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Old 07-22-2020, 02:29 PM   #31
Join Date: Mar 2016
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe


Real Name: Tor Svensson
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 280 lb
Age: 1043
Hair: Shoulder-length shaggy blond
Eyes: Blue
Uniform: Black armored breastplate and black pants, red cloak, steel pot helm
Powers: Superhuman strength allowing him to lift well in excess of 15 tons. High durability to physical attacks. An extremely long lifespan – at an age of over 1000, he is physically only in his early 30s. Using his hammer Mjolnir, the ability to fly at approximately 90 miles an hour and summon lightning bolts from the sky. Some kind of telekinesis allowing him to summon Mjolnir from a distance.
Skills: High-level combat skills, primarily unarmed fighting and using his hammer. He was once an expert blacksmith – he forged Mjolnir himself – and though these skills have faded dramatically over the centuries, he still remembers the basics. Proficiency in various modes of low-tech travel, including horseback riding and sailing. Moderate skill in farming and brewing.

Þórr Sveinnsson was born in 961 in a small coastal village in present-day Norway. At a young age, his exceptional physical abilities began to become apparent. In his teens and twenties, Þórr developed a reputation as a great and savage warrior, able to routinely defeat a dozen men or more in combat. Around the turn of the millennium, close to when he started to release his slowed ageing, he discovered a meteorite of a very dense, incredibly strong metal. With his own hands, he cast and forged the metal into a warhammer. Somehow, for reasons neither he nor anyone in the centuries since have been able to discover, this new hammer imbued him with incredible abilities. By holding it in front of him and willing it, he could use it to fly. With the hammer in his hands, he could summon lightning from the sky, even under clear skies. Finally, he could throw the hammer with almost preternatural balance and summon it back to his hands from a great distance. Believing this to be a sign of destiny, he named his hammer Mjolnir, after the legendary hammer of his namesake Thor.

Several more decades passed and eventually the nature of Thor’s slow aging became impossible to deny. This led to deep introspection for a time with no clear result. He threw himself into battles and wars for no other reason than distraction and the thrill of the fight. In the early 12th century, a new threat emerged. Another superhuman who had modeled himself after the trickster god Loki had begun to amass a cult of followers using his illusions and force of personality. Eventually, Loki was defeated, but he escaped to rebuild his schemes and try again. For the next few centuries, the back-and-forth between Thor and Loki occupied much of their time. Eventually, sick of the fight, Thor attempted to leave behind his life as a warrior to settle down. He knew his lifespan would mean no family he made could last, but he was willing to accept that. Unfortunately, Loki hadn’t given up the fight, and a few decades later, he returned to murder Thor’s wife and children. In a fit of rage, Thor killed Loki in return (or so he believed). Thor returned to his previous pattern of throwing himself into wars and fights, this time trying his luck throughout the continent. He was satisfied for a time, but eventually he started seeing what he thought were signs Loki could have survived. He began to spiral down into paranoia, which finally came to a head when he saw what he thought was proof of Loki still being around. This caused all of his old memories to rush back, leading him into a deep funk. He just couldn’t handle it. To try to cope, Thor settled into a lonely life in an isolated farm in southern Russia. He spent his days farming and making vodka and his nights drinking himself into a stupor. This pattern of behavior continued for decades, then centuries, interrupted only by him zapping a few Soviets who tried to collectivize him. Things began to change one night in the early 1990s, when Thor realized that if he didn’t change something, he’d spend the next thousand years or more in this same routine, and that idea disgusted him. He immediately began getting himself off alcohol and getting back into shape. In 2001, he reemerged into society and began trying to track down Loki or proof he was dead. He found him a few years later and defeated him along with the new team he helped found, the Avengers.

Thor is an interesting object of study to superpower researchers. He’s not a mutant, he doesn’t seem to have gotten his powers from a single incident or enhancement (Mjolnir gave him new abilities, but he had superstrength and durability his whole life), and his abilities don’t seem scannable. For his part, Thor claims it’s magic, but no one else takes the idea seriously. Some theorize he’s a low-scale reality warper with serious psychological blocks. There is no consensus.

Thor [1255]

Attributes [354]
ST 35/150 [150]
DX 15 [100]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 14 [40]
Damage 4d-1/6d+1 (16d/18d)
BL 245 lb (4500 lb)
HP 35 [0]
Will 15 [20]
Per 13 [10]
FP 18 [12]
Basic Speed 7.25 [0]
Basic Move 7 [0]
Air Move 15/45 [2]
Dodge 12

Cultural Familiarities [2]
Norse [0]
Orthodox [1]
Western [1]

Languages [14]
English (Native) [6]
German (Native) [6]
Norse (Native) [0]
Russian (Accented/None) [2]

Advantages [873]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Burning Attack 6d (Incendiary 1, +10%; Increased 1/2D x10, +15%; Increased Range x2, +10%; Long-Range 1, +50%; Overhead, +30%; Side Effect (Stunning), +50%; Surge, +20%; Variable, +5%; Inaccurate 3, -15%; Outdoors Only, -20%; Can Be Stolen (Quick Contest of ST, cannot be immediately used), -15%; Unique, -25%) [65]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Damage Reduction (5) [125]
Damage Reduction (Upgrade to 10; Limited (Physical Attacks), -20%) [20]
DR10 (Limited (Physical Attacks, -20%; Tough Skin, -40%) [20]
Daredevil [15]
Enhanced Dodge 1 [15]
Enhanced Move (Air) 1.5 (Can Be Stolen (Quick Contest of ST, cannot be immediately used), -15%; Unique, -25%) [18]
Extended Lifespan 5 [10]
Flight (Can Be Stolen (Quick Contest of ST, cannot be immediately used), -15%; Unique, -25%) [24]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Night Vision 9 [9]
Regeneration (Slow) [10]
Signature Gear 2 [2]
ST+10.5/125 (Super-Effort, +300%) [420]
Telekinesis 20 ( Increased Range x100, +60%; Attraction, -60%, One Object Only, -80%) [20]
Temperature Tolerance 5 (-35°F-90°F) [5]
Unfazeable [15]
Very Fit [15]
Weapon Master (Maul) [20]
Wild Talent (Focused (Skills from his past), -20%) [16]

Perks [3]
Cloaked [1]
Dabbler (+2 to Acting, Computer Operation/TL8, Current Affairs/TL8 (Headline News), and Driving/TL8 (Automobile)) [1]
Weapon Bond (Mjolnir) [1]

Disadvantages [-72]
Bad Temper (12) [-10]
Bloodlust (15) [-5]
Chummy [-5]
Code of Honor (Warrior’s) [-10]
Enemy (Loki, 100%, 9 or less, Hunter) [-10]
Impulsiveness (9) [-15]
On the Edge (15) [-7]
Overconfidence (12) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]

Quirks [-2]
Chauvinistic [-1]
Former Alcoholic [-1]

Skills [83]
Acrobatics-13 [1]
Aerobatics-15 [4]
Animal Handling (Horse)-10 [1]
Area Knowledge (New York City)-12 [2]
Area Knowledge (Scandinavia)-13 [4]
Area Knowledge (USA)-11 [1]
Armoury/TL3 (Melee Weapons)-12 [4]
Boating/TL3 (Sailboat)-15 [2]
Brawling-17 [4]
Carousing-15 [2]
Climbing-14 [1]
Farming/TL5-11 [2]
Flight-15 [4]
Hiking-13 [1]
History (Norse)-10 [2]
Innate Attack (Bolt)-16 [2]
Intimidation-15 [2]
Lifting-14 [2]
Metallurgy/TL8-10 [2]
Navigation/TL3 (Air)-11 [2]
Professional Skill (Distiller)-11 [2]
Riding (Horse)-15 [2]
Running-14 [2]
Soldier/TL3-10 [1]
Survival (Arctic)-13 [2]
Swimming-14 [1]
Tactics-10 [2]
Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace)-18 [8]
Tracking-13 [2]
Two-Handed Axe/Mace-18 [12]
Wrestling-16 [4]

Mjolnir is a maul with the Very Fine and Throwable modifiers. It is treated as if it were SM+2, per the scaling rules from Low-Tech Companion 2 (including weight), with its actual size being considered a special effect. If anything, reduced Reach in exchange for more easy use by smaller characters is a net downside, so I consider this fair. Thor’s Signature Gear also includes a breastplate and pot helm, both treated as TL5+ steel (giving double DR).

Last edited by awesomenessofme1; 02-28-2021 at 11:06 PM.
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Old 07-22-2020, 02:31 PM   #32
Join Date: Mar 2016
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Woo! I'm a little bit surprised I was able to fit it all in one post. As you can see, I spent the most time on Thor's bio of anyone so far (and it's by far the longest). Definitely the biggest departure of anyone so far from regular Marvel canon. Any feedback on either the lore or the build would be greatly appreciated.

Iron Man next!
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Old 07-22-2020, 03:04 PM   #33
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by awesomenessofme1 View Post
. Any feedback on either the lore or the build would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure how you got his base ST of 25 (before Super-ST) for 125 pts. I'd think 150.

He probably could not have drunken himself into a stupor on homemade beer. See the drinking rules in Campaigns. His ST means he wouldn't even have to roll until his 9th beer in an hour and that would be at 16 or less. Geting him drunk on moonshine would probably be a challenge.
Fred Brackin
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Old 07-22-2020, 03:29 PM   #34
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by awesomenessofme1 View Post
Woo! I'm a little bit surprised I was able to fit it all in one post. As you can see, I spent the most time on Thor's bio of anyone so far (and it's by far the longest). Definitely the biggest departure of anyone so far from regular Marvel canon. Any feedback on either the lore or the build would be greatly appreciated.
Are you familiar with either the Imbuement supplement or the Natural Weapon article? There are ideas in both that work nicely for a Thor write up.

Other than that, Night Vision / 9 seemed a bit odd.

I'm pondering the TK summons. I suspect it could be an AA to Flight, since those seem like facets of the same ability and he can't use both at the same time. If his hammer wasn't usable by others (i.e. didn't have gadget limitations allowing it to be taken and used against him), I'd do that.
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Old 07-22-2020, 03:47 PM   #35
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
He probably could not have drunken himself into a stupor on homemade beer. See the drinking rules in Campaigns. His ST means he wouldn't even have to roll until his 9th beer in an hour and that would be at 16 or less. Geting him drunk on moonshine would probably be a challenge.
Craft Secret (Asgardian Brew) - in addition to his other abilities, Thor knows a secret recipe that gets even those with super metabolisms drunk. Of course, given the note that he had to get himself back into shape, he probably had lower ST and lacked Very Fit, making it a bit easier for him to get sloshed. He may also have opted to drink on an empty stomach (perhaps he even got the bulk of his caloric intake from booze at the time) for -2 to the roll.

Point is, he certainly could have gotten drunk, so having that as part of his backstory seems just fine to me.
GURPS Overhaul
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Old 07-22-2020, 03:52 PM   #36
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Another trick for really old characters is to use either a Wild Card skill, Modular Points (old skills) or Wild Talent to cover things they probably should have picked up over the last 1000 years to avoid unnecessary itemizing. Some skills erode over time, others will age out. If he hasn't been back to Scandinavia for a few hundred years, his AK may be historical rather than current.
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Old 07-22-2020, 06:16 PM   #37
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Modular Abilities 40 (Slotted Cosmic Powers) [207] allows for mastery in any one skill (and allows for mental advantages as well) with just a turn of concentration.
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Old 07-22-2020, 07:22 PM   #38
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post

Point is, he certainly could have gotten drunk, so having that as part of his backstory seems just fine to me.
Oh yeah? Let's give him the empty stomach thing and take away his Very Fit and that still only lowers him to 12 or less. Knock down his utterly unatural and not biologically as we understand it based ST so that he has to roll on the 7th beer.

He's still making 3/4ths of his rolls and he has to fail 3 rolls to get to Drunken stupor so he has to drink for (on average) 9 to 12 hours drinking 84 fluid ounces every hour. As much as anythign the volume is the impossible part.

I did suggest moonshine. Or as southern Russia was mentioned (though at an unspecified time frame) vodka.
Fred Brackin
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Old 07-23-2020, 01:36 AM   #39
Purple Snit
Join Date: Jan 2011
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

I'm frequently amazed at the things people get stuck on. If for the purpose of the story, we can accept the existance of mutants, super-science, and super-strong psychokinetics with hammers of might, why worry about the amount of booze that would be needed for Thor to get drunk?! It doesn't really seem like a major plot point to get hung up on, honestly. Suspension of disbelief is pretty much essential for the whole "superhero" genre as it is.
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Old 07-23-2020, 02:29 AM   #40
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Supers] Nerfed Marvel Universe

Just give him Susceptible (Alcohol; Common) 5 [-10]. That would reduce his effective HT to 11.
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