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Old 03-29-2006, 08:00 PM   #81
Gurps Fan
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Fabricati
Actually, depending on the nature of the character's Healing power, they may be able to get by the Unhealing disadvantage- thereby removing the need for an affliction.

It seems especially appropriate to not inflict those points if the limitation restricts Healing Only to Machines.

Of course, this is supposed to be a universal power to ALL machines, so I can see why.
You're right and I was wrong. I should have seen Xenohealing on p.B59 -- an enhancement on Healing makes it able to heal unliving targets, bypassing Unhealing they probably have. I suppose Magic Repair to work on machines instead of living subjects; this will be a limiting variant of Xenohealing.

Magic Repair, Revised (-20%):
Healing (Accessibility, Only On Machines, -20%; Injuries Only, -20%; Reduced Fatigue Cost 1; +20%) [24].

Notes: Only works on things that have Machine meta-trait. You touch a target machine and put your willpower into it, then the machine gets repaired supernaturally! You can heal up to 2 HP for free. 24 points.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 03-29-2006 at 08:23 PM. Reason: grammatical correction
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Old 03-29-2006, 08:13 PM   #82
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
Recover Energy (-40%): Fit (Missing Effect, bonus to HT rolls, -40%) 3 points
The descriptions of Fit says, "this advantage applies only to FP lost to exertion, heat, etc. It has no effect on FP spent to power psi or magic spells" (p.B55). I suppose Recover Energy spell to heal FP spent on magic; if Fit should do the same thing, Cosmic would be required.
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Old 03-29-2006, 09:56 PM   #83
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
The descriptions of Fit says, "this advantage applies only to FP lost to exertion, heat, etc. It has no effect on FP spent to power psi or magic spells" (p.B55). I suppose Recover Energy spell to heal FP spent on magic; if Fit should do the same thing, Cosmic would be required.
Fair enough. This makes it
Recover Energy (+10%): Fit (Cosmic, heals FP for powering spells, +50%; Missing Effect, bonus to HT rolls, -40%) 6 points.
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Old 03-30-2006, 08:45 AM   #84
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Ghostchip Recorder (+400%):
Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Extra Life with Copy and Requires Body, +150%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +300%; No Signature, +20%; Preparation Required, 10 minute, -30%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Takes Recharge, 1 hour, -30%) [50].

Notes: This ability electromagnetically scans a target's brain in secret and creates a electronic copy of the brain burned on a "ghostchip". Booting up and warming up the device takes 10 minute and an IQ roll is required when shooting. (The GM may wish to replace this IQ roll with IQ-based Hard skill roll, as per Skills for Everyone on Powers p.162, representing special knowledge of brain hacking.) It costs a lot of energy to run the integrated SQUID; once shot, you must wait for 1 hour until the capacitor gets recharged to fire the next shot.

If the target fails in resistance, you get the whole information of the target brain; it takes only an instant to process the data into a physical media (ghostchip). A ghostchip is non-volatile and backs up the brain semipermanently unless somehow physically destroyed. The recording procedures accompany no gunshot or no visible beam -- the target doesn't even notice that his brain's been stolen. 50 points.

I once attached the Onset limitation to this ability (to represent the "writing time" to transfer data from temporary memory to the physical chip), but I forgot that Onset must always be taken in conjunction with Blood Agent, Contact Agent, etc. To retain the neat 50 pts., I chose to increase the boot time to 10 min.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 03-30-2006 at 10:16 PM. Reason: correction according to the rules
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Old 03-30-2006, 09:12 AM   #85
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
Looks like I better start compiling that collection, eh?
Will you be indexing them by genre or type of power? F'rex, psi-powers, fire powers, silly powers, high-tech powers?
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Old 03-30-2006, 10:28 AM   #86
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Almafeta
Will you be indexing them by genre or type of power? F'rex, psi-powers, fire powers, silly powers, high-tech powers?
If we get enough extra powers, sure. At the moment, it's simply split into "50 pointers" and "Cheaper Abilities". I'm going through editing, well, everything. Unifying the writing style, adding notes where there aren't any, adding a Modifying: section for darn near every entry, and writing a "How to use this book" type introduction. As long as I'm talking about it, would you prefer to keep the Evil Baker as a template, or just have Death Cookie as an ability? By itself, Death Cookie is 48 points, well within the target point range.

I plan to divide everything into "attack powers" and "everything else," at least for version 1. Once the book's bigger, I'll give it a more detailed splitting-up. For now, that should suffice. I'm also going to do an index, ToC, and weapon stats chart.

Any requests on what else I need to do?
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Old 03-30-2006, 12:41 PM   #87
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
Any requests on what else I need to do?
If possible, maybe index them by base advantage, and any enhancements used? I recall seeing something like that for the HERO system, and it'd be nice (if doable) with your own "power index."
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Old 03-30-2006, 02:25 PM   #88
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

How do I shot web?: (+200%)

Binding 8 (Engulfing +60%; Only Damaged by Burning, Corrosion and Cutting +10%; Sticky +20%; Very Rapid Fire 13 +110%) [48]

You can immobilize people by shooting sticky strands of spider-like webbing. Your high RoF makes it easy to layer extra attacks on your "victims", thus making sure they won't escape.
Tsuru-Sennin a.k.a. The Crane Hermit a.k.a. Kurki-vanhus

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, and empty threats the final sanctuary of the terminally inept.
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Old 04-01-2006, 02:42 PM   #89
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Affliction level 1 (10pts), HT check or STUN
Based on Will +20%
Dissipation -50%
Emanation -20%
2ndry effect Coma, HT Failure by 5 or Crit Fail +50%
Area Effect 16 yard +200%
Armour Divisor (10) +200%
Nuisance Effect: limits stealth +5% (if your head hurts, they are close)

I'm trying to game the effect of a nuisance non-human race. Their telepathic communication is incompatible with other life-forms brain-waves. Being carnivorous, this is good news for the babblers.
They don't hurt each other but I can't see how to show this. I considered using:
Accessibility - Only on Aliens but this is what they want and therefore does not seem applicable;
Selective Area but this is picking your target and they can't - anything alien in the area is effected.
"Sanity is a bourgeois meme." Exegeek
PS sorry I'm a Parthian shootist: shiftwork + out of country = not here when you are:/
It's all in the reflexes
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Old 04-01-2006, 06:07 PM   #90
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by jacobmuller

I'm trying to game the effect of a nuisance non-human race. Their telepathic communication is incompatible with other life-forms brain-waves. Being carnivorous, this is good news for the babblers.
They don't hurt each other but I can't see how to show this. I considered using:
Accessibility - Only on Aliens but this is what they want and therefore does not seem applicable;
Selective Area but this is picking your target and they can't - anything alien in the area is effected.
In that case, I don't think it's a part of the Psychic-Babble ability; it's a separate advantage - some sort of a built-in immunity included in the aliens' racial template.

Alternately, "accessibility: unable to affect own race" would be worth between -10% to -40%, depending on how common their race is in the campaign.
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