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Old 01-05-2025, 02:08 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Default The #CharacterCreationChallenge for 2025 kicked off January 1st!

The #CharacterCreationChallenge for 2025 kicked off January 1st! I am participating again. While not every character I create will be for In Nomine, there will be some. Rather than spam the group, I will post links in replies to the main topic.

What is the #CharacterCreationChallenge? That's explained here:

The 2025-specific blog post is here:

A lot of us congregate to showcase our creations here:

Mine are detailed here:

Come on and join in the fun!

And rather than post a reply to myself, the In Nomine list so far:

Note this includes a few characters I did from the #CharacterCreationChallenge from prior years.
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Old 01-06-2025, 12:06 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2008
Default Day 6 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Aldi Gunnarson - Hedge Wizard​

"Don't mistake me for a sorcerer. I'm not one of those Symphony-bending, Damned fools. I'm a wizard, boy. And what do wizards do?" I take a pull of my old-fashioned. "We know things, and we meddle."

"And you drink."

"That is not a prerequisite; it's a personal choice," I say as I finish my drink. "Buy the next round."

A mundane, 5 Force human has no Symphonic awareness nor ability to control Essence. But they could still be a player if skilled enough. Aldi Gunnarson is skilled enough.

Aldi is a spritely old man who haunts the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota. He is Professor Emeritus of Judeo-Christian studies, with a sideline in the myths, religions, and practices of indigenous North and South America natives. A constant of the local paranormal and fringe scene, Aldi always seems to know about strange occurrences or when someone needs that special bit of assistance.

Aldi is also a practicing wizard.

Make no mistake; Aldi is completely mundane, but he is also completely clued in. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the War, a good familiarity with heaven’s allies and the local ethereal players. Aldi is a lucid dreamer with a working knowledge of the Marches. He’s survived in high academia long enough to hone his diplomatic skills and acquire significant fiscal resources. Aldi also retains enough physical conditioning to get away from trouble when it inevitably rears its head. He knows he’s a scholar and not a fighter.

Aldi Gunnarson stands just about 5’6” and weighs slightly portly 155#. He is balding, but retains the good looks of his youth, now morphed into a grandfatherly countenance that inspires trust. He is a snappy dresser and quick with an anecdote.

Aldi is a mundane character built as a 5-Force mundane, with an additional 20 points in advantages, as recommended by the Book of Servants. He could serve as a Class 6 servant to a PC or as a starting human PC granted additional resources by the GM in a mostly celestial party.

Character sheet here:
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-The 2025 Character Creation Challenge (#charactercreationchallenge):
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:11 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2008
Default Day 7 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Broggan – Wandering Troll in service to Nig

The Ethereal Player’s Guide is the fourth and final player’s guide for In Nomine. It details the third in the War, the denizens of the Marches: the ethereals. I was tangentially involved in the playtest for this book. We all wanted it to be awesome. What we got was about three-quarters of two semi-diametrically opposed manuscripts. The EPG ended up a mess, but it is a glorious mess. For a sourcebook about the Marches, perhaps that’s appropriate.

One of my long-term ideas for projects is to stat up the NPC characters mentioned in the supplement _You Are Here_. This is In Nomine’s big book of locations. A lot of NPCs get a description and no stats. That is fine for generic usage, but the exercise will be useful for a test run of the EPG.

Broggan the wandering troll is described as a fey ethereal tithed to Beleth, the demonic Princess of Nightmares, as part of the Fey Courts’ teind to Hell, as described in Tam Lin. Broggan is an Unseelie fey and not a heroic character at all. _You Are Here_ describes Broggan as a spirt of hunger who relishes humanity’s fear of him. But he is getting tired of Hell’s service.

That is enough excuse for adventure!

The EPG recommends starting ethereals as 6-Force characters. It also gives some optional rules for incorporating them into a celestials & infernals game. Characters start with four character points per Force used to purchase resources. I choose moderate affinities for Fear and Hunger. Being in service to Nightmares, I decide to buy a band attunement from Nightmare and justify that as Broggan’s seventh Force. Since he’s a troll, I choose some fighting skills. Ethereals can create their own vessels, so I chose a level 3 one for Broggan. But as a servant of Hell, I decide not to purchase a Role or Servants. I cannot see Nightmares giving that power to an ethereal. My lasts points boost his Dreaming skill and by a level of Lying. Now he’s got some semblance of social skills.

Broggan’s an ethereal thug. He serves as muscle for Nightmares, both in the Marches and on Earth. He has enough power to perhaps fight free of Nightmares. But lacking any support structure on the Ethereal and Corporeal planes, he will be on the run. I think this is an excellent rendition of the character as a potential NPC.

Broggan is an ethereal character built as a 7-Force character, using the Ethereal Player’s Guide. He takes advantage of the optional free skills for ethereals noted in the EPG and has an additional starting Force from the Princess of Nightmares in return for his service. Broggan lacks any Discord, but has not initiated, either. With these caveats, Broggan is a balanced starting character.

Character sheet here:
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-The 2025 Character Creation Challenge (#charactercreationchallenge):
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Old 01-18-2025, 08:40 AM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2014
Default Re: Day 7 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Broggan – Wandering Troll in service to

How would you do Asclepius from the Ethereal Player Guide?
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Old 01-18-2025, 11:54 PM   #5
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Default Re: Day 7 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Broggan – Wandering Troll in service to

Originally Posted by Bayesmeant View Post
How would you do Asclepius from the Ethereal Player Guide?
I'll have to give that some thought.
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-The 2025 Character Creation Challenge (#charactercreationchallenge):
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Old 01-22-2025, 08:32 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2008
Default Day 12 - In Nomine - Broggan II, Wandering Troll in service to Nightmares.

Back on Day 7, I statted out Broggan the Wandering Troll from In Nomine’s _You Are Here_ supplement based on the Ethereal Player’s Handbook. The writeup was perfectly serviceable, but it did not sit write with me. So I have let it sit for a few days. Now I will try again.

Broggan II is statted up as a primal hunger spirit while still maintaining his service to Nightmares. He has fewer skills. But what skills Broggan has are higher. This Broggan could be an alternate take on the existing Broggan. Or he could be another ethereal entirely, simply sharing a similar Image.

Broggan was born among the Unseelie, and has never denied that he is a creature of humanity’s fears. He’s the big ugly thing under the bridge that preys on travelers, but who can be bypassed through clever riddling. Angst and philosophy aren’t his strong points – he likes the taste of human flesh. He thought that he could cope with being included in the tribute to Beleth seventy years ago. However, the Country of the Teind revolts him, and the corruption endemic among his brothers even more so. He isn’t a creature of torture, or cruelty – he only eats when he is hungry, and then sleeps. After long stonelike years of endurance, he is finally looking for a way back to Arcadia. He’s given no outward sign of treason as yet, being intelligent enough to know what would happen to him if he did, but will cooperate with anybody who can offer him a route out of Beleth’s reach. He would even help angels with information or in a fight, if they could put him on the path to Arcadia.

Broggan 2 is an ethereal character built as a 7-Force character, using the Ethereal Player’s Guide. He takes advantage of the optional free skills for ethereals noted in the EPG and has an additional starting Force from the Princess of Nightmares in return for his service. Broggan 2 lacks any Discord, but has not initiated, either. With these caveats, Broggan 2 is a balanced starting character.

Character sheet here:
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-The 2025 Character Creation Challenge (#charactercreationchallenge):
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Old 01-22-2025, 08:44 AM   #7
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Default Re: Day 7 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Broggan – Wandering Troll in service to

Originally Posted by Bayesmeant View Post
How would you do Asclepius from the Ethereal Player Guide?
Looking over the EPG, my copy does not show an Asclepius.
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Old 01-23-2025, 11:47 AM   #8
Join Date: Feb 2014
Default Re: Day 7 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Broggan – Wandering Troll in service to

Originally Posted by thorr-kan View Post
Looking over the EPG, my copy does not show an Asclepius.
Sorry, it uses the spelling "Asklepios"
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Old 01-23-2025, 09:42 PM   #9
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Default Day 23 - In Nomine - Larry Hart, Lesser Faerie Noble.

Another character concept from the You Are Here supplement for In Nomine. One site it describes is a general city police station that is focal point in the Cold War between Heaven and Hell. Unbeknownst to either side, there is third participant in their Symphonic struggles: Lt. Larry Hart, Lesser Faerie Noble, Third Shift Commander.

Larry is an ethereal character built as a 6-Force character, using the Ethereal Player’s Guide. He takes advantage of the optional free skills for ethereals noted in the EPG. He lacks any Discord, but has not initiated, either. With these caveats, Larry is a balanced starting character.

Character sheet here:
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-The 2025 Character Creation Challenge (#charactercreationchallenge):
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Old 01-24-2025, 09:57 AM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2008
Default Re: Day 7 - In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games) - Broggan – Wandering Troll in service to

Originally Posted by Bayesmeant View Post
Sorry, it uses the spelling "Asklepios"
Wikiepedia lists Asklepios as a human demigod who ascended to godhood.

I'm not going to stat him up for this challenge. But based on the EPG, roughly 9 Forces, elements of Life and Information with affinities for Animals, Fertility, and maybe Weather. He has some Rites of his own and some Worship Riteds. He has definitely initiated, with a Dread for failing to heal.

As an alleged ascended human, he of course claims to be the ethereal, not the dream-shade. Like every other dream-shade who's confronted an ethereal spirit in assumption combat.
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-The 2025 Character Creation Challenge (#charactercreationchallenge):
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