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Old 08-06-2009, 12:53 PM   #341
Not another shrubbery
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031
Edited the Power Modifiers and Atlanteans entries to reflect the most recent changes in my master document.
160 points

Atlantean Half-Breed

204 points
Temperature Tolerance 4 [4]
I see one of the differences is Temperature Tolerance. I suppose that the 'pure' race is accustomed to the low temperatures associated with the ocean depths? That will make them very uncomfortable at or near the surface... Is that what you're going for?

What changes did you make to the modifiers?
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Old 08-06-2009, 01:02 PM   #342
Not another shrubbery
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031

2. Kraven most likely has Status 1 [0], due to his Wealth. I didn't include it in his Advantages because he rarely takes advantage of it.
Nice write-up! I think it's better to include the Status (possibly with a note) if he uses it at all. Not having the Status to go with Wealth should probably be a disadvantage.
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Old 08-06-2009, 01:22 PM   #343
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by Not another shrubbery View Post
I see one of the differences is Temperature Tolerance. I suppose that the 'pure' race is accustomed to the low temperatures associated with the ocean depths? That will make them very uncomfortable at or near the surface... Is that what you're going for?

What changes did you make to the modifiers?
Yeah, the "pure" race is accustomed to the lower temperatures on the ocean floor. It wouldn't be too out of place, though, for notable exceptions (like Princess Fen, who is on my list of folks to stat up... eventually) to develop a tolerance to the warmer temperatures like their hybrid kin.

As for the modifiers, I added Chemical and Passive Biological, and a paragraph on the interactions between Mutant, Mutant Psionic, Psionic, and Super in a given campaign.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

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Last edited by Phantasm; 08-08-2009 at 04:17 AM.
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Old 08-08-2009, 04:29 AM   #344
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Yet another Spidey villain, and a hopeful for Spider-Man 4. (They've teased us for three movies... bring him on already!)


Real Name: Dr. Curtis Connors.
Occupation: Scientist, university professor.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record.
Identity: Secret.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Coral Gables, Florida.
Marital Status: Married.
Known Relatives: Martha (wife), William (son).
Group Affiliation: None.
Base of Operations: New York City; formerly West Palm Beach, Florida.
History: Dr. Curtis Connors had been a research biochemist at a think-tank firm in Florida when he lost his right arm in a lab accident caused by an intern. The intern lied and placed the blame on Connors, leading to Connors' firing.

Blacklisted by the scientific firms in Florida, he eventually settled into a teaching position at Empire State University in New York City. While there, he studied reptiles, particularly their ability to grow back their limbs and tail, a trait long since removed from the mammalian gene pool. He eventually earned his tenure there after publishing a number of papers on reptilian characteristics.

Connors hoped to be able to duplicate the process in people, with the intent of regrowing his lost arm. After twenty years, he was finally successful, producing a serum which appeared to give lab rats the ability to regrow their legs and tails.

Injecting himself with the serum, Connors was delighted when his arm started to grow back. His delight turned to horror as the arm turned scaly and green, which spread to the rest of his body. This was the first time that Connors became the Lizard.

The Lizard went on a near-mindless rampage through New York, eventually battling Spider-Man, who came to realize who the Lizard really was. Ultimately, Connors's star pupil Gwen Stacy, with Spider-Man's help, managed to develop a biochemical serum which reverted him to human form (see Spider-Man; Stacy, Gwen). However, the changes which led to the Lizard still reside in Connors on a genetic level.

Connors has become the Lizard on at least two other occasions. Each time, he has faced Spider-Man in combat, only to be returned to human form.
Height: 5' 11".
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: (as Connors) Brown, (as Lizard) None.
Skin: (as Lizard) Green scales.
Uniform: None.
Strength Level: Dr. Connors has the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. As the Lizard, he possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) 12 tons.
Known Superhuman Powers: Dr. Connors possesses the ability to grow back his limbs after they've been severed.

As a side-effect of the process which gave him that ability, Connors is able to turn into the super-powered Lizard. As the Lizard, he possesses superhuman strength, sharp claws on both his hands and feet, sharp teeth, and a six and a half foot long tail which he can use as a weapon, striking at up to 70 miles per hour. His hands and feet have retractable claws in the palms and heels which help him climb surfaces that would otherwise be inaccessible. His skin becomes covered with thick scales, like those of an alligator, able to resist (though not invulnerable to) most pistol rounds. His powerful legs enable him to leap 18 feet in a standing broad jump. Also, as the Lizard, he heals much faster, enabling him to regrow his limbs at a faster rate than normal.

The Lizard also appears to have a quasi-telepathic ability to communicate with and command all reptiles within about a one mile radius.
Other Abilities: In his human form, Dr. Connors is a brilliant biologist and biochemist, and is a leading herpetologist (a scientist who studies reptiles).
Limitations: As the Lizard, the R-complex of Connors's brain (the most primitive region of the human brain, containing the basest impulses) overwhelms the cerebrum, causing his mind to become progressively inhuman. Furthermore, he becomes cold-blooded, requiring external heat sources to stay active, and completely colorblind.

Dr. Curt Connors
132 points
ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 10 [0].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [-10]; Per 14 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Alternate Form: The Lizard (Once On, Stays On, +50%; Trigger: Losing a Stress Atavism Roll, Occasional, -30%; Super, -10%) [-]; Rapid Healing [5]; Regrowth (Passive Biological, -5%) [38]; Tenure (Empire State University) [5]; Wealth (Comfortable) [10].
Disadvantages: Dependent (Son; No More Than 25%; Loved One) (9) [-20]; Dependent (Wife; No More Than 50%; Loved One) (9) [-10]; Guilt Complex [-5]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Secret (Is The Lizard) (Utter Rejection) [-10]; Stress Atavism (Severe) (12) [-20]; Unusual Biochemistry [-5].
Quirks: Broad-Minded [-1]; Fascinated By Reptiles [-1].
Skills: Bioengineering/TL8 (Genetic Engineering) (H) IQ+1 [8] – 15; Biology (VH) IQ+1 [12] – 15; Chemistry/TL8 (H) IQ+1 [8] – 15; Expert Skill (Herpetology) (H) IQ+5 [24] – 19; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ-1 [2] – 13; Teaching (A) IQ+0 [2] – 14; Weird Science (VH) IQ-1 [4] – 13.
Starting Spending Money: $8,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).

701 points
ST 13 [30]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 6 [-80]; HT 12 [20].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 8d/10d; BL 3,026 lbs; HP 13 [0]; Will 12 [30]; Per 12 [30]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.5 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].
Languages: English (Broken Spoken/Illiterate) [-5].
Cultural Familiarities: None [-1].
Advantages: Animal Empathy [5]; Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; Clinging (Passive Biological, -5%) [19]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Damage Resistance 4 (Flexible, -20%); High Pain Threshold [10]; Lifting ST +110 (Passive Biological, -5%) [314]; Mind Control (Accessibility: Reptiles Only, -50%) [20]; Regeneration (Regular: 1HP/hr) (Passive Biological, -5%) [24]; Regrowth (Passive Biological, -5%) [38]; Single-Minded [5]; Speak With Animals (Specialized: Reptiles, -50%) [10]; Striker (Crushing; Tail) (Cannot Parry, -40%; Long, +1, +100%; Weak, -50%) [6]; Striking ST +55 (Passive Biological, -5%) [262]; Super Jump 1 [10]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]; Unfazeable [15].
Perks: Biting Mastery [1]; Scales [1].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]; Berserk (9) [-15]; Bestial [-10]; Cold-Blooded (Stiffen up under 50°) [-5]; Colorblindness [-10]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Easy to Read [-10]; Gullibility (9) [-15]; Hidebound [-5]; Loner (9) [-7]; Low TL -8 [-40]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]; Speech Impediment [-10]; Unusual Biochemistry [-5]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].
Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1] – 12; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1] – 13.
Starting Spending Money: $0.

Design Notes:
1. Dr. Connors has "bought off" the One Arm trait he had before becoming the Lizard. Whether he got the better end of the deal with the other traits is anyone's guess.
2. The Lizard and Dr. Connors share the Regrowth and Unusual Biochemistry traits. I'm still trying to price the Alternate Form, as well as decide whether he qualifies for either Split Personality or Personality Change, so I've added both traits to both forms, essentially treating them as different characters (for now).
3. The Lizard's Speech Impediment disadvantage is simply a renamed Stuttering.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

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The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Last edited by Phantasm; 08-08-2009 at 06:38 AM. Reason: Fact-checking and fixing typos
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Old 08-08-2009, 04:51 AM   #345
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
Limitations: As the Lizard, the R-complex of Connors's brain (the most primitive region of the human brain, containing the basest impulses) overwhelms the cerebellum, causing his mind to become progressively inhuman. ....
This should be cerebrum. The cerebellum controls balance and motor control.
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Old 08-08-2009, 05:23 AM   #346
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
Dr. Curt Connors
HT 14 [0].
HT 12 [20].
Lizard has a lower HT than Curt?
Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 8d/10d; HP 13 [0]; Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; Damage Resistance 4 (Flexible, -20%);
If he were to hit himself once, the average injury would be 34HP (8D-1=27, 27-4=23, 23X1.5 = 34.5, round down = 34). That's nearly enough to force 2 death checks, from 1 hit. That seems rather fragile.

Last edited by NineDaysDead; 08-08-2009 at 05:30 AM.
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Old 08-08-2009, 06:36 AM   #347
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
This should be cerebrum. The cerebellum controls balance and motor control.
This is what I get for copying that part almost straight out of the OHOTMUDE without checking the data corrections or doing error-checking myself. Gimme a sec to change it.

Originally Posted by NineDaysDead View Post
Lizard has a lower HT than Curt?
Typo. Curt's supposed to have HT 10 (reflected in the FP and Speed scores). Gimme a sec to fix that.

Originally Posted by NineDaysDead View Post
If he were to hit himself once, the average injury would be 34HP (8D-1=27, 27-4=23, 23X1.5 = 34.5, round down = 34). That's nearly enough to force 2 death checks, from 1 hit. That seems rather fragile.
He's not completely done, and thanks for spotting that.

I wasn't sure whether I should give the Lizard straight ST 123 with accompanying HP (and increased damage, somewhere around 13d, I believe), more DR, IT:DR, or a combination of those traits. Or just ditching Striking ST altogether. Suggestions?

Also, any suggestions on what pricing the Alternate Form would have, as while it's on Connors's sheet, it's currently listed without a price. (This is essentially the same issue I ran into with Banner and the Hulk.)
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Old 08-08-2009, 12:59 PM   #348
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
Attributes: ST 13 [30];
Secondary Characteristics: HP 13 [0];
His weight is 550lbs realistically that should be ST16 HP16, and as a comic book character probably higher.

Also HT 12 means he dies rather easliy, given the nature of the marvel universe he should probably have Hard to Kill +4 [8].
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Old 08-08-2009, 01:08 PM   #349
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 12d/14d; HP 15 [10];
If he were to hit himself once, the average injury would be 42HP. That's nearly enough to force 2 death checks (45HP), from 1 hit. That seems rather fragile.

I don't see spiderman as able to shrug off bullets, so maybe whatever DR or IT:DR should have crushing only.

Also I'd drop Very Rapid Healing and give him Regeneration: Slow [10]; Regeneration: Regular (Crushing Only -40%)[9].
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Old 08-09-2009, 02:02 AM   #350
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Would Psylocke have Unnatural Feature: Purple Hair?
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