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Old 04-08-2011, 02:13 AM   #31
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Is this correct? In the core book, on the sidebar on page 48, it says that celestials who know the Celestial Song of Entropy can change the age of their vessels at will.

But the song that changes age is the Corporeal Song of Entropy, isn't it?

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Old 04-08-2011, 08:47 AM   #32
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Originally Posted by BillionSix View Post
Is this correct? In the core book, on the sidebar on page 48, it says that celestials who know the Celestial Song of Entropy can change the age of their vessels at will.

But the song that changes age is the Corporeal Song of Entropy, isn't it?

Good catch -- Celestial Entropy inspires hallucinations and psychic breakdown in a subject.
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Old 04-08-2011, 09:51 PM   #33
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Hmmm. I think that the errata coordinator is now going to be able to handle these... But I'm going to leave the thread up till I find out. (I just submitted that erratum via the webpage. We'll see!) Thanks for the catch!
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Old 04-09-2011, 01:53 AM   #34
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

But just to be clear.... It says if I know the (fill in the blank) Song of Entropy, I can change the age of my vessel at will.

Does that mean I don't actually have to spend Essence and use the song on myself? I only have to do that when using it on objects and other people?

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Old 04-09-2011, 10:24 AM   #35
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Sure seems that's what it's saying, but "at will" could also mean "you can sing the Song whenever you want" -- with a poetic turn of phrase. I'd ask your GM which interpretation is being used.
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Old 06-23-2011, 09:40 PM   #36
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

I do not know if this counts as true errata or not, but Yves' Servitors cause Dissonance in the Symphony whenever they lead someone down the path of Fate. Kronos' Servitors, on the other hand, cause Dissonance in the Symphony whenever they lead someone down the path of Destiny, or whenever they prevent someone from reaching their Fate. However, it says nothing in the Core Rules about Yves' Servitors causing Dissonance in the Symphony whenever they prevent someone from reaching their Destiny.

Here are some excerpts for comparison.

Originally Posted by In Nomine Core Rulebook, p. 134
[Yves' Servitors] may not take any direct action to move a person toward his fate.
Originally Posted by In Nomine Core Rulebook, p. 172
It’s dissonant for an agent of Kronos to help a human achieve his destiny.
It’s also dissonant for an agent of Kronos to prevent a human from meeting his fate.
Are we to take it this means Servitors of Yves do not cause Dissonance when they prevent someone from reaching their Destiny?
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Last edited by DBloch2012; 10-10-2012 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 06-26-2011, 05:13 PM   #37
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Not Errata, no. Kronos' Servitors have a more onerous dissonance condition than Yves' in that regard. Such is the Symphony.

(Though they don't cause dissonance in the Symphony, except metaphorically. They cause dissonance to the Servitor...)
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Old 11-01-2011, 07:50 PM   #38
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Oh, I'm in a pickle. Regarding page 53 of the Core rules, a little sentence is causing me a big headache.

Originally Posted by tHEhERETIC View Post
Assuming the tether rules are the same as merely going Celestial--and it looks that way, simply that a tether does not require a Will roll--assuming that's the case, it has one added advantage.

The way I'm reading that, the angel can take items "clothing plus up to Corporeal Forces x10 in other items". That's in both the pdf and the Unrepentant First Edition. Now I realize it probably means Corp x10 in pounds, but there's nothing says it doesn't mean Corp x 10 in Forces. Okay, that's a little high, but I like the concept. Maybe a sum of the two? In any case it means that if an angel grabs a jar and tries to go through, it would be easy with an ordinary and not too heavy jar...the kind that's essentially worthless. A medium jar with a very big baddie inside might not be able to go through, depending on the particulars of the numbers. And that, of course, is the kind you emphatically don't want to leave behind.

This leaves my basic dilemma concept intact, while freeing you folks of a lot of unnecessary cargo. Thoughts? I'll make an edit if the addenda fix this in any significant way.
Basically the PC's have a bunch of sorcery-made jars that are imprisoning some demons and ethereals. They have immediate access to a tether, and are wondering if they should just be able to take the jars though the tether with them.

(Oh, and a corpse. And some relics, which they don't realize they have.)

So it's Corporeal Forces x10...of what?

Any thoughts on my main dilemma would be welcome too, though you may want to follow the link and post them in my OOC thread.
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Last edited by tHEhERETIC; 11-01-2011 at 07:56 PM. Reason: gruesome details
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:57 PM   #39
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Originally Posted by tHEhERETIC View Post
So it's Corporeal Forces x10...of what?
Going to GURPS In Nomine, page 181, it's pounds. (Can you submit this as errata for IN? Just reference GIN, p. 181, as the correct answer.)

Originally Posted by GURPS In Nomine, p. 181
When someone goes celestial, his corporeal vessel vanishes, along with whatever inanimate objects he was carrying, up to Corporeal Power × 10 pounds. These items have gone into “potentiality” with the vessel, and will return with it; they will not be accessible to the owner in his celestial form, unless they are relics (p. 171).
Mind, if interpreting it a different way would solve a problem for your game, interpret it so it solves a problem! O:>

(On the other hand, Tether limitations on Force transmission may apply, and solve your problem a different way -- even if they can take the relics through pound-wise, they may not be able to bring the beings inside easily... See the Liber Castellorum.)
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Old 11-01-2011, 10:19 PM   #40
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Default Re: Submit Errata for e23 In Nomine products

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
Going to GURPS In Nomine, page 181, it's pounds. (Can you submit this as errata for IN? Just reference GIN, p. 181, as the correct answer.)

Mind, if interpreting it a different way would solve a problem for your game, interpret it so it solves a problem! O:>

(On the other hand, Tether limitations on Force transmission may apply, and solve your problem a different way -- even if they can take the relics through pound-wise, they may not be able to bring the beings inside easily... See the Liber Castellorum.)
Much thanks--the second point is exactly what I was after. Except for the part where you reference L. Castellorum...which I don't have. I wonder how hard it will be for me to get here in the Far East (though clearly it won't arrive in time).

So, in a rough outline, what are the limitations on bringing beasties like that through the tether?
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