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Old 02-03-2023, 10:18 AM   #1321
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Does this seem like a social pleasantry, like, 'How's the family' sort of a thing?
It might be pleasantry... it might be serious. It has the form of a pleasantry, at least.

"I certainly hope so... How are yours?"
"They are quite healthy, thank you."

While delivering his messages, he includes the tale and his song of the 'Fowl Worthy of Combat' to his report.
Pirfan: "I hope we'll one day make contact with the cities of these Gods you spend more time with. Could you spend more time with some of the ones you deliver messages for?"

Does he say anything about the "coded messages" offer?

Peter will go to see them off. He wants to reiterate that he is hoping they will be involved with some kind of council to negotiate trade with this world and normalize relations.
A column of soldiers on mechanical horses takes them to the nearest gate, and Tuvo Kyridas is there to open the gate.

Peter sees the process involved: its some incense, a chant, and some hand motions. And then the gate springs open.

Dr. Goslin mutters something about "Good riddance". Dr. Cauldwell promises he will bring Peter the comforts he's asked for: Doritos, american underwear, cherry coke, and school texts. He asks if any specific school texts are required. Mr. Cardin says that yes, he's given trading back and forth a lot of thought. "But we need to know where the portals are. That means we've got to get them to contact us. You'll need to make that happen. Hopefully the military will keep cool heads."

Mr. Patterson: "Half a year under a clockwork sky, and I see it only now, at the end. May they see the light of decency in their own sky. Peter, I will try to make this peace hold."

Peter has enjoyed the grown ups and priests treating him with respect, but he's excited to spend some time with other kids. He will try and lighten the mood.

You can call me Peter. What are you names? Have you ever heard of a 'knock knock' joke?"

Peter will regale the girls with whatever jokes he thinks will make the cultural divide.
The 12-year old is named Lavalni, the six-year old Athri, and the two-year won't tell him her name, but her siblings tell him they call her "koo-koo".

They haven't heard of knock-knock jokes... its tricky, but he comes up with enough that cross the culture and the language barrier (puns don't translate very well).

As dinner is wrapping up, Kyridas pointedly asks what plans Peter has for "altering my city".
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Old 02-06-2023, 06:51 AM   #1322
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Pirfan: "I hope we'll one day make contact with the cities of these Gods you spend more time with. Could you spend more time with some of the ones you deliver messages for?"
Peter explains that he can try, but he is limited by who is around.
Does he say anything about the "coded messages" offer?
Peter will explain the coded message situation and his uneasiness at it.

A column of soldiers on mechanical horses takes them to the nearest gate, and Tuvo Kyridas is there to open the gate.
Peter asks if any of their robots including the mechanical horses have crossed to the other worlds and if they worked as well on earth. He would like them tested if they have not been.

When asked about school texts, he recounts the books he was given on his world for his catch up work, and lets him know that the stff of that and the next grade level will work if they don't have the same titles.

As dinner is wrapping up, Kyridas pointedly asks what plans Peter has for "altering my city".
Peter is happy to have this conversation and is interested in this beind a discussion. Peter wants to ensure the people are not mistreated and that slavery is done away with, but certainly will need some help in figuring out what that will look like.
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Old 02-06-2023, 10:42 AM   #1323
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter explains that he can try, but he is limited by who is around.
Pirfan: "You know at least some of them. You just meet up in the morning with them and don't talk with them after that."

Peter will explain the coded message situation and his uneasiness at it.
Pirfan: "That is your choice, but I applaud it, and your loyalty to Thuroma. A coded message would seem to contain something that works against us in some way."

Peter asks if any of their robots including the mechanical horses have crossed to the other worlds and if they worked as well on earth. He would like them tested if they have not been.
Soldier nearby: "The springs loose their energy and the mind metal degrades in America. Various machines last longer or shorter, but its a matter of days before they fall apart."

When asked about school texts, he recounts the books he was given on his world for his catch up work, and lets him know that the stff of that and the next grade level will work if they don't have the same titles.
Dr. Caudwell has the list in hand, and thinks it should be easy to find.

Peter is happy to have this conversation and is interested in this beind a discussion. Peter wants to ensure the people are not mistreated and that slavery is done away with, but certainly will need some help in figuring out what that will look like.
"Slavery? You mean the capture of americans? We've ended that, as part of you deal."
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Old 02-06-2023, 11:43 AM   #1324
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Slavery? You mean the capture of americans? We've ended that, as part of you deal."
"Well, we want to make sure it doesn't return by loopholes, like people from yet other worlds or your own people. I don't want to make changes to your city other than to make things better for the people. What else do the people need?"
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Old 02-07-2023, 08:41 AM   #1325
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"What do we need? Food is foremost. Some other things, like ores, coal, wool, and so on. All of our supply routes were disrupted when the world broke."

The phrase "Natural Resources" floats into Peter's mind, from one of those textbooks he hasn't read in a while.

"I'd say we also had a legitamacy problem with the gods coming up, but that's a developing situation, and you'll be in the thick of that anyways."
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Old 02-07-2023, 09:40 PM   #1326
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"So we should figure out what might be good to trade for those resources... the Americans will probably be willing to trade for access just to study how this place is different. Tourism is a possiblility too. I've been telling the Americans they should put together a council to negotiate with the people on this side of the portals, and the people on this side should be doing the same."


"A legitamacy problem? What do you mean?"
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Old 02-08-2023, 09:34 AM   #1327
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"To sell permission for espionage? I don't think that will work."

"Thuroma is the seat of Ink-Thur, God of the Forge, and all industry that comes with that. Many of our greatest creations, those powered by mind metals and springs, break down in america, but surely there are other goods you need. We make the finest steam engines in the world, and we have massive armament facilities. Our Furnaces for Metallurgy are the best in the world, should America have a need for fine metals. Anything manufactured, we should be able to match or exceed what you have"

"The King received his mandate from Ink-Thur. The people have not heard from the Gods in some time. There are... people who believe that we are lying about what we know, and that the priests should be removed. And some want to remove the Kings as well. This movement is stronger in other places, but its gaining traction in Thuroma."

"You have made contact with the Gods, but they have only the word of a few ranking officials. The Gods used to walk among us."
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Old 02-10-2023, 05:13 AM   #1328
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"Well, I guess I can't prove it to everyone without some kind of gesture they'll all see... Next time I'm in the celestial village I'll ask of they have any ideas."
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Old 02-10-2023, 09:20 AM   #1329
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Well, I guess I can't prove it to everyone without some kind of gesture they'll all see... Next time I'm in the celestial village I'll ask of they have any ideas."

"I'm not sure what they're going to do short of coming back. There is a power imbalance now. But do ask them"

Is that it for dinner with Kyridas?
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Old 02-13-2023, 09:32 PM   #1330
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter has no other agenda.

He is interested in Kyridas' thoughts on how they might improve things, if he has any.
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