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Old 08-24-2024, 09:06 AM   #61
Prime Evil
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

I must admit...I am really tempted by the smyth-sewn binding of the new printing even though postage costs to Australia are ruinous. One advantage of the Amazon POD option is that they are printed locally. But the binding isn't as good as this....and I use these books all the time
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Old 09-08-2024, 05:18 PM   #62
Join Date: Sep 2012
Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

Originally Posted by Prime Evil View Post
I must admit...I am really tempted by the smyth-sewn binding of the new printing even though postage costs to Australia are ruinous. One advantage of the Amazon POD option is that they are printed locally. But the binding isn't as good as this....and I use these books all the time
I can't say the new books will last forever, but these things are very very nice. Everyone was extremely happy with them when they arrived, and the binding is a complete tank.
Darryll Silva

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Old 11-25-2024, 06:45 AM   #63
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

I only recently saw the new Basic printing in the New Release section. I don't need any more of the old binding, and while I don't use them as much as I used to, I'd love the newer binding in my collection. I'm trying to get them through a FLGS and they said that the distributor lists their stock as having released in August. Does that mean they will be the newer lay-flat, sewn binding? I don't want him to try ordering it if it will be the old versions.

Any info would be helpful.

John Buczek (aka JackShadow)
john at catscradle dot us
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Old 12-12-2024, 10:49 PM   #64
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

Originally Posted by JackShadow View Post
I only recently saw the new Basic printing in the New Release section. I don't need any more of the old binding, and while I don't use them as much as I used to, I'd love the newer binding in my collection. I'm trying to get them through a FLGS and they said that the distributor lists their stock as having released in August. Does that mean they will be the newer lay-flat, sewn binding? I don't want him to try ordering it if it will be the old versions.

Any info would be helpful.

A few months ago, I bought the POD color hardcover Basic Set. I was impressed with its quality. It was head and shoulders above the rest of the other GURPS POD stuff I bought while also being about the same quality as some of the hardcover POD D&D 3e stuff I got later. I then bought the new Basic Set printing. When I received them today, I was immediately blown away. These are now some of the best TTRPG books I own. Plus, they were cheaper than the POD Basic Set. They DO have the new lay-flat, sewn binding. Overall, this new printing definitely looks more durable than my POD copy.

Once again, I am reminded of the superiority of ordering directly from Warehouse 23 versus Amazon (packaging that fits the actual order, a responsible level of padding). In addition, everytime I order from them, they seem to put something extra in (dice, munchkin cards, etc). Overall, I'm very happy with it.

Last edited by LordMunchkin; 12-13-2024 at 01:33 AM.
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Old 12-13-2024, 03:28 AM   #65
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

Originally Posted by LordMunchkin View Post
A few months ago, I bought the POD color hardcover Basic Set. I was impressed with its quality. It was head and shoulders above the rest of the other GURPS POD stuff I bought while also being about the same quality as some of the hardcover POD D&D 3e stuff I got later. I then bought the new Basic Set printing. When I received them today, I was immediately blown away. These are now some of the best TTRPG books I own. Plus, they were cheaper than the POD Basic Set. They DO have the new lay-flat, sewn binding. Overall, this new printing definitely looks more durable than my POD copy.

Once again, I am reminded of the superiority of ordering directly from Warehouse 23 versus Amazon (packaging that fits the actual order, a responsible level of padding). In addition, everytime I order from them, they seem to put something extra in (dice, munchkin cards, etc). Overall, I'm very happy with it.
What is the printing of this run? 8th? 9th?
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Old 12-22-2024, 01:24 AM   #66
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

I just purchased Book 1 and Book 2 in my FLGS and it's the 10th Printing, dated March, 2024.

I was told by the store that these two books are the only two currently in print and orderable through their distributors.

Is everything else POD now?
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Old 01-01-2025, 06:09 PM   #67
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

Originally Posted by pzmcgwire View Post
I just purchased Book 1 and Book 2 in my FLGS and it's the 10th Printing, dated March, 2024.
Thanks, I looked at mine and it's the 8th printing, dated July 2021. A new printing every 1.5 years or so, it would seem.
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Old 01-07-2025, 08:00 AM   #68
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

Originally Posted by Steven Marsh View Post
Hey, all! The following isn't a set-in-stone definite plan, but more of a chin-stroking "Hmm... maybe?" contemplation.

Do folks here have any thoughts about making more hardcovers available as part of our On Demand program?

We've already dabbled a smidge in these waters; the Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is available in both hardcover and softcover formats. But we've never looked too seriously into expanding that format.

I'm putting feelers out about the general idea primarily because – if we go this route – it won't be trivial; we'll have to reformat books for the different hardcover specifications, which will take time. And the books themselves won't be cheap (you can compare the Girl Genius formats above as an example). If we pursue this, I imagine these would be of most interest to collectors or those who want the extra durability that hardbacks provide. However, if it proves successful, it might open the door to other options, such as On Demand Third Edition hardcover books that have previously only ever been available in softcover . . .

Again, we're absolutely not making any promises here. Even if we do pursue it, it won't be overnight. But I figure tossing the question out in a public forum like this is an easy way to get some feedback from some of our most dedicated and knowledgable fans.

And now, I'll turn over the microphone to you all to post your thoughts here. :-)
Personally, I tend to buy the core books in hardback, the main lines in soft cover, and everything else in pdf. I'm seeing the value though of pdf so I might go back and buy stuff I own in paper as pdf.

As for the layout work. I've heard this a lot. Is there no way to use a layout language like Latek for producing these books? I would think with the right setup it would be a matter of changing some headers.
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Old 01-15-2025, 04:20 PM   #69
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Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

I ended up getting the new 10th printing of the Core books from the FLGS and I have to say I love the heavier stock paper and sewn bindings. They are noticeably thicker then my older copies and lay flat very nicely. If SJG ever does any more books in hardcover this is definitely the way to go.

To the original question, I just don't know if I'd pay that sort of premium for hardcover POD books. I'd have to be convinced that the binding will last. I've had so many beautiful offset stitched bindings lately (looking at you Without Number series) that I've gotten spoiled. :)
John Buczek (aka JackShadow)
john at catscradle dot us
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Old 01-30-2025, 08:26 AM   #70
Join Date: Jan 2025
Default Re: On Demand Hardcovers?

YES! Please make as many of your books available in hardcover. I try to obtain both PDFs and hardcover editions of every RPG related book I buy. (Sadly this is not always possible.)
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