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Old 12-15-2020, 02:19 PM   #341
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You are aware the men searching have seen your face on a very poorly failed disguise roll?
As I recall it was covered in oil. Are you suggesting this plan is doomed to failure and come up with another one?
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Old 12-15-2020, 07:55 PM   #342
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Go ahead and make rolls to hide those items... though I thought the lock picking tools were hidden elsewhere?

You can go ahead and try to make her loose her composure again... that will be any influence roll, but at -2.
Maybe there's confusion finding a place at the meet up spot to hide a gun for Day? I don't recall actually saying where I was hiding the items...

Anyway; camouflaging the evidence (assuming -2)
[213] 20-12-16 03:50:45 CET
3d6 <= 16 : 6 + 4 + 1 = 11 ... success
Success by 5.

And let's try to make Botha lose composure with Savoir-Faire:
[214] 20-12-16 03:55:17 CET
3d6 <= 12 : 5 + 6 + 5 = 16 ... failure
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Old 12-15-2020, 10:28 PM   #343
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]


(Thinking) Next time I sing I will do it during lunch, I will try to convince Nejora to join me in singing a song of her liking. I will be following Nejora as she sings, backing her voice, harmonizing it. It should be a play for our table, not so loud, but it's OK if others listen to it.

Pacifica's acting:
3d6 <= 15
4 + 1 + 5 = 10 ... success

Pacifica's Singing:
3d6 <= 14
1 + 1 + 4 = 6 ... success

(Thinking) So, what's with this shooting? I would like to meet with my team and check this with them; also, I have some ideas I would like to share... When the time comes, I would like to know if the ship has improved the security measures/policies. If so, I would like to find a plausible excuse to hit deck 5 without scrutinization.


I feel like we are working in the early days of the campaign (are we?), so I supposse what matters at the momment is building good relationships with the people in Pacifica's section. How much time has passed since we boarded the ship?

What is the assigment of the "buddy" and why should she stick with Pacifica?

I guess it is OK if Pacifica had not met up with her teammates until now; I am assuming the whole team met before starting the mission, at least Pacifica should know them from the briefing.

What passwords do I have?
What are the requests Pacifica receives from the officers? And who are these persons?
From what I have seen in my section, which people would be a weak link?

Finally, In order to device a plan for the rendezvous:

What areas are "always open" for Pacifica?
What would be the regular conditions to have Pacifica visit "restricted" decks or places she has no business with?
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Old 12-16-2020, 10:22 AM   #344
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
As I recall it was covered in oil. Are you suggesting this plan is doomed to failure and come up with another one?
Yes, you can covered your face in oil. And Yes, I'm implying this plan is doomed to failure.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Maybe there's confusion finding a place at the meet up spot to hide a gun for Day? I don't recall actually saying where I was hiding the items...
Looked over the old thread, I found the spot discussed: you possibly have a single narcotics pill somewhere. All of the suspicious gear is in a spot on deck 5. The narcotics pill isn't uncovered by their search. At least not before Botha's locker is searched and the massive stash of narcotics is uncovered.

Botha maintains her calm and fatalistic outlook, though Hua can tell she is seething inside.

Doubling back, I'd like to verify that Hua ate the biscuit when requested to? Security has come to take both her and Botha into custody.

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
(Thinking) Next time I sing I will do it during lunch, I will try to convince Nejora to join me in singing a song of her liking. I will be following Nejora as she sings, backing her voice, harmonizing it. It should be a play for our table, not so loud, but it's OK if others listen to it.
That will require fast-talk rather than acting to get Nejora to go along with it. The woman shows a bit of resistance to singing: "I can't sing. I don't WANT to sing."

(Thinking) So, what's with this shooting?
hasn't happened yet. Pacifica knows nothing about it.

I would like to meet with my team and check this with them; also, I have some ideas I would like to share... When the time comes, I would like to know if the ship has improved the security measures/policies. If so, I would like to find a plausible excuse to hit deck 5 without scrutinization.
The ship is making small changes to security, but mostly the existing measures are being more strictly enforced, and people are being encouraged to watch out for dreadstormers (and some people are actively looking for them). If Pacifica wants to make suggestions, she can.

I feel like we are working in the early days of the campaign (are we?), so I suppose what matters at the moment is building good relationships with the people in Pacifica's section. How much time has passed since we boarded the ship?
I'm trying to rapidly rush you through the most important moments of the first two weeks of the game. The singing scenes are probably taking place before and around the launch (day 0, saturday).

The response to the dreadstormers starts after the fire, on the first friday (day 6). most of your administration type stuff is happening there.

We're trying to get to day 14 and the eventful breakfast.

What is the assigment of the "buddy" and why should she stick with Pacifica?
Nejora is your buddy. You are not authorized to go anywhere without your buddy, though in practice the rule gets bent to be "A Buddy" (less you have an absolute stickler for the rules as your buddy). If suspicion falls on Nejora, you will be expected to be able to report her movements.

I guess it is OK if Pacifica had not met up with her teammates until now; I am assuming the whole team met before starting the mission, at least Pacifica should know them from the briefing.
Pacifica has not met the other two before: she's from a vastly different program, and was recently transferred. She does know their names, but she hasn't seen their files since before she was deployed out in Zorbani territory. Good thing she has a photographic memory. she doesn't know their cover identities.

Its important that the meeting on day 3 (tuesday) be made, because that's when all the other meetings will be set up. She has the option of trying to get up to deck 5 during her free time, during her shift, or while her bunk room is sleeping: the ideal time (From the other's perspective) is while the bunk room is sleeping.

What passwords do I have?
You can log in as random navigational grunts like yourself, as your direct NCO, as a few different random gunners, or as a specific tactics specialist.

What are the requests Pacifica receives from the officers? And who are these persons?
The officers are mostly faceless: you don't see them much. The one you do see regularly is Commander Zybo, the head of the navigation section, and the officer for your shift. Commander Zybo has a scar on his cheek from a bar fight he got into as a young and hot-headed officer: its no secret he is a big supporter of the Malu, and seems to buy into the religious aspects of their imperial cult. He's half Malu himself. He's constantly asking you to calculate hydrogen expenditure for different hyperspace times, particularly for getting into a system quickly and then getting out as soon as possible. The requests from other officers are usually about various duty shift plans.

From what I have seen in my section, which people would be a weak link?
weak in what way? easiest to turn to your side? uses the worst password protection? best gossip to get news from? Best blackmail canidate? easiest to make think you're a genius and thus make suggestions through?

Your section is huge: 150 people, split into two broad endeavors and three shifts. And you sit near people from other sections.

Finally, In order to device a plan for the rendezvous:

What areas are "always open" for Pacifica?
What would be the regular conditions to have Pacifica visit "restricted" decks or places she has no business with?
The ship is not terribly restricted. Pacifica is expected to stay out of the active work areas of other sections, and to stay with her buddy at all times. The officer's quarters and the morale section quarters are somewhat restricted, and getting into stores of the more unique items (like the food stores) is forbidden. But the great majority of the ship, including deck 5, is filled with metalic hydrogen blocks. Many spacers gather in informal meeting places set up on decks, with deck 19 being the classic location, but other places are popping up as the hydrogen is emptied from the ship. Hua has been using one of the two only windows that looks outside the ship as her cover. Its on deck 6, not deck 5, but its very close to the meeting place otherwise.
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Old 12-16-2020, 12:28 PM   #345
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Looked over the old thread, I found the spot discussed: you possibly have a single narcotics pill somewhere. All of the suspicious gear is in a spot on deck 5. The narcotics pill isn't uncovered by their search. At least not before Botha's locker is searched and the massive stash of narcotics is uncovered.
Hm. I thought the anti-psi drugs were stashed away in a bag somewhere on deck 5 (if only because flushing it might set off a red flag), and I took the tools and one anti-psi pill out. Planned to slip the anti-psi pill with the narcotic if/when Botha would get a blood test to hide the kitchen sabotage...

Anyway, I'm just fine rolling along with this.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Botha maintains her calm and fatalistic outlook, though Hua can tell she is seething inside.

Doubling back, I'd like to verify that Hua ate the biscuit when requested to? Security has come to take both her and Botha into custody.
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Old 12-16-2020, 03:37 PM   #346
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Yes, you can covered your face in oil. And Yes, I'm implying this plan is doomed to failure.
Okay, subtlety is out the window. Day will try Suggestion on one of the two guards who saw his face.

[215] 20-12-16 23:36:08 CET


3d6 <= 16
6 + 5 + 2 = 13 ... success

He only succeeded by 3. If he resists, I'd like to use Luck to re-roll.
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 12-16-2020, 07:25 PM   #347
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]


Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
That will require fast-talk rather than acting to get Nejora to go along with it. The woman shows a bit of resistance to singing: "I can't sing. I don't WANT to sing."
A fast-talk from Pacifica (convincing Nejora to sing):
3d6 <= 13
3 + 3 + 6 = 12 ... success

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) The officers are mostly faceless: you don't see them much. The one you do see regularly is Commander Zybo (...)
(Thinking) I would like to have Commander Zybo tell me more about the Malu, but that depends on my knowledge. What do I know about the Malu? Are they a political party, a race, a commonwealth, a planet, a group of planets? How do others in Zorbani see them? What about the Jarcobi? And, is it safe asking him about the scar? What would be the most adequate times to engage in conversation?

Rolling for Zybo’s hydrogen calculation requests:

Calculation time (Administration):
3d6 <= 15
4 + 1 + 2 = 7 ... success


Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
hasn't happened yet. Pacifica knows nothing about it.
Alright, saving the idea for the right day.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Nejora is your buddy. You are not authorized to go anywhere without your buddy, though in practice the rule gets bent to be "A Buddy" (...)
I see; just to improve my understanding, if you take a toilet break your buddy should come along? When you say “being a buddy” I get the impression that it is not weird watching people wandering around the ship alone, as long as your buddy trusts you. Is that right?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) Its important that the meeting on day 3 (tuesday) be made, because that's when all the other meetings will be set up.
OK, then the most appropriate time for the meetings is at “night” (when everybody in the shift should sleep). Let me know what you require, to make the rolls and meet with my teammates! (BTW, what do you mean by "the others"?)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) Weak in what way? (...) easiest to make think you're a genius and thus make suggestions through?
What? Pacifica is a genius Dread Stormer! She knows it all!(。々°)

Kidding aside, I understand what you mean. By weak link I meant the kind of people that can’t do their job right, sometimes they try and try, but they simply don’t make it. I would like to help them, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my job at the section. And I want to spot ideal candidates for further “brain-wash & frame operations”.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) The ship is not terribly restricted (...)
This was really helpful, and thanks for helping me with the time frames!
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Last edited by Hide; 12-16-2020 at 09:07 PM.
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:38 AM   #348
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
A fast-talk from Pacifica (convincing Nejora to sing):
3d6 <= 13
3 + 3 + 6 = 12 ... success
Pacifica coaxes a solitary song out of Nejora, and does some harmonizing with it.

(Thinking) I would like to have Commander Zybo tell me more about the Malu, but that depends on my knowledge. What do I know about the Malu? Are they a political party, a race, a commonwealth, a planet, a group of planets? How do others in Zorbani see them? What about the Jarcobi? And, is it safe asking him about the scar? What would be the most adequate times to engage in conversation?
The Malu empire is mentioned in the opening post of the OCC thread. They are the super-power rivaling the Quinta Republic. They have an emperor they believe to be divine, and rule over hundreds of planets. The last war with them was bad enough that proxy wars are being fought instead. Zorbani is a language and culture outside of both the republic and the empire. Most of the Zorbani fall into the Malu sphere of influence: Jakorbi is the only Zorbani polity that doesn't. The others have formed the Zorbani Pact.

The Zorbani Pact governments play lip service to the Malu empire, but most of the leaders aren't that loyal to it: its a powerful patron that provides them with weapons, arms, and political backing. Individual Malu they'll mostly be polite to, and try not to stray to far from their fictional "official" retoric.

Pacifica knows a lot about the Malu empire: Its the "Real" foe here, the entity that designed and built these ships, and is propping up the Zorbani pact and its governments.

Talking to Commander Zybo will be hard. Officers and enlisted aren't supposed to fraternize. Going up to him and talking to him would be a breach of military discipline. There are some exceptions made for high-ranking NCOs, but pacifica is nowhere near that. He is, however, a ripe target for rumor and gossip among the ranks.

Rolling for Zybo’s hydrogen calculation requests:
Pacifica works hard to stand out for her dedication and skill, and it works. Her superiors are pleased with her, and her NCO even suggests small things she can do to make sure she is promoted next review.

I see; just to improve my understanding, if you take a toilet break your buddy should come along? When you say “being a buddy” I get the impression that it is not weird watching people wandering around the ship alone, as long as your buddy trusts you. Is that right?
Not really. People wandering the ship alone are in breach of protocol, and arouse suspicion. Being in a rush while alone helps, as does having rank and a quick story... though the story can be verified later, and you have your name on your uniform.

As for the Bathroom, those are mostly in living quarters, and the buddy rules are a bit relaxed there. The buddy is supposed to follow to outside of the bathroom. Often they'll just stand near the door to the hall.

OK, then the most appropriate time for the meetings is at “night” (when everybody in the shift should sleep). Let me know what you require, to make the rolls and meet with my teammates! (BTW, what do you mean by "the others"?)
The first meetings are hard to set up, because the dreadstormers didn't know each other's shifts or free times, so multiple attempts to meet in a day were made. After that first successful meeting, you can simply say things like "same time, same place, four days from now".

So is the plan that she just gets up while everyone is asleep and sneaks to the location? That will require a stealth roll. For 2 FP and displacement-2 roll (or 4 FP and a displacement roll) you can get a +4 to this (from removing the targeting limitation from your obscure)

Kidding aside, I understand what you mean. By weak link I meant the kind of people that can’t do their job right, sometimes they try and try, but they simply don’t make it. I would like to help them, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my job at the section. And I want to spot ideal candidates for further “brain-wash & frame operations”.
Hmm... the folks in your mess and who sit near you actually rely on a skill set you don't have: hyperspace navigation. The gunners and tactics personnel also rely on skill sets you don't have... though you do have solid bureaucratic skills that can help them in some situations. Nejora could use some help on that front, though not as much as most.

Make an per-based administration roll to identify people.

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Okay, subtlety is out the window. Day will try Suggestion on one of the two guards who saw his face.

He only succeeded by 3. If he resists, I'd like to use Luck to re-roll.
He succeeds. What is he instructing guard to do?

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Hm. I thought the anti-psi drugs were stashed away in a bag somewhere on deck 5 (if only because flushing it might set off a red flag), and I took the tools and one anti-psi pill out. Planned to slip the anti-psi pill with the narcotic if/when Botha would get a blood test to hide the kitchen sabotage...

Anyway, I'm just fine rolling along with this.
You have the pill (and you got it past the search), but not the tools (they're on deck 5).

Hua and Botha are both taken to a small compartment on the port side of floor 14. She is surprized to see that while five of the emptied brick chambers are open, one is closed and locked, and guards already posted. Did they already arrest somebody?

Botha is locked in one small compartment. Hua is locked in another, and she is told to sit tight until they are done investigating. She's assured that if she is innocent she will be fine. Botha knows they're probably also waiting for the suppressants they just watched her eat to kick in.

She has a bucket, in case she really needs to use the bathroom. The room is less than 10 by 10, and has the weird smell of hydrogen brick stabilization catalyst.
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Old 12-17-2020, 02:18 PM   #349
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He succeeds. What is he instructing guard to do?
Daymar will suggest to the guard to comment quietly to his companion that he doesn't see the person they are looking for. He is then going to try suggestion on the other one, accepting the penalty for multiple uses.

[223] 20-12-17 22:18:05 CET

Suggestion for second guard (at -2 for multiple uses)

3d6 <= 15
2 + 1 + 5 = 8 ... success
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Old 12-17-2020, 02:27 PM   #350
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) Pacifica coaxes a solitary song out of Nejora, and does some harmonizing with it.
IC: That was awesome! Why did you pick that song (Nejora), by the way?

Acting with Nejora:
3d6 <= 15
1 + 2 + 6 = 9 ... success

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) He is, however, a ripe target for rumor and gossip among the ranks.
(OOC: As in Zybo will hear about Pacifica soon? Or as in everybody is waiting for the chance he fails, to make an example of him?)

IC: (thinking) I shall leverage with my memory, and I will aid to prevent overlooking deadlines and key procedures in my section. I want to be the person in the know when it comes to my area. And if Zybo is careful with his operations, then I will double check the procedures and with the people in charge of them as much as I am authorized to.

I won't step over others and I won't be the snitch, I will simply tell them if there's room for problems and how to solve them if that falls within my area of knowledge. I will involve Nejora as much as possible, since she's part of "the team".

I guess this will eventually help me in gathering more passwords and critical information, besides building a (good) reputation.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) Make an per-based administration roll to identify people.
(OOC: What do you mean? Should I roll perception, then administration?)

Perception roll (administration):
3d6 <= 13
1 + 6 + 1 = 8 ... success

Administration roll:
3d6 <= 14
5 + 4 + 1 = 10 ... success

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) So is the plan that she just gets up while everyone is asleep and sneaks to the location?

Improving stealth, 2 FP and displacement-2 roll:
3d6 <= 12
4 + 3 + 1 = 8 ... success

Stealth +4:
3d6 <= 19
3 + 2 + 2 = 7 ... success
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