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Old 09-19-2008, 06:54 AM   #801
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Is this a valid build?

Succubus* Racial Template, [52]
Appearance: Horrible (Accessible, Daytime only -20%) -20cp
Appearance: Very Beautiful (Universal +25%, Accessible, Night only -20%) 17cp
Charisma +5 (Accessibility, Against males** only -20%; Accessibility, Night only -20% ) [15]***
Vampiric Bite (Sharp teeth) [30]
Uncontrollable Appetite (Blood of sapients)[-15]
Succubus Kiss meta-trait [25]

Description: Succubi. Lust Demons. Hellspawned temptresses. Call them what you will, these daytime horrors is are sure to make you forget what you called them once the sun has set. Especially after a kiss or two.

Design Notes:
*For their male counterparts, Incubi, just switch all gender references to the opposite.
** What I really wanted was "People attracted to females" ... but "males" works as substitute.
*** I tried to make a "five levels of Charisma against males during five hours a night", and it turned out more expensive than "five levels of Charisma against all all the time".
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Old 09-19-2008, 09:00 AM   #802
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by PhoenixPaw
Design Notes:
*For their male counterparts, Incubi, just switch all gender references to the opposite.
In most mythologies, Succubi/Incubi were one being that changed their gender. If it were my build, I'd drop the "Only on Males" Charisma limitation and add Hermaphromorph.

My biggest beef in general (with other things as well), is that it doesn't fit the established mythologies about the Succubus, but then again, you can run your "monsters" how you'd like. I don't have any problems with your limitations, and actually quite like the appearance mods.

Does this work by shapechanging or do they have some minor ability to disguise themselves at night?
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Old 09-19-2008, 10:13 AM   #803
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

I wanted to keep their point-level in the 47-53 point range (as per OP of the thread), which is why I split them into two definite genders.

As for their changing appearance, I haven't thought of -how- they do it. Only -why-. Old (ie Medieval) books depicts them as monstrous/fiendish, yet accounts (afaik but I could be wrong) tells of them being very beautiful. Since traditionally "Day" = "Light" = "Good" = "Holy" and "Night" = "Dark" = "Bad" = "Evil" they would thus have more influence over people while it was dark.

So, depending on setting their change in appearance would be a setting specific flavour. Glamour/Illusion ability in fantasy setting. Subconsciously controlled biokinesis in a psi-setting. A curse from the Divine in a mythological setting (ie, they're naturally very beautiful, but the Divine didn't want them to be that way at day) ...

However, the way they're designed in previous post assumes that they're -in reality- actually quite bland in appearance.
A refined, and higher point total, version is given below. Also, the Hermaphromorph version also have a more versatile (and thus more expensive) Kiss.
Enjoy. ;)

Hermaphromorph Succubus/Incubus Racial Template, [78]
ST -1 [-10]
Will -1 [-5]

Appearance: Horrible -24cp
Appearance: Very Beautiful (Universal +25%, Accessible, Night only -20%) 37cp *
Charisma +4 (Accessibility, Night only -20% ) [16]
Vampiric Bite (Sharp teeth) [30]
Hermaphromorph (Accessibility, Night only -20%; Neuter being default state) [4]
Uncontrollable Appetite (Blood of sapients)[-15]
Kiss of the Succubus Queen meta-trait [45]

Description: Succubi. Incubi. Lust Demons. Hellspawned temptresses. Horny Devils. Call them what you will, these daytime horrors are sure to make you forget what you called them once the sun has set. Especially after a kiss or two.

Kiss of the Succubus Queen (+250%/-80%/-80%) [45]
Draining Kiss: Affliction 1 (w/ Attribute Drain, ST-1, HT-2 +15%; Cumulative +400% Accessible, only against Opposite Gender** -20%; Accessible, Only at Night -20%; Blood Agent -40%; Mêlée, Reach C, can't parry -35%; Takes Extra Time, 4 seconds -30%; Takes Recharge, 15 Sec -20%;) [35]
Ecstatic Kiss: Affliction 10 (w/ Ecstasy +100%; Accessible, only against Opposite Gender** -20%; Accessible, Only at Night -20%; Blood Agent -40%; Cost Fatigue, 3 FP -15%; Mêlée, Reach C, can't parry -35%; Takes Extra Time, 4 seconds -30%; Takes Recharge, 15 Sec -20%) 20/5= [5]
Killing Kiss: Affliction 10 (w/ Stun +10%; Secondary Effect, Heart Attack +60%; Accessible, only against Opposite Gender** -20%; Accessible, Only at Night -20%; Blood Agent -40%; Cost Fatigue, 3 FP -15%; Mêlée, Reach C, can't parry -35%; Takes Extra Time, 4 seconds -30%; Takes Recharge, 15 Sec -20%) 20/5= [5]

This is a more powerful version of the (in?)famous Succubus Kiss. It can send a man reeling in ecstasy, or kill, or just leave him drained of strength and stamina. The kiss does not only works on people attracted to the current gender of the Incubus/Succubus. When a Succubus switch gender into an Incubi this ability switch gender as well, and thus only works on those attracted to men, and the other way around when they switch back.
Exactly what it is in their kiss that gives people such joy, or can cause heart attacks have been debated by many. Those that are in the know are either Incubi or Succubi themselves, doesn't tell that they know, or (most commonly) turn up dead.
But to Kiss like this is draining to the Succubus/Incubus, so mostly they just kiss like normal mortals.

Design Notes:
* I'm not 100% this is correct. The intended effect is that they're really horrible in appearance, but that they can (at will, at night) change their appearance to be Universally Very Beautiful. (If it's not legal, show how it ought to be done please. Thanks in advance.) Cost is calculated from buying up appearance from Horrible to Universally V. Beautiful with a 20% limitation.
** Actually, should be read as "People attracted to the Succubus current gender". If/When the Incubus/Succubus is in neuter form (i.e., neither gender) these abilities does not work. In any case, it uses the similar rationale as appearance (B21).
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Last edited by PhoenixPaw; 09-19-2008 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 09-19-2008, 01:57 PM   #804
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

I think it would be more suitable to put the template in Supernatural Templates or the GURPS Templates thread. This is the "Abilities" thread after all.
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Old 09-19-2008, 05:51 PM   #805
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

True, but I primarily wanted the Succubus Kiss Ability presented, and perhaps evaluated, here.
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Old 09-19-2008, 09:22 PM   #806
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

OK, Let me see if I can make this work: If I had my druthers. this would be my super power.

You open your mouth and belch out several hungry baby polar bears at a fair speed. The crash into your opponent, possibly knocking him prone. After "noming" on him for a bit, they start to wander around, at their whim, randomly drifting into other people in their search for "noms." After the initial blast, they aren't really under your control. Eventually they get tired and sleep or become frightened and run away.
For those without Lolcats "noming* means to chew/eat. "Noms" are "things that can be eaten." I felt this power belonged to the "LolCat" power group. It's name is an exalted name. Sue me.

And yes, baby polar bear teeth might be small piercing, but I feel that "cut and scrape" damage can be crushing, so to ease the creation, I chose that. Of course, I could have added most of this as a cyclic attack (only if first attack hits), but that seemed too much like work.

VORACIOUS BABY POLAR BEAR SUMMONING MEDITATION! 1D+2 cr (Cyclic: 3x cycles @ 1 sec +300%, Double Blunt Trauma +20%, Double Knock Back +20%, Rapid Fire: 3 RoF +50%, Reduced Range: Range Divisor 5 -20%, Area Effect: 2 yd radius +50%, Bombardment: skill 10 -15%, Drifting +20%, Mobile: lvl 3 +120%, Persistent +40%, Cosmic (Lingering Effect, Polar Bear Babies) +100%, Extended Duration: 30x +60%, Limited Use (per day): 2 -30%, Takes Extra Time: lvl 3 -30%, Uncontrollable: potentially damaging -30%, Costs HP: 2 -20%, Source, Lolcat -20%) [58]

Edit: Point cost was wrong, I found a spelling error, and sought to further explain a choice.
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Word of God and Word of Kromm are pretty much the same thing in my book

Last edited by Fwibos; 09-19-2008 at 09:34 PM.
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Old 09-20-2008, 01:00 AM   #807
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Fwibos
Muwahahahahahahahah! Oh my god, I'm going to have to use this in my Wild Cards game. Freaking brilliant Fwibos, freaking brilliant...
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:40 AM   #808
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Fnordianslip
Muwahahahahahahahah! Oh my god, I'm going to have to use this in my Wild Cards game. Freaking brilliant Fwibos, freaking brilliant...
Yeah, but I don't think I'd build it as an innate attack; it's really more of a summonable ally. Multiply by X to allow to X uses per day.

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:45 AM   #809
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Mgellis
Yeah, but I don't think I'd build it as an innate attack; it's really more of a summonable ally. Multiply by X to allow to X uses per day.

I was thinking that too, but can't figure out how to get the "these allies don't listen to me and may attack me as well" aspect of it.
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:05 PM   #810
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by tanniynim
I was thinking that too, but can't figure out how to get the "these allies don't listen to me and may attack me as well" aspect of it.
That's exactly what I thought. The Power is actually linked to Summonable Ally Group with "Unwilling" and Possibly "Uncontrollable"
To simplify, I just declared that after about 30 seconds, they lose "utility" and so become set pieces. This could mean they are picked up, fall asleep, run away, etc.

Although adding wall could make a pile of baby polar bears. The mind spins at such possibilities.

By the By, I realize they are Polar Bear Cubs, but that's just not as funny to shout.

Edit: Also, Keep in mind that they are spat out at a high enough speed to slam into your opponent.

I mean, come on, why would any body just summon Baby Polar Bears when they can spit them at their enemies?
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Word of God and Word of Kromm are pretty much the same thing in my book
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