene.
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:26 PM   #6
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Lol. I think they have more mobile battlesuits... But well, in fact i just need to balance stuff.
Ex: A stealth battlesuit for the batman esque would have to be more ligher, this it would have less defenses and STR
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:35 PM   #7
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Originally Posted by draxdeveloper View Post
Lol. I think they have more mobile battlesuits... But well, in fact i just need to balance stuff.
Ex: A stealth battlesuit for the batman esque would have to be more ligher, this it would have less defenses and STR
I suggest you take a certain base suit, with a given weight and DR, and then add extra abilities to the suit with character points, which can give you a benchmark for the relative value of abilities like various sensors (bonus Per, Acute Senses, Detect, Infravision, Telescopic Vision, etc.), mobility (Move, Enhanced Move, Flight, Super Jump, etc.) or higher ST.

Have DR scale with weight, don't include that in the point budget, but the bonus ST from the suit has to be enough to carry it, so heavier suits will cost more character points to be useful.

You don't have to charge anyone these points, it's just a benchmark so that the extra abilities from each specialized suit are more or less equally desirable.
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Old 04-08-2019, 07:58 PM   #8
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

GURPS Supers has a nice suggestion about purchasing the basic equipment (in this case the battlesuit from B285) as Signature Gear, then improving it by using Ally advantage. It's quite neat of an idea and I suggest you check the book, but I've been experimenting using Gadget instead of Ally to keep the value from floating in proportion to the character's point budget/total.
So assuming TL9 you'd buy the Battlesuit for [6] the get whatever extra ability you want with a modifier like Gadget (DR 70, Machine, SM+0; Must Be Forcefully Removed) -40%. For example, Flight (Temporary Disadvantage, Noisy X, -2*X%; Modifier, -40%) to have a battlesuit with a jetpack.

Last edited by Sorenant; 04-08-2019 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 04-08-2019, 08:07 PM   #9
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
I suggest you take a certain base suit, with a given weight and DR, and then add extra abilities to the suit with character points, which can give you a benchmark for the relative value of abilities like various sensors (bonus Per, Acute Senses, Detect, Infravision, Telescopic Vision, etc.), mobility (Move, Enhanced Move, Flight, Super Jump, etc.) or higher ST.

Have DR scale with weight, don't include that in the point budget, but the bonus ST from the suit has to be enough to carry it, so heavier suits will cost more character points to be useful.

You don't have to charge anyone these points, it's just a benchmark so that the extra abilities from each specialized suit are more or less equally desirable.
If i take, a battle suit, like Commando Battlesuit and take things from it how should i change the cost?
Let's say i want a less expensive version, or a weaker version... I know that features like radar stealth i can just take away the price. But what about things like +15 lifting strenght? How could i say: Hey, reducing 5 on LS will reduce x of the cost?
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Old 04-08-2019, 08:16 PM   #10
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Default Re: Battlesuits in a anime fashion

Originally Posted by draxdeveloper View Post
If i take, a battle suit, like Commando Battlesuit and take things from it how should i change the cost?
Let's say i want a less expensive version, or a weaker version... I know that features like radar stealth i can just take away the price. But what about things like +15 lifting strenght? How could i say: Hey, reducing 5 on LS will reduce x of the cost?
Will the PCs be issued suits?

If so, Cost is irrelevant and you can ignore it.

Will they pay character points for suits, using the Ally advantage or Gadget modifier for Powers?

If so, Cost is irrelevant and you can ignore it.

If the PCs can just to to a store and buy battlesuits, you need to know Cost. My advice, use the base price of the base suit, add any extra commerically available gear that is inbuilt using the rules for Combination Gadgets and then add an arbitrary number that feels fair on top, to account for any improvement the suit has over a base Commando Battlesuit.
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