Originally Posted by PK
Hey, feel free to leak whatever you want; it's your book. :)
Then I shall.
Originally Posted by Kalzazz
Ghostdancer - Seriously? I don't recall seeing a single example of a spell loadout on your blog, and I've been watching fairly hard for it since its something I've been trying to encourage you to blog about for a looooooong time
I do think worked examples of things are something would be awesome if GURPS did more of, one of my favorite GURPS books ever was GURPS Wizards, since it had fully statted, with gear and name and story, wizards for all the concepts it was demonstrating
I actually even played one of the worked example characters in a campaign!
edit - Since I am the one making silly comments about the loadout topic, I'll try to post one of my own loadouts this eve
Really? Not this
one? Or this
one? Or this
one? Or
these two for Patreon patrons?
I have blogged about it - five different times. And there's another one in the future. Right now, that's not where my creative energies are but I did it because you asked if I would.
Originally Posted by Kuroshima
I was trying to be mysterious... Spoilsports...
Mysterious may make something popular, but it doesn't convince people to buy the product. This is a product. I want people to buy it so I can write another product that people will hopefully buy.
Originally Posted by Pseudonym
Gave it a quick read through, I think it looks fun, and kinda want to see how it would play out versus RPM.
One small thing though, on p.27, Greater Solidify Spirit references the undead path instead of, presumably, the necromancy path.
Originally Posted by PK
Darn it! (said the embarrassed editor).
Share any other goofs you find and we will do an errata fix after giving it a week or two so they can all shake out.
GRAH! I spent DAYS looking over this (that was a late addition though, so maybe some forgiveness) and something still slipped through.