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Old 03-06-2021, 02:36 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

The military outpost of Starhold Keep lies in the rocky hinterlands near a narrow river canyon named Hell's Throat.

Starhold Keep is a safe place, but not a comfortable one. All pretense of glamour, style, and graces have been sacrificed at the altar of military practicality. It shows, in the chipped stone of the grey walls, in the dusty crowded streets, and in the miserable and irritated glares of the guardsmen. The Keep sits on Prying Eye Island, perched on the top of Tanara Falls.

You and your fellow adventurers have arrived here a few days ago, trekking up the winding Borderland Road, past fishing-men at the Lower Falls and up a serpentine trail on the side of a mountain. The trail was dirty and rough, strewn with discarded trash, broken wheels and the occasional decaying carcass of a fallen animal. At the top is the landing, a muddy field at the stoop of the Keep where caravans wait outside the gates to be let in and travelers hitch their horses at the Keep's Palisade. To the west, a little ways away from the Keep, is Quarrytown - an improvised and shady chunk of settlement where rogues and miners live. West of Quarrytown is The Shelf, a flat farmland that feeds the Keep and its surrounding people.

Since arriving, the Broken Hilt tavern's common room in the Keep's middle bailey has been your living quarters.
You and your party of adventuring cohorts have arrived here for simple reasons; Hell's Throat is rumored to be a wilderness teaming with treasures and monsters, including some sort of "Super-Lair" where the forces of evil are festering in their ill-gotten gains...
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Old 03-06-2021, 03:49 AM   #2
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC


One of the best known (and most frequented) locales inside the Keep is the Broken Hilt Tavern. Located between the gates leading to the Upper and Lower Baileys, it’s difficult to enter or leave the Keep without passing by this perpetually crowded establishment.

Its sign is a flat, thick piece of wood with a broken sword painted on both sides, but no writing. Made famous by the popular drinking song, “She Broke my Heart at the Broken Hilt,” this riotous, seedy tavern is known throughout the region. Watered down ale, ****-poor food, flea-infested rooms and teaming with pick pockets and ne'er-do-wells, the Broken Hilt is open around the clock.

The Broken Hilt tavern has a reputation for being a ‘rough place’. It’s the favorite gathering place at the Keep for off duty soldiers and they like to play rough. That, coupled with the fact the food is **** poor, the ale watered-down and the rooms flea infested, cause most ‘proper’ Keep residents to shun it. On the bright side, the prices are cheaper than most other options in the Keep and well-suited to those drawing a soldier’s measly pay.

One of the tavern’s recent claims to fame is a small boulder near the bar – supposedly thrown by a giant on the mountainside. Whether it is true or not, the repairs to the roof seem real enough.
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Old 03-09-2021, 01:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC


Having arrived a few days ago, Bain invested his time in preparing for the mission; and so, he focused on two tasks: Getting to know the town and collecting information about the Hell’s Throat and preparing the camouflage of his hunting shirt (to gain an edge on the field).

The idea of having a giant in the vicinity sounded interesting to him, and deemed it as a possible lead to Hell’s Throat; however, Bain suspects it could also have been a tool of war.

Bain approached the boulder and checked its size; using his information and his knowledge in archery (as a proxy for ballistics), he tried to determine from what direction came the boulder. And so, Bain asked himself: How big is it? Does it look like it has been “processed” for its use as a projectile? What lies over there? Could it be Hell’s throat?


Bain decides it is time to start moving; he walks to Starhold Keep’s base, with the intention of introducing himself to the soldier’s chief and discuss his mission.

(Note: I am assuming the party already formed during the traverse to Starhold Keep, should the other members do different things than Bain, consider he will meet with you for dinner at Broken Hilt). Ajardoor, please let me know what to roll when you need it!
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Old 03-10-2021, 05:39 PM   #4
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Gottfried has a couple of drinks while sitting in the common room of the Broken Hilt. He'll banter and joke with the off-duty soldiers. It's all very familiar to him, he's been a soldier for a loong time.
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Old 03-10-2021, 09:02 PM   #5
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Vic and Gathika met after the events at her town (Ambrosia).

While Vic was on his way to Starhold Keep, he found Gathika “staring at nothing”. Vic sat next to her, trying to find what she was looking at. Gathika told Vic that a curse has brought him to her town, and that the “voices” compel them to visit Starhold Keep… and understanding their situation, they embark on their journey.

Vic and Gathika eventually join the traveller Bain of Avalon, on their way to Starhold Keep, under the premise of having "strenght in numbers for the challenges to come".

And now Gathika is waiting for Bain with Vic at the tavern.
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Old 03-11-2021, 09:56 AM   #6
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Telrith (Stone-friend, the elementalist, or pebbles, if you have the brains of a barbarian) spends his time before the adventure walking the town, looking at the various types of soil and rock there, and trying to get a feel for what's available in the town. He's especially on the lookout for a guild or other organization of casters: he has thaumatology 14. For now, he's mostly just looking for people to banter theory with, and to get an idea of how common they are here*.

*specifically, if I go looking for a hireling with magical talents, what sort of modifier am I rolling?
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Old 03-11-2021, 01:57 PM   #7
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Bain is at the barracks, looking for the sergeant. What happens next?
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Old 03-11-2021, 10:27 PM   #8
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He's especially on the lookout for a guild or other organization of casters: he has thaumatology 14. For now, he's mostly just looking for people to banter theory with, and to get an idea of how common they are here*.

*specifically, if I go looking for a hireling with magical talents, what sort of modifier am I rolling?
The Keep has one magic shop, The Magic Box, run by an old witch. She tries to hawk a bunch of snake oil amulets and incense, but any authentic magician can get her to cut the crud and get down to business.
There is also a sage named Greytar bunking down in the keep. He is currently writing a travelogue of the area, and enjoys talks with his fellow mystics on various esoteric topics. He is knowledgable, but not an adventurer.
(OOC: Looking for a hireling requires rolling the Propaganda skill.)

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Bain is at the barracks, looking for the sergeant. What happens next?
The sargeant is less than enthused to meet an adventurer, but he does reluctantly talk about the region with Bain. He confirms what Bain has learned about The Caves of Mercy - his troops steer clear of that area.
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Old 03-12-2021, 01:29 AM   #9
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
The sargeant is less than enthused to meet an adventurer, but he does reluctantly talk about the region with Bain. He confirms what Bain has learned about The Caves of Mercy - his troops steer clear of that area.
Bain replies:

Thank you, sir, I appreciate your time and the attention.

If I were to investigate the Caves of Mercy, would I need to take a special precaution?
And, is this place related to the giant boulder at Broken Hilt?
If you have your hands full, me and my partners could be of help.
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Old 03-12-2021, 04:49 AM   #10
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Bain replies:

Thank you, sir, I appreciate your time and the attention.

If I were to investigate the Caves of Mercy, would I need to take a special precaution?
And, is this place related to the giant boulder at Broken Hilt?
If you have your hands full, me and my partners could be of help.
The sargeant strokes his chin, "Bring food for the trip. And very good weapons."
And as for the boulder at the Broken Hilt, "We think that was just an attempt on revenge. Giants don't live in caves, they're too big."

The sargeant wishes Bain luck, "We don't know what's out there in The Caves. Be careful."
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