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Old 06-27-2014, 01:26 AM   #171
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Senarich: "Warn him? I suppose. I'm trying to figure if Irodontus would appreciate it though. And I'm not fond of the idea of re-entering society via Irodontus."

His dreams that night feature a number of people in cloaks and hoods. Peter is actually reminded somewhat of the KKK, but wearing browns instead of white. They refer to each other by something between titles and code names. One prominent member is known as "Brother Iron". Another is known as 'Brother Sword'. Most of the names are objects or substances clearly associated with what the locals would call 'civilization': Sword, Iron, Wheel, Road, Sythe, Book-- The titles are usually brother, but Peter does here titles like 'Master', 'Father', 'Keeper' and 'Sir'.

They mostly talked about others: Those not in their organization were mostly refered to by what seemed to be real names, but every so often they had other names, such as 'the scorpion'. The seemed to be mostly engaged in spying on their neighbors...

Peter woke up feeling a little more tired than normal.
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Old 06-30-2014, 04:38 PM   #172
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

OCC: Mostly I was expecting an reply on warning Mr. Morgan before going on, or a mode of investigation to capitalize on what he already knows. Possible modes of exploration include investigating how Riders are usually discovered or trying to figure out who the woman is. If he's not going to act on curiosity that's fine, I just need to know. a hook will come at the end of the (in game) week.

about a week goes by. Peter continues his studies, and tries to make progress with the boys he thinks he can befriend. He's decently successful, but realizes soon his disadvantage is not merely one of time or foreign culture (though both seem to apply), but that his place of employment is another obstacle: they all work at the same place.

School is kind of hard; Peter has always been a good student, but several of the subjects are new are quite difficult to pick up quickly, while others are laughably easy (and thus boring) or just plain tedious. Rider offers to help Peter with a few of the subjects he struggles with. The first idea of 'help' comes pretty close to cheating: strait out answering the questions for Peter on the history quiz. He also offers to 'help' with the wood-shop class is an equally domineering fashion: he claims to be able to guide Peter's hand. He is quick to point out he can't do this without Peter's express permission. He also offers hints about technique or fills in details that the book seems to gloss over.

He is unable to make much progress at getting Goliath allowed in the house, but the old ladies do seem to like the dog and rub his ears and so on.

Kissinger doesn't seem to talk with the woman again. He assigns Peter more and more work, mostly paper-work. He's slow to give Peter tasks that are remotely delicate (or even important) but Peter does get the impression those tasks will eventually come up. Perhaps he's getting some of it. One day he's assigned to go through a book of businesses (something like a phone book, but with just addresses, only businesses, and it claims to cover the entirety of civilization) evaluate box-makers, and get Kissinger a list of the best 10 for custom made packing crates.

His dreams flit between Riders running around in the woods or alleys (but they seem to prefer the woods) to ships on the ocean to a few more of the strange meetings. None of them give him too much information.

OCC: This would be routine establishment time, but this society has mostly established that for him. He still has the evening hour to set a routine for though. I'd also like to know what kind of relationship he's aiming for with the ladies at home and with Kissinger, as well as any long term goals (and what skills are most important for him to work on).
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Old 07-03-2014, 11:12 AM   #173
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will keep an eye out for the woman and try to determine her name and role in the town. He decides not to warn Mr. Morgan until he learns more, as he does not know if he will do more harm than good.

Peter dissuades any assistance that he feels would be cheating, but happily accepts being pointed in the right direction or other kinds of assistance that would be like having his own private tutor. He'll only allow Rider to guide his hand to demonstrate techniques, but not for any work that would be graded.

He tries to form good relationships with the ladies of the house, but does not try to form a strong attachment. Peter has always been an independent boy, and is hoping for more independence still.

He'll also look for a lace with good foot traffic that he will spend his free time at occasionally, singing songs and passing a hat to try and supplement his income.

((OOC: Peter will take any opportunity to work on his outdoors skills, and once he has enough money, will buy a bow. He plans on trying to find some time for hunting. Hos goal is to become self sufficient so he can get a place of his own so he and Goliath can sleep somewhere other than a shed.))
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Old 07-08-2014, 12:50 PM   #174
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Investigating the identity of people is an interesting trick: They don't have the internet around here, and Photos are rare and expensive-- often a drawing is cheaper, particularly for newspapers. He can't find her in any of those, or even in documents describing the notables of the town: lists of city council members, large business owners at the chamber of commerce (he does find both Morgans there though), or anywhere else. He also doesn't see her on the streets.

Rider seems happy enough to just guide Peter, but Peter does pick up a little frustration: Rider is going along with it mostly because Peter has asked him to. 'Guiding the hand' is a little scary: Rider has complete control of the hand at that point, though Peter gets the full sensory feedback. Some of the techniques shown are not standard, but they are quite effective. Rider seems to get most frustrated during the history tests, and at least at first, is constantly checking the grammar and spelling on anything he writes.

Going out into the wilderness is a limited opportunity unless Peter is willing to directly go against both his gaurdians and town law and custom. He does get enough of it to stay up on his craft though.

The singing doesn't pick up as much money as he hoped, but its more money per hour than what he is getting from his other job (which is an acknowledged unfair wage to 'repay' society). Its also a great place for people watching, which includes noticing Riders. Senarich gives some commentary on the people walking by, but his information does seem somewhat out of date.

Early in his singing career, he is approached by a policeman, who politely waits for the end of the song, then comes up and first compliments him on the singing, then asks where the money this generates is going.
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Old 07-10-2014, 08:58 PM   #175
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"Thank you sir." Peter replies politely.

"There were some interesting foods I want to try in the market, and I want to get a collar for my friend here... A bow for hunting, all sorts of things."
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:18 PM   #176
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The Police asks who is parents are and where he lives. When Peter informs him of his status as a newcomer living with the women in the receiving house, the man nods knowingly:

"Don't make yourself a nuisance, and I think we'll be able to leave you alone. Its not easy to make the change. wish you luck."


After about a week of this routine, Peter dreams of a murder.... The target is evidently a rich man, one he has noticed before, without a rider and unknown to Peter beyond his face. He does remember the man as rather self-important.

The man is in some sort of drawing room, next to a fire, reading some sort of document. There is a shimmer of light, and a transformed Rider appears: long claws, long fur, and animal ears and nose. Its next to a gun near a fireplace, which it picks up and fires into the target. The target falls backward, the bullet having struck it in the skull. screams are heard higher in the house, and the assassin dashes out the door, unlocking it from the inside.

A few people try to chase the assassin, but he goes mostly invisible and is aided by supernaturally strong legs. And yet Peter seems to follow the shadowy figure. It runs through the town for some time before climbing up a house into a window. Inside, it changes into a human. A recognizable human: Mr. Morgan.
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Old 07-18-2014, 09:25 PM   #177
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter wakes from the dream with a start... "Oh my god!"

Goliath is on his paws, quickly moving his body next to Peter to comfort and protect him.

Sweat drips down Peter's face, and he puts his arms around Goliath. Letting out a brief sob, then breathing heavily for a few moments until he composes himself.

((Assuming Rider inquires...))

'I've been having these vivid dreams since I got here... '

The sun isn't up yet as Peter describes the strange councils in the woods and vision of murder to Rider as he hastily puts on his clothes and boots.

"I have to go check this out an see if it's real. If there is one thing I've learned since coming to this place, it's not to ever think 'it's only a dream'."

He turns his head back as he steps out of the shed. "C'mon boy" he says unnecessarily to Goliath, who is already on Peter's heels.

and Peter heads out into the pre-dawn determined to track down the victim's house to find out if what he's seen has really happened.
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Old 07-19-2014, 06:38 PM   #178
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Rider is very relectant about the idea. Most of his objections are about getting involved 'in over your head'. He has lots of things to say about how Peter is still a nobody and how he (senarich) hasn't gotten the political lay of the land yet.

Not that he can actually do anything thing about it.

Its difficult to hunt down the house. Peter only really got glimpses of its location through the alley chase. Rider suggests that with enough details he may remember the building.

As they are looking around to figure out where the building could be (Peter has found at least one of the streets used), He senses a Rider coming down a neighboring alley.
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Old 07-25-2014, 01:52 PM   #179
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter describes his vision of the house as best he can to Senarich.

When he senses the coming rider, he finds a place to hide and observe them as they pass. He wonders if his dream was prophetic, but not in time!
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Old 07-28-2014, 02:34 PM   #180
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

There isn't too much additionally to observe: the rider remains invisible (senarich assures peter not all of them can do that, but that its very common). He seems to be heading somewhere in a hurry.

On giving the description of the house, senarich seems to make a connection and says "Follow the rider! He's heading the right way!"
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