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Old 12-07-2024, 08:46 AM   #1
Greg 1
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Default [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

I'm not actually running this. Just speculating.

If a Dungeon Fantasy world was at our own tech level, what might the adventuring classes be?
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Old 12-07-2024, 08:50 AM   #2
Donny Brook
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Hip Hop Thug, Politician, Outraged Karen, Influencer, Pro Athlete, ...
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Old 12-07-2024, 09:09 AM   #3
Night Watchman
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Originally Posted by Greg 1 View Post
If a Dungeon Fantasy world was at our own tech level, what might the adventuring classes be?
See Monster Hunters 1: Champions.
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Old 12-07-2024, 12:28 PM   #4
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Or any template from the Action line, most notably Action 4: Specialists and "More Skill Sets For Specialists" in Pyramid #3/112: Action II, the latter works best if you want to add magic of any kind.

The 200 pt templates in Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks with some of the Action Specialist skill packages to boost to 250, equal to DF, can work as well. The afore-mentioned MH1 has 400 pt templates, which may not work in a 250 pt modern-DF campaign.
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Last edited by Phantasm; 12-07-2024 at 12:32 PM.
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Old 12-07-2024, 06:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Originally Posted by Donny Brook View Post
Hip Hop Thug, Politician, Outraged Karen, Influencer, Pro Athlete, ...
The Outraged Karen would assume she's the new terrasque.
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Old 12-07-2024, 10:17 PM   #6
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Is there any particular reason they would change? This particular division of roles doesn't seem to be particularly technology dependent. As long as the magic system doesn't change anyway. I'm not sure you need to do anything beyond replacing many of the weapon skills with Guns/TL8, assuming guns work against monsters. Admittedly guns are so much more deadly that many supposedly challenging combat encounters become trivial even for amateurs, but that just means any dungeons that still need adventurers to clear would've been really high level in the old days....
MA Lloyd
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Old 12-08-2024, 01:44 AM   #7
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
Is there any particular reason they would change? This particular division of roles doesn't seem to be particularly technology dependent. As long as the magic system doesn't change anyway. I'm not sure you need to do anything beyond replacing many of the weapon skills with Guns/TL8, assuming guns work against monsters. Admittedly guns are so much more deadly that many supposedly challenging combat encounters become trivial even for amateurs, but that just means any dungeons that still need adventurers to clear would've been really high level in the old days....
You could stipulate that magical roles break down the same way but the Barbarian/Knight/Scout/Swashbucker/Thief side of things when high-tech weaponry and security systems are in play.

For the OP: I took a crack at this question awhile back when I proposed a Modern Mage template that's basically a Dungeon Fantasy wizard with points scrounged from lower attributes to make room for a 20-point Action background lens. You could do something similar for other types of supernatural powers, if you didn't want to just let wizards cast healing spells and call it a day.
Handle is a character from the Star*Drive setting (a.k.a. d20 Future), not my real name.

Innkeeper's Quest: A GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Forum Quest
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Old 12-08-2024, 04:15 AM   #8
Blind Mapmaker
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

The Scout could probably be roughly the same - including the name - but focused on modern firearms.

The Thief would have to change a bit and become part-artificer to deal with high-tech security systems. Keeping some facility with blades will be handy, because of their silence, but some firearms training would also be needed. You could call the role Agent, which is generic enough and arguably a better fit than Thief.

The Barbarian would probably morph into some kind of heavy weapons/explosives kind of role, probably with some mechanical aptitude on the sweat and grease side. That way you'd keep the dangerous high-damage stuff and keeping things moving in the countryside when vehicles break down. The role could keep some very basic nature stuff like survival, navigation and weather sense, but it would be more tech-oriented. You could call it Heavy or if you want to emphasise the tech side Mechanic.

The Knight would need to fill the role of the versatile warrior, again with a focus on modern firearms. It'll probably be a bit of a pain to clearly define the role between the Scout and Heavy, but the focus would be close combat without area damage and tactical oversight. The Knight already has some leadership potential and this would probably increase in a modern-day setting. Throw in a few social skills like Intimidation and Teaching and call the role Sergeant.

For the Swashbuckler it does get tricky. They are about flamboyance and speed so maybe some kind of handgun-slinging might be called for? It might be better to focus on the acrobatics of the role and call it the Traceur with the handgun stuff thrown in as an afterthought to jumping, kicking and such.

The Martial Artist would encroach on that territory, but eschew guns in favour of looking harmless. Throw in some acting and fast-talk and they could become a ninja-type infiltration expert.

The Holy Warrior could be kept mostly as is and be an expert at disposing of monsters that cannot be touched by modern weaponry - carrying a handgun as backup, of course. Or they could go full-on Slayer route.

Bard, Wizard, Druid and Cleric mainly need some reskinning and some slight skill changes - assuming I read you correctly and magic is still around.

I'd like to echo Michael Thayne's thought and include Action's Background Lenses. They are very useful in a modern-day setting.
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Old 12-09-2024, 09:59 AM   #9
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
The Outraged Karen would assume she's the new terrasque.
Outraged Karen is an Agent that specializes in social skills instead of Wealth and uses only the "social murder" options of pulling strings/negotiations.
Run the game you want to play in.
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Old 12-09-2024, 12:38 PM   #10
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: [DF] What PC classes at TL 8?

Originally Posted by Blind Mapmaker View Post
The Scout could probably be roughly the same - including the name - but focused on modern firearms.

The Thief would have to change a bit and become part-artificer to deal with high-tech security systems. Keeping some facility with blades will be handy, because of their silence, but some firearms training would also be needed. You could call the role Agent, which is generic enough and arguably a better fit than Thief.

The Barbarian would probably morph into some kind of heavy weapons/explosives kind of role, probably with some mechanical aptitude on the sweat and grease side. That way you'd keep the dangerous high-damage stuff and keeping things moving in the countryside when vehicles break down. The role could keep some very basic nature stuff like survival, navigation and weather sense, but it would be more tech-oriented. You could call it Heavy or if you want to emphasise the tech side Mechanic.

The Knight would need to fill the role of the versatile warrior, again with a focus on modern firearms. It'll probably be a bit of a pain to clearly define the role between the Scout and Heavy, but the focus would be close combat without area damage and tactical oversight. The Knight already has some leadership potential and this would probably increase in a modern-day setting. Throw in a few social skills like Intimidation and Teaching and call the role Sergeant.

For the Swashbuckler it does get tricky. They are about flamboyance and speed so maybe some kind of handgun-slinging might be called for? It might be better to focus on the acrobatics of the role and call it the Traceur with the handgun stuff thrown in as an afterthought to jumping, kicking and such.

The Martial Artist would encroach on that territory, but eschew guns in favour of looking harmless. Throw in some acting and fast-talk and they could become a ninja-type infiltration expert.

The Holy Warrior could be kept mostly as is and be an expert at disposing of monsters that cannot be touched by modern weaponry - carrying a handgun as backup, of course. Or they could go full-on Slayer route.

Bard, Wizard, Druid and Cleric mainly need some reskinning and some slight skill changes - assuming I read you correctly and magic is still around.

I'd like to echo Michael Thayne's thought and include Action's Background Lenses. They are very useful in a modern-day setting.
IMHO, for the Barbarian, Knight, Scout, and Thief, it's probably just easiest to replace them with the Assassin, Infiltrator, and Shooter from Action, even if there's not a 1:1 mapping. When I did my Modern Mage template, a big reason I made room for a 20-point background lens was so that it would "fit" better mixed in with templates from the Action series—I think mixing Action templates with reworked Dungeon Fantasy templates is the way to go here.

If you want a guy who can get into melee with monsters but doesn't have supernatural abilities, you could use one of the templates from Action 3 (likely the Weapon Master). It's also one worth considering the three X-Terminator templates from Pyramid #3/5. IIRC they're somewhat designed for a setting where supernatural powers are rare, but the Slayer fits the role of "combat specialist specifically designed to go up against monsters", and there's actually a template called the Scout, though I don't remember how outdoorsy it was. In any case background lenses can give access to outdoors skills.
Handle is a character from the Star*Drive setting (a.k.a. d20 Future), not my real name.

Innkeeper's Quest: A GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Forum Quest
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