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Old 09-16-2004, 11:13 AM   #1
MunchkinMan's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Macungie, PA
Default (Updated 2/28/2019) Critical Links & Useful Information -- READ ME FIRST!!!

Here's a list of critical links to know. . .

The Errata --
The FAQ --
The Rules --
Munchkin Thingies (the text for every Class, Race, Loyalty, Accent, Mojo, etc.) -- (free PDF download from Warehouse 23)

Why aren't my friend's cards the same as mine?
In 2010, we revised the rules for all the Munchkin games. This included coloring the art in all fantasy Munchkin sets and tweaking card text for a number of cards in almost every Munchkin release. All official answers will refer to the post-2010 sets.

A list of changes that we made is found in the 2010 Change Log.

I just bought a set and it has funny symbols on the bottom!
Expansions to Munchkin sets (and some core sets that use the same card design as original Munchkin) have icons on the bottom, to help you separate your cards back out again. We have a Web page showing all the icons in use.

Searching this forum:
Munchkin (and its brethren) use a lot of small or common words. There are two important ideas to remember:
1) Using the asterisk (*) in the forum search can help you find short words, by making Elf into Elf* (for example).
2) Google has a feature that will allow you to use it to find stuff in the forums. Just add "" in your Google search. That will search ALL of SJ Games' forums, not just the Munchkin forum, so you might still have a lot of items to scour through, but with the right application of Search Fu, you should be able to find what you're looking for.

I have a question about a card that says...:
We respectfully ask you not to quote card text here. The moderators all have a database with the card text in it, so we don't need the quote, and anyone else who's curious what the card says can go look at their copy. (This request comes from Steve and dates back to the very early days of the forums.)

Custom card ideas:
We know you really want to share your custom card ideas, we really do, but please don't share them on this forum. Our old website had a submission form for card ideas – unfortunately, it isn't compatible with our new site's code. We're looking into a solution. For now, please be patient.

House rules:
The Munchkin forums are for discussing the games as they are written and intended to be played. Both the Munchkin and Other Munchkin Games forums have House Rules threads, and if you're talking about variant rules of any sort, please confine your comments to those threads so we don't confuse other posters.

The Munchkin 101 Forum:
There is no need to post a question on the main Munchkin forum and the Munchkin 101 forum. This causes the discussion of your question to get fragmented. Your question will be seen by the people who need to see it regardless of which forum you post it in, and it won't get answered any faster by being in two places at once. (We will occasionally move a question from 101 to the main forum, if we think it's too complex or might be confusing to new players.)

Dealer Shoes/Discard bins/Card sleeves:
Occasionally, someone asks, "Hey, why doesn't SJ Games make a really cool, tricked-out dealer's shoe for Munchkin?" or a similar question about custom Munchkin card sleeves. The short answer is: We'd really like to, but we can't make it cost-effective. We'll keep working at it. (And if you want a way to store your cards, check out the Boxes of Holding or Monster Box and their respective sequels.)

Several companies now make sleeves in a size appropriate for Munchkin cards; look for "Standard American" or "Standard USA" sleeves. If a sleeve holds Yu-Gi-Oh cards, it should be fine for Munchkin as well. (Note that Munchkin Quest and the Munchkin Collectible Card Game use different-sized cards; any sleeves compatible with that other magical CCG will work fine.)

I want to play Munchkin online!
At present, there is no authorized way to play Munchkin online. Asmodee Digital is working on a Munchkin game for Nintendo Switch; watch the Daily Illuminator and our social media for updates!

Who are you guys, anyway?
Andrew Hackard is the Munchkin Line Editor (sometimes referred to as the Czar). It's his job to keep all the Munchkin sets in print and make sure that everyone hits their deadlines. Andrew drinks way too much coffee and has been known to mutter to himself in Latin.

Erik Zane (MunchkinMan) is the Munchkin NetRep. It's his job to know everything about the rules for Munchkin, including what we said the last time someone asked your question. (To help Erik out, we've got a pretty comprehensive FAQ, linked above; please check there first!)

Steve Jackson wrote Munchkin. Thanks, Steve!

Former Munchkin staff are Angie Kreuser, Keith Blackard, Leonard Balsera, Carl deSoto, and Devin Lewis.

Andrew and Erik are the moderation staff for this forum. Generally, we try to keep things friendly and cheerful. You can help by treating other posters as you'd like to be treated -- or, even better, as you'd like your favorite relative to be treated. When one of the moderators answers a rule question, you can assume that answer is official unless they say it's just an opinion.

One last request: Please try to not post a bunch of unrelated questions in a single post, or to add on extra, unrelated questions later on in a thread. We really do go back and look at previous rulings, and it helps us out when the discussions stay focused. If a conversation starts getting too fractured, we may split it into separate threads.

Okay, let's have fun! Now! Have fun now, people!
Erik D. Zane
Munchkin NetRep --
MiB #1029

Last edited by Andrew Hackard; 02-28-2019 at 09:25 AM. Reason: 2/28/19: changed all links to the new site, made a couple of other small changes
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