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Old 10-27-2023, 02:05 PM   #1631
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Hopefully we had some nets or ropes (or ropes we could have turned into nets overnight) for the task.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
If Peter can make an IQ+1 check, he can retroactively act on this information while they are still in the village.
Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Rolled a 9 on the IQ check - Success!
I mistook the successful roll for the best case scenario that we were able to prepare the net. If a lasso is all we can muster, Peter will still try. In any event he is working form a default.

Net has no DX default? That's just weird...

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
We never resolved if Peter got a net or not... Luitwin only grabbed ropes. Peter doesn't have knot-tying (revoke his eagle!)
We can't have that oversight stand. I want a SCOUT! wildcard, but I will settle for putting a CP in knot-tying now.

So yes, Peter will get out into the fray and make an attempt to capture the creature, as futile as it may be.

If it goes down but survives, Peter will argue to attempt to keep it alive and make the attempt to break it's curse.
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Old 10-30-2023, 10:42 AM   #1632
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I mistook the successful roll for the best case scenario that we were able to prepare the net. If a lasso is all we can muster, Peter will still try. In any event he is working form a default.

Net has no DX default? That's just weird...
Yeah. I think it would be DX-6 in most situations... which is to say really really bad, and since its ranged, telegraphic and all out for +8 isn't an option.

We can't have that oversight stand. I want a SCOUT! wildcard, but I will settle for putting a CP in knot-tying now.
Alright! he always knew knots!

So yes, Peter will get out into the fray and make an attempt to capture the creature, as futile as it may be.

If it goes down but survives, Peter will argue to attempt to keep it alive and make the attempt to break it's curse.
Peter throws a lasso... but it bounces off of the beast. (he rolled a 16). Peter gathers it up to throw again. Arrows fly wide, and the beast moves into the woods. Goliath and the spear folks are trying to surround it again.

Peter throws the rope again, but its no good. The creature keeps moving, but takes another arrow. It doesn't seem able to run. Another set of arrows miss.

Luitwin: "Stand back! let it bleed out! we can track it down afterwards! We've already won!"
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Old 10-30-2023, 11:47 AM   #1633
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter keeps track of the creature until it comes to a rest and they collect it to try and administer the cure.

He will study the process closely and ask questions to try and separate they metaphysics from the cultural rituals.
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Old 10-31-2023, 09:41 AM   #1634
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The Beast runs off, and Peter follows slowly at a distance. When it stops, they find the beast half bled out on the ground.

Peter ties the beast up, and they sling it on a pole and carry it back. Peter notices the beast is still bleeding a lot.

They arrive in the village to great fanfare, and Gerwin shows up in simple robes, rather than his full regalia. He hesitates about something, and pulls his brother aside. Peter hears "Heal him first or cure him first?"
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Old 10-31-2023, 11:10 AM   #1635
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Beast runs off, and Peter follows slowly at a distance. When it stops, they find the beast half bled out on the ground.

Peter ties the beast up, and they sling it on a pole and carry it back. Peter notices the beast is still bleeding a lot.

They arrive in the village to great fanfare, and Gerwin shows up in simple robes, rather than his full regalia. He hesitates about something, and pulls his brother aside. Peter hears "Heal him first or cure him first?"
Peter will give the creature some first aid to stem the bleeding while they are securing it for transport, and will offer to magically heal it further when they get back to the village.

"I think we should treat it enough to try and ensure its survival, but we can try to cure it's curse before giving it our full healing efforts."
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Old 11-06-2023, 09:44 AM   #1636
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter stems the bleeding.

Gerwin hears the suggestion, and pointedly claims the healing for himself "I will heal it. A little."

Peter watches the healing ceremony... he's seen it before, and its once again very similar to what he learned in the temples of Thuroma.

The extraction ceremony has a lot more setup: candles set in a circle around the beast, a chalk circle, several bowls of burning incense, and mirrors. A simple symbol figures prominently.

Gerwin starts chanting, and none of this these things seem to be just "cultural" except maybe the clothing and location. And the words... probably the intent is more important here, though Peter thinks gerwin needs to chant something. All seem to be drawing a little bit of energy from that source of beyond. Gerwin is using some of his own power too. The idea seems to be to overwhelm the magic on the beast, and perhaps pull it off. Its a long process, with Gerwin's magic slowly slipping into the beast --- maybe. Its sort of like wedging a log apart, bit by bit, sliver by sliver.

Helmut notices just how hard Peter is concentrating and remarks: "I doubt it'd work on you."

After about five minutes, Peter notices bits of Gerwin's magic dissipating, and the magic on the beast becomes more active. The beast starts moving. Gerwin seems to falter for just a second before continuing the chant.
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Old 11-06-2023, 11:18 AM   #1637
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter watches the healing ceremony... he's seen it before, and its once again very similar to what he learned in the temples of Thuroma.
He tries to learn from it... not needing the incense could be nice in the future.
The extraction ceremony has a lot more setup: candles set in a circle around the beast, a chalk circle, several bowls of burning incense, and mirrors. A simple symbol figures prominently.
Are the incenses different, or just further sources? Do they seem to be ceremonial or a material part of the ritual from what Peter is seeing and feeling?

Helmut notices just how hard Peter is concentrating and remarks: "I doubt it'd work on you."
"I'm not concerned about that... I want to see if I can learn it."
After about five minutes, Peter notices bits of Gerwin's magic dissipating, and the magic on the beast becomes more active. The beast starts moving. Gerwin seems to falter for just a second before continuing the chant.
Peter thinks of the way this energy is flowing, and how he figured out how to pass his energy along with the gods of the broken world.

Does peter feel like he can add his energy to the mix? If he feels like it can help he begins to mimic the chant and add his fuel to Garwin's fire. If his instincts tell him something different would be better for the chant.. a musical/tonal counterpoint or something closer to his own heart, Peter will roll with his gut.

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Old 11-07-2023, 09:06 AM   #1638
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
He tries to learn from it... not needing the incense could be nice in the future.
This is... also using incense, but I suppose the point stands. Learning how to make incense from random plants also seems like something Peter might do.

Are the incenses different, or just further sources? Do they seem to be ceremonial or a material part of the ritual from what Peter is seeing and feeling?
Its all the same incense, just in different locations. The pattern of incense does seem to be part of the ritual. The number isn't important, but the spacing and surrounding does seem to be. Perhaps the incense isn't necessary... but it does strengthen the attempt, providing energy and helping maintain the shape of the energy present.

"I'm not concerned about that... I want to see if I can learn it."
Helmut: "you're not of the light. This is not your ritual."

Peter thinks of the way this energy is flowing, and how he figured out how to pass his energy along with the gods of the broken world.

Does peter feel like he can add his energy to the mix? If he feels like it can help he begins to mimic the chant and add his fuel to Garwin's fire. If his instincts tell him something different would be better for the chant.. a musical/tonal counterpoint or something closer to his own heart, Peter will roll with his gut.
Let's call this an attempted use of Serendipity to happen into doing just the right thing for great effect in such a way that impresses Gerwin. And if there is a roll involved and the results are less than impressive, let's use luck as well.
Peter observes, and notices irregularities in the way Gerwin is shaping the power, the cracks where the Beast's magic is strongest. He focuses on the three most frequent words uttered: Lucis Viri Liberate, and sends his own magic to try and shore up the wobbles in the spell.

Helmut places his hand on his sword. Peter notices, and flashes a disarming smile.

The beast struggles against its bonds, and then the strange magic starts peeling off, and the beast starts changing, and with it, struggling. But though the new shape can slip the ropes, it can't focus.

In two minutes, the man is lying on the ground, breathing heavily. He has messy dark brown hair, is naked, has major wounds, and is gaunt from starvation. he looks he's 20 years old or so.

Gerwin: "Peace, my son. You have been recovered to the light. Rest, you are safe now."

The former beast speaks in a heavy accent: "Where I be?"

Gerwin: "Steinthal village, in the public square. Where are you from?"

Helmut is throwing looks at Peter like he wants to have a private word.

OCC: Serendipity is kind of used on this world when Gerwin spoke up for you, but its mostly there to justify dumping you with the tools to succeed in cool adventure situations, and this is cool adventure magic stuff, so its good. Your luck is burnt.
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Old 11-07-2023, 11:13 AM   #1639
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Helmut: "you're not of the light. This is not your ritual."
"Helmut, don't you know that we all have a little light shining inside us?"

He focuses on the three most frequent words uttered: Lucis Viri Liberate, and sends his own magic to try and shore up the wobbles in the spell.
"Lucis Viri Liberate... Lucis Viri Liberate... "

In two minutes, the man is lying on the ground, breathing heavily. He has messy dark brown hair, is naked, has major wounds, and is gaunt from starvation. he looks he's 20 years old or so.
If Gerwin allows it, Peter will offer his knowledge of first aid and observe or assist with healing magics.

Otherwise or afterwards:
Helmut is throwing looks at Peter like he wants to have a private word.
Peter steps back and gives Gerwin and the man freed from the curse some breathing room and leads Helmut a short distance away.

"That was cool... Gerwin kind of chiseled into the cracks of the curse and it gummed up the works... it didn't matter how strong the spell was if he could overpower the piece's holding it together. It was like throwing something in the gears of a machine that's torque tears it apart."
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Old 11-08-2023, 08:28 AM   #1640
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Helmut, don't you know that we all have a little light shining inside us?"
That seems to hit him hard for some reason, but he recovers.

"But you're not ordained. you have your own light, not a direct channel"

If Gerwin allows it, Peter will offer his knowledge of first aid and observe or assist with healing magics.
Gerwin: "I think I'll handle the healing magic myself." Peter thinks he senses fatigue.


Peter steps back and gives Gerwin and the man freed from the curse some breathing room and leads Helmut a short distance away.

"That was cool... Gerwin kind of chiseled into the cracks of the curse and it gummed up the works... it didn't matter how strong the spell was if he could overpower the piece's holding it together. It was like throwing something in the gears of a machine that's torque tears it apart."
Helmut: "What was that? you just stepped into Gerwin's ritual! That was so dangerous! I've warned you your powers will amount to no good! They're just waiting for something, and that could have killed everyone in the village!"

"Or do you actually know more about this than you pretend?"
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