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Old 07-07-2024, 03:39 PM   #351
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
She could have accessed a bone if she is sneaky about it. There are certainly lots of fragments. Does she have filch or some other appropriate skill for stealing a bone fragment? I suppose stealth could work as well, after Cassandra ran away.
Anoras unfortunately doesn't have either of those "sneaky" skills. But she was by herself for quite a bit, gathering various things while being watched just by a crow that could only see her from above from just one side at a time. So if she'd seen something, perhaps she could have gotten it where the crow wouldn't see it.

And she does have Acting, Fast Talk, and Tactics, in addition to Naturalist and First Aid. So even with people, she could get something when no one who knows magic is watching. Something like, "I could use that for healing, and that, and that over there," etc. That's when one of the things in the middle is actually something she might use to beat the charm.

In my experience in our world, people tend to assume that just about anything a medical person does while on duty probably has some medical purpose.

And as you had posted, they think:

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Weird healer doing weird healer things, as far as they are concerned.
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Old 07-08-2024, 09:02 AM   #352
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras unfortunately doesn't have either of those "sneaky" skills. But she was by herself for quite a bit, gathering various things while being watched just by a crow that could only see her from above from just one side at a time. So if she'd seen something, perhaps she could have gotten it where the crow wouldn't see it.

And she does have Acting, Fast Talk, and Tactics, in addition to Naturalist and First Aid. So even with people, she could get something when no one who knows magic is watching. Something like, "I could use that for healing, and that, and that over there," etc. That's when one of the things in the middle is actually something she might use to beat the charm.

In my experience in our world, people tend to assume that just about anything a medical person does while on duty probably has some medical purpose.

And as you had posted, they think:
During the by herself period, reaching the bones would not be possible without a "sneaky" roll. At least not in anyway I'm willing to do retroactively.

picking up herbs for resisting magic is 100% doable, but to make the charm that gives the bonus, you need the remnants of a spell the magician cast and then was destroyed.
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Old 07-08-2024, 08:57 PM   #353
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Understood. Although I am rather guessing at what to even ask about, as Anoras is an expert on things of Haunden for which I don't have a clue.

So if the GM has an appropriate roll that might work, the GM has my permission to roll for me.
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Old 07-09-2024, 01:00 PM   #354
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

I can't think of a good one. So no bone for a charm.

So now that I'm remembering, which of them are Anoras's uncle and three or more cousins? I'm thinking Old man Trendil might actually be her uncle (or great uncle). He and Anoras are both fast talkers. And Anoras was careful not to use her own usually used name with the Venasir. She might have learned both those tricks from her uncle! (And in some families, it's not uncommon to use nicknames for family members. For one of my uncles, I don't remember ever calling him by his legal name. And even though Trendil is "Old Man," I had a great aunt and great uncle I called and thought of as my aunt and uncle.)
You're right, some of them should be relatives. Old Man Trendil is her uncle. Adeleth and one of the boys are cousins. The last cousin is Hengrid, a woman who doesn't have any skills that will help you much here.

In any case, Anoras will look for a chance to talk to some of the captives when Haunden-speaking Vilisan isn't within earshot. She'll do that while doing her checking the wounded thing. (Anybody with their hands tied tightly after being captured in an attack could potentially be wounded.) If she has the chance, she'll whisper directly in the ear of Trendil, Belansi, Timar, possibly Gerrand and Adeleth if she's sure they can keep quiet:

Anoras (whispering in Haunden): "Please don't give this away to anyone who can't keep secrets, but I am Anoras."

And yes, it's possible a Venasir might think Anoras is whispering in the ears of the Haunden. That's part of the reason she told the Venasir she's going to try to trick the Haunden into giving away "the secret." You don't generally get somebody to give away a secret openly when people who might hate them for doing so are tied right next to them....
Rolled acting to do so stealthily... got a 5. nice.

I don't see a skill that would let her judge if Gerrand and Adeleth would talk or not, so the player gets to make that decision.

Trendil hisses "Do you have a plan?" when spoken to.

Timar says nothing, but her face betrays surprise, shock and hope

Belansi asks "What do you need me to do?"


Cassandra Passes much of the night on the battlements, waiting for an attack that does not come. When will she go to sleep?
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Old 07-10-2024, 01:07 PM   #355
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Given she is convinced the attack will come she will try to stay up late
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Old 07-10-2024, 07:42 PM   #356
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Rolled acting to do so stealthily... got a 5. nice.
Yeah, rolling 10 under skill doesn't hurt!

Has Anoras found any herbs she could use against the enemy? Could be something that puts people to sleep or at least makes them groggy or disoriented (i.e. minus to skill), etc.? (Things like that are often used in medical treatments.)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I don't see a skill that would let her judge if Gerrand and Adeleth would talk or not, so the player gets to make that decision.
I rather thought Anoras would know them better than the 10 or so words I know about them, but I guess not. So Anoras will say this:

Anoras (whispering in Haunden): "Please don't give this away to anyone who can't keep secrets, but I am Anoras."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Trendil hisses "Do you have a plan?" when spoken to.

Timar says nothing, but her face betrays surprise, shock and hope

Belansi asks "What do you need me to do?"
Anoras (whispering in Haunden to those who know who she is): "I am open to your suggestions. My plan right now is, as I am doing examinations, to loose knots enough so that people still looked tied, but can easily get out. We can wait to act further after many of the guards are asleep. But again, I am open to your ideas."
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Old 07-11-2024, 10:14 AM   #357
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Yeah, rolling 10 under skill doesn't hurt!

Has Anoras found any herbs she could use against the enemy? Could be something that puts people to sleep or at least makes them groggy or disoriented (i.e. minus to skill), etc.? (Things like that are often used in medical treatments.)
ok, so for herbs used against the enemy generally (as opposed to mystic) that's poisons or pharmacy (Herbal), pharmacy (Herbal) defaults to naturalist (and your naturalist is sky high)

Rolled a 14. vs effective skill of 12 (17-5). No, she doesn't have access to sedative plants. At least not any that don't require eating something mildly unpleasant in substantial quantities.

I rather thought Anoras would know them better than the 10 or so words I know about them, but I guess not. So Anoras will say this:

Anoras (whispering in Haunden): "Please don't give this away to anyone who can't keep secrets, but I am Anoras."
Anoras does know them better than you, but not in that context.

Gerrand Grunts acknowledgement.

Adeleth: "Oh, its... " and then she remembers not to give anything away. "where are the others?"

Anoras (whispering in Haunden to those who know who she is): "I am open to your suggestions. My plan right now is, as I am doing examinations, to loose knots enough so that people still looked tied, but can easily get out. We can wait to act further after many of the guards are asleep. But again, I am open to your ideas."
Gerrund: "we need a plan to kill them all. Or they'll just chase us back down."
Trendil: "Give me some time, and I'll think about it. do you know where the skeletons and others went?"
Belansi: "be careful with the children. We may need to do them last. Do you which way is safety?"

Given she is convinced the attack will come she will try to stay up late
I'm going to interpret that as she stays up until morning. She's down 3 FP at that point. Will she go to sleep after she is proved wrong, or try to stay up all day?
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Old 07-11-2024, 10:55 AM   #358
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

I'll post what Anoras does later--I wanted to get this up quickly.

Originally Posted by Kalzazz View Post
Given she is convinced the attack will come she will try to stay up late
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I'm going to interpret that as she stays up until morning. She's down 3 FP at that point. Will she go to sleep after she is proved wrong, or try to stay up all day?
Please forgive me if I'm sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong. But as Kalzazz is, in my opinion, admirably working to play true to character even to that character's detriment, here's a possible idea based on the post below about the sign Cassandra carries:

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras will make a large mark on the wood signifying Holidor and/or another appropriate mark that would hint helping Holidor--two marks would be ideal. She'll write on the wood in Venasir:

"Warning: Fireball and Wings plan to meet Stripes with others to attack Holidor castle a day or so from now. Cassandra, and the mystics' prisoners, including the giant Thad, can help Holidor prevent the attack. -- Healer Anoras."
Up to the GM, of course. But perhaps someone could remind Cassandra of what it says on the wooden sign that people saw Cassandra carrying into Holidor, the sign that Cassandra knows Anoras wrote, the sign that is based on the information Anoras told in person to Cassandra. Maybe that would help encourage Cassandra to think about the attack being planned for a day or so later, and encourage the warrior to get some sleep.
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Old 07-11-2024, 04:36 PM   #359
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Anoras does know them better than you, but not in that context.

When Vilisan isn't in ear shot, Anoras will quietly let the ones she identified herself to know that Vilisan (whom she'll describe) speaks a little Haunden. But apparently the other captors there, including Stripes, do not speak it, so can't understand what we're saying. She'll tell the captives that Stripes's group, joining with Wings's and Fireball's group, plans to attack Holidor. That's possibly in a day or so (tomorrow or shortly after, based on whatever she's learned.) And she'll tell them about where Wings and Fireball and their skeletons are. She'll let them know that Holidor is not responsible for the attack on Haunden. The Venasir renegades Stripes, Wings, Fireball and their people are responsible. So to save Haunden, Cassandra bravely went to Holidor alone with a sign written in Venasir to warn Holidor, and let them know about us captives. Because if the Venasir renegades succeed in taking Holidor castle, Haunden could be doomed. But if we work with Holidor against the Venasir who captured us, Haunden could be saved.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post (Herbal) defaults to naturalist (and your naturalist is sky high). Rolled a 14. vs effective skill of 12 (17-5).
Ah well. So she didn't find any during her Wings-watched-wandering (the treating Cassandra incident).

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
After a long hike (maybe three hours) They arrive at Stripe's camp.
As Anoras's search for herbs was about three hours away, she might find some where she is now, ones that she could use against the enemy. Again, could be something that puts people to sleep or at least makes them groggy or disoriented that doesn't require eating something mildly unpleasant in substantial quantities. If that might work, the GM has my permission to roll for me.
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Old 07-11-2024, 05:14 PM   #360
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

She will using her amazing Soldier of 8 try to estimate the likely attack time again
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