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Old 02-20-2019, 05:08 PM   #1
Steven Marsh
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Call for Playtesters: GURPS Powers: Totems and Nature Spirits

We are seeking playtesters for GURPS Powers: Totems and Nature Spirits, by Rory Fansler. This is a short, standalone supplement about nature spirits and nature-themed characters (druids, shamans, even holy warriors) in GURPS.

We are primarily seeking applicants familiar with GURPS Powers, and/or with experience with or knowledge of shamanism or nature lore. Knowledge of other GURPS Powers and power-related supplements (such as GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers or GURPS Powers: The Weird) is a bonus. However, fresh eyes may be useful, so please feel free to apply if you think you have something to contribute.

Since this is a short supplement, the playtest is currently scheduled to run for two weeks, from February 25 to March 8. We would ideally have all applications by February 23.

Preferential playtest slots will be given to those who have spent at least $50 on PDFs from Warehouse 23 in the past calendar year, though this is not a requirement. For more, see the general playtest information page.

Prospective playtesters should email Roger Burton West at with [playtest] in the subject. Include your preferred email address for the closed playtest mailing list, your name as you wish it to appear in the published supplement, your Warehouse 23 login name, and a few words on why we should pick you: qualifications, experience, current gaming group(s), etc. Please submit in this format:

	Jennifer Doe

I'm a GM with 10 years' experience, and have been running GURPS campaigns
for seven years; I have playtest credit on three previous supplements. I've
been running a nature-based game for the past six years. In my spare time, I
love researching druids and shamanism.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Steven Marsh
Steve Jackson Games
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