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Old 02-18-2022, 06:55 AM   #501
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
(( If we take a step back... can Randicol send word to the remaining General to meet us en-route, rather than having to do every invitation separately?))
Taking a step back... we could run the personal invitation as "we know generally how this turns out already", or just figure that once Randicol has met the emperor that he will bring Turiflan on in. He won't convince Turiflan to come along until he's really truly on board, and he's not there yet.

But we can either bring Turiflan seperately, or say matrix appears in much the same fashion, and Turiflan shows up.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'll just assume it's a gimmie as to eventually contacting the correct office.
OK, instead of making up a story that I lost something, I'll say I have something belonging to a maid at the address. I'll pick out a generic enough name so that I'll probably get a result. I'll try to be vague and evasive as to what it is, "it's a garment", "I don't want to embarrass her further", etc. And I'll try to emphasize that I want to apologize for the way I was reacting, "I was a bit drunk", etc.

It takes a LOT of awkward fumbling about with agencies that may or may not be the right one. In the end, Halcyone has to call the places back with a new name for the maid, and finally gets the phone number for the maid.
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Old 02-18-2022, 07:51 AM   #502
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
It takes a LOT of awkward fumbling about with agencies that may or may not be the right one. In the end, Halcyone has to call the places back with a new name for the maid, and finally gets the phone number for the maid.
Well I suppose I could call the maid up and just offer a bribe or something to smuggle me in. Unless all the staff live on site, and assuming that public transit doesn't really go out that way, I could hitch a ride in their trunk and get on site that way. If I only need a short window I could just bribe them to trade places for a little while.

Let's do a bit of research to narrow the maid's residence:
[344] 22-02-18 13:51:04 GMT
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Old 02-18-2022, 05:45 PM   #503
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
But we can either bring Turiflan seperately, or say matrix appears in much the same fashion, and Turiflan shows up.
Whatever seems most likely is fine... Vassairous will deliver the same general schpiel... If his reaction warrants more discussion, let's go for it, but if it's pretty rote we can just take it as written.
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Old 02-21-2022, 10:16 AM   #504
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Well I suppose I could call the maid up and just offer a bribe or something to smuggle me in. Unless all the staff live on site, and assuming that public transit doesn't really go out that way, I could hitch a ride in their trunk and get on site that way. If I only need a short window I could just bribe them to trade places for a little while.

Let's do a bit of research to narrow the maid's residence:
She lives in an apartment complex about six miles from the home she cleans. The apartment is shared with seven other people, two of which appear to be relatives. Public transportation can get her away from her apartment, but not to Fericus's residence. Halcyone is unsure exactly how she gets to work... probably she either is delivered by the service, or she carpools with someone.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Whatever seems most likely is fine... Vassairous will deliver the same general schpiel... If his reaction warrants more discussion, let's go for it, but if it's pretty rote we can just take it as written.
rolling... hmm... how convenient for you.

Turiflan also assumes you are an agent of the emperor, and wishes to know why he has delayed so long. Vassarious tells him that this is not the place, and gives him the location.

A five hour plane ride later, Vassarious has the two generals at the front line.
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Old 02-21-2022, 11:48 AM   #505
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Once they have the protection of the caves, Vassarious explains...

"We are now shielded from prying eyes... The priesthood has altered the magics that guide the Emporer's governance while he slumbered I awakened his body in the hopes that he would correct the alterations, but the result revealed that it was more than the triggers of his awakening that were changed.

To your Emporer's credit, he had prepared for such an eventuality. We go now to meet with Maxumus' true spirit and to discuss what must be done to set things right."

He brings them in to meet their holo-Emporer.
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Old 02-21-2022, 12:17 PM   #506
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
She lives in an apartment complex about six miles from the home she cleans. Halcyone is unsure exactly how she gets to work... probably she either is delivered by the service, or she carpools with someone.
Well I guess I have to wait another day or two for the day off to come up. Then I guess I'll case her apartment building and possibly follow her to where she gets picked up.

[345] 22-02-21 18:16:58 GMT
3d6 <= 16
2 + 4 + 3 = 9 ... success
[346] 22-02-21 18:17:14 GMT
Shadowing (by stealth default)
3d6 <= 11
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Old 02-22-2022, 06:54 AM   #507
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Once they have the protection of the caves, Vassarious explains...

"We are now shielded from prying eyes... The priesthood has altered the magics that guide the Emporer's governance while he slumbered I awakened his body in the hopes that he would correct the alterations, but the result revealed that it was more than the triggers of his awakening that were changed.

To your Emporer's credit, he had prepared for such an eventuality. We go now to meet with Maxumus' true spirit and to discuss what must be done to set things right."

He brings them in to meet their holo-Emporer.
Turiflan : "You accuse the priesthood of altering the emperor's mind? I would have thought the reverse more likely."

Randicol: "How do we know that the true emperor is here and not the one at the capitol?"

Turiflan: "Why is this place different? Why is it safe? who are you really?"

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Well I guess I have to wait another day or two for the day off to come up. Then I guess I'll case her apartment building and possibly follow her to where she gets picked up.
Halcyone is taking her time... needs to pick up stealth when she gets some points.

The maid takes public transport to her place of employment, and then is dropped off by a company van with a few other maids in the same area.
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Old 02-22-2022, 09:00 AM   #508
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Halcyone is taking her time... needs to pick up stealth when she gets some points.
Suffice it to say I've been keeping a shopping list
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The maid takes public transport to her place of employment, and then is dropped off by a company van with a few other maids in the same area.
Dropped off? Did I follow the van to the destination or did you mean picked up?

Regardless, I'll try to follow the van if possible and if not I'll try to find a tracking device for sale. I want to know whether the van stops inside Fericus's estate and if so, how long the stop is for and if it's in a relatively isolated area.
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Old 02-22-2022, 12:53 PM   #509
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Turiflan : "You accuse the priesthood of altering the emperor's mind? I would have thought the reverse more likely."
"Perhaps not his mind itself, but some of the guiding magic."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Randicol: "How do we know that the true emperor is here and not the one at the capitol?"
"You have only my word, but he may yet convince you. It makes little difference... I bring you to the one sympathetic to your goals."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Turiflan: "Why is this place different? Why is it safe? who are you really?"
"It is part of an ancient design for the purpose. As for my identity, I have not revealed it in case of a leak. It is better that the imperial forces be unsure of who they face and in what numbers. We will be there shortly."
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Old 02-23-2022, 09:03 AM   #510
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Dropped off? Did I follow the van to the destination or did you mean picked up?

Regardless, I'll try to follow the van if possible and if not I'll try to find a tracking device for sale. I want to know whether the van stops inside Fericus's estate and if so, how long the stop is for and if it's in a relatively isolated area.
Halcyone followed the van to the estate. The maid is let off just outside the gate, and has a code that allows her entrance through the gate. The area is hardly isolated, with other estates stacked nearby. But some allowance has been made for privacy. Each estate sits on about four acres and with 7 foot high solid brick fences with an additional two feet of "decorative" metal on top, and the houses sit back from the road. The cameras by everyone's gates do not sit back from the road.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Perhaps not his mind itself, but some of the guiding magic."

"You have only my word, but he may yet convince you. It makes little difference... I bring you to the one sympathetic to your goals."

"It is part of an ancient design for the purpose. As for my identity, I have not revealed it in case of a leak. It is better that the imperial forces be unsure of who they face and in what numbers. We will be there shortly."
They're willing to go on. Vassarious leads them into the chamber. The place has changed a bit: A generator is running in a corner, and the place is actually lit. Three desks, have been moved into the cave outside of the shrine, complete with computers, and what looks like communications equipment of some kind. Four soldiers are operating it. Kunnifax stands guard at the gate, carrying a sword and wearing full soldier's armor.

The generals kneel for Maximus, and then launch into their questions.

Kunnifax takes Vassarious aside to tell him that Marcellus (the front commander you already told) wants to set up a line of communication between V, "The tentacle girl", and "NeoImperial Headquarters", which seems to mean the shrine room.
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