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Old 04-09-2009, 03:43 AM   #471
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr
Okay, Warlock, how's this?
Lots better, can see her face now, and can see part of the ponytail better.

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Old 04-09-2009, 02:24 PM   #472
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

After a few sessions, here is Cheylynne in her Wraith Armor.
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:27 PM   #473
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Default Re: Art for games

Hey Mark, I need your help as a Forum Pervert and DAZ Monkey:D

I'm playing a character in a Supers game who's got a sort of gravity-defying physique; I've specifically bought a level of Payload to cover all the things she's hiding in her cleavage and "support clothing" and a level of Doodads (perk Gizmo) for the things she keeps pulling out of it in play.

It's a cross between a joke about unrealistic superheroine art, and a joke about all the junk I carry around in my purse.

I'm pretty stumped for actually making Victoria 4 look like she could hide much of anything in her cleavage without developing incredible beachball breasts of unpractical proportions - she obviously needs a corset-fit morph or something like that.

Any clue where I can find one?
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:35 PM   #474
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mehmet
Well, if you have a horn, I'm pretty sure you can make a broken one - I'm not entirely sure how but Layered Image Editor (for the texture) could be a good start. Also, what do you use for Mrugnak now?

Have you seen Drakelot's Minotaur? Check renderosity if you like.!
I've been using DAZ's Freak (generation 3) and a minotaur character morph, but I didn't like the look of him so I piled on a bunch of the M3 creature and character morphs and got something a little more like my character.

I've managed to break one of his horns now : because the horn prop was just a set of cones (basically), what I did was reduce the depth of all the cones beyond the break to 0%. Not bad results.

I'm using a shader to fake a fur texture - it looks like stuffed-animal fur, but it's fuzzier than nothing.

Drakelot's Minotaur is pretty interesting, but he's got hooves and bovine legs, not humanoid legs and feet - Mrugnaks' a GURPS minotaur, so he's more like the Greco-Roman creature than the mostly-bovine modern depiction.

Updated picture!

I'm waiting for the 4th generation of the Freak - if the creature morphs come out promptly I'll be able to use all my M4 props (including much better armor) on him and I'll have a higher resolution result. I'll need to make a higher rez texture of my own, though, which will be a P.A.I.N.
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:56 PM   #475
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Bruno
I'm pretty stumped for actually making Victoria 4 look like she could hide much of anything in her cleavage without developing incredible beachball breasts of unpractical proportions - she obviously needs a corset-fit morph or something like that.
So, is something like this what you're looking for?
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Old 04-12-2009, 06:21 PM   #476
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I've recently put quite a lot of material for my fantasy setting, Gehennum up on the web. In particular, I have recently posted about sixty thousand words of material arranged as an encyclopaedia which I have never made available before. Anyway, now I face the prospect of illustrating it, which is daunting.

As an artist, I am something of a throwback. And Gehennum has a few odd juxtapositions that would make it tough to pinch illustrations from elsewhere. Hiring or commissioning an illustrator would be more expensive than the project could possibly justify. I could round up some models, paint/dye them the appropriate colours, make the clothes, photograph the models in the the clothes, and then manipulate the images, but getting suitable props for the armour and weapons and suitable sets for the architecture seems challenging. And so, naturally, I am inspired by the renderings that people are posting here.

So, if I may ask some advice:

What would I need to get? Software? Models? Clothing sets? Props? I imagine that tweaking mannequins to have the appropriate build and colouration is not a problem, but what about clothing? What about props? (I am particularly concerned about armour and helmets: classical Greek forms would do.) How much is it all likely to cost?

Second, how hard is it to use? Am I going to get usable results fairly quickly, or is there a very shallow learning curve? Have any of you experienced folk tips to suggest for avoiding the traps for young players?

Third: what are the possibilities for architecture and landscapes? Ships? Animals?

CONTEXT: I am using an Apple 24" iMac with a 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of memory.

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Last edited by Agemegos; 04-12-2009 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 04-12-2009, 08:50 PM   #477
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Well, DAZ|Studio is free. And it comes in Mac as well as PC. You’ve got plenty of horsepower to do images on your Mac, so that’s not a major issue there. Unless you want to do videos . . . there’s a reason the major companies use rendering farms.

As for models, I’d recommend Vicky 4 and Michael 4. You’ll probably want to look at Aiko 4 and Hiro 4, for other body styles. But, they’re not necessary.
As for clothing and props, look into those first. After all, if you can’t find something useful then it would be a waste of money to get involved.
Check out the Daz3d site, I also recommend Renderosity as well. For parts to make starships and vehicles, I recommend Power Fusion 3d. Vanishing Point also has some interesting models. I’m not a fan of Content Paradise, but you might find something there.
There are several “construction” sets (the above mentioned Power Fusion 3d, has several) for vehicles and buildings. And there are numerous animals at Daz3d.
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Old 04-13-2009, 03:16 AM   #478
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr
As for models, I’d recommend Vicky 4 and Michael 4. You’ll probably want to look at Aiko 4 and Hiro 4, for other body styles. But, they’re not necessary.
I had trouble installing Michael 4 and Victoria 4. Can't work out what I am supposed to do to get DAZ|Studio to do to recognise installed content. It is all very un-Maclike.
As for clothing and props, look into those first. After all, if you can’t find something useful then it would be a waste of money to get involved.
Sound advice! I've found some decent Greek helmets and passable Greek armour (though the yokes on the linothorax are too narrow) There is a narrow but adequate range of weapons. But not a decent garment to be seen anywhere! The Greek costume sets I found are laughable: obviously made by someone who had now idea how the garments are made or worn, and who could not be bothered to do any research. I'd have to work with a clothing design package, which is discouraging.

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Last edited by Agemegos; 04-13-2009 at 03:26 AM.
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Old 04-13-2009, 03:18 AM   #479
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Agemegos
I had trouble installing Michael 4 and Victoria 4. Can;t work out what I an supposed to do to get DAZ|Studio to do to recognise installed content.

Sound advice! I've found some decent Greek helmets and passable Greek armour (though the yokes on the linothorax are too narrow) There is a narrow but adequate range of weapons. But not a decent garment to be seen anywhere! The Greek costume sets I found are laughable: obviously made by someone who had now idea how the garments are made or worn, and who could not be bothered to do any research. I'd have to work with a clothing design package, which is discouraging.

There is this menu you can reach by clicking the triangle on the top right corner of Content tab. From there just select "Search for content" - DAZ will add the content to your database.

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Old 04-25-2009, 01:51 AM   #480
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Tommi_Kovala
Power source for Great White, a giant humanoid robot in a GURPS superhero game. I need to draw the fella himself one day.
And I finally did! This is how he looks like minus his rocket jump unit.
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