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Old 04-17-2010, 03:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

Back in the days of the Old World of Darkness, Pyramid Magazine had a great article on how to arrange crossovers between In Nomine and the Old World of Darkness. Since then, the Old World of Darkness got destroyed and replaced with the New World of Darkness, which has more then a few changes, especially in terms of cosmology.

But I think that with a bit of work, it could still be compatible. For starters, the Spirit World, Supernal Realms and Arcadia would be realms located in the Marches. The Realm of Aether and the "Angels" that come from it would most likely be seen as blasphemous Ethereals by the true Celestials, while the true Infernals would regard the demons of Pandemonium as inferior, yet occasionally useful pawns.

Still juggling ideas on this. Any opinions?
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Old 04-18-2010, 07:01 AM   #2
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Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

Being a former WoD player myself I can put in two cents here.

First, as opposed to the OWoD, the NWoD was carefully game-balanced. This was both its blessing and its curse...but I could rant about that. The point being that In Nomine is still unrepentantly cinematic i.e. wacky unbalanced in places. It requires a somewhat different mindset to play.

It's been years since I've played either WoD so I can't get into small cosmological details on this. However I'll remind you that OWoD was basically a two-sided game, Camarilla vs. Sabbat with the Anarchs as an afterthought. In Nomine runs along similar lines, with Heaven and Hell and then the gods as an afterthought. NWoD has several Covenants, creating a..was it six? (looks up) ...six sided idealogical conflict. Less Cold War and more feudal. Would angels be more tolerant of Sanctum members than Draculs, or would they lump them all in as Damned?
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
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Old 04-18-2010, 09:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

Why not convert both into GURPS and play it out there?
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Old 04-19-2010, 03:41 PM   #4
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Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

Originally Posted by hcobb View Post
Why not convert both into GURPS and play it out there?
Hmm... Good point. I have all the relevent GURPS books, albeit mostly third edition ones.

Was there ever a plan to update GURPS In Nomine to fourth edition? I was wondering how to convert the Vessel advantage, for example.
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Old 04-19-2010, 05:16 PM   #5
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Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

Instead of worrying about the exact bit of game balance (I am repressing my laughter with difficulty iin using game balance and In Nomine in the same sentence), just use the 3rd edition costs.
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Old 04-19-2010, 05:17 PM   #6
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

There was, at one point, some hints of someone working on a 4e fan-conversion. He got into a car accident and while he wound up mostly okay, it kind of derailed things.

I would advise for any conversion... basically going with Powered By GURPS instead of trying to make it faithful to GURPS 4e. In particular, the kludge 4e uses for immunity-to-X is like the IOU Treatment: temporary insubstantiability. (...that doesn't look like it's spelled right at aaaaaall.) We had a hard enough time kludging up Malakim of Stone and hacked a little on Ofanim of Fire... Not to mention figuring out whether Cosmic applies or not. O:p

For Vessels, just do what we did originally: use Extra Life (p. 55 of the 4e Basic Set) plus either Alternate Identity (5 point version, p. B39) or Zeroed (10 points, p. B100).

If you read the descriptions of most of the advantages and disads (and for the Band/Choir attunements), you can probably convert straight.
Rites are basically 2-point Perks, etc. Symphonic Influence and Symphonic Knowledge were special-purpose created for GIN, but by now there may be something useable in GURPS Powers.

That help?

Edit: And, of course, there's nothing wrong with saying, "Heck with it!" and using 3rd edition costs. *grin*
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Old 04-19-2010, 10:25 PM   #7
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Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

At this point, I'm wondering if just making up new material based on 4e costs and a more generic approach wouldn't be better.

Yves knows I've never been entirely satisfied with the original system for Songs.
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Old 04-20-2010, 12:43 AM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2005
Default Re: In Nomine and the New World of Darkness

I'm (somewhat) slowly converting In Nomine for use with the NWOD rules, its going to be somewhat grittier than the game as written but hat has a lot to do with the base rule set. Celestials will still be a lot harder than any thing else (though I'm not planning to run crossovers anytime soon due to vampire requiem not crossing to undead vampires in In Nomine.
The biggest issue is loosing some of the granular nature of the resonances (the chances of getting 6 successes is very slim and getting 3 or more with any guarantee is not easy).

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