07-30-2009, 10:08 AM | #1 |
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Iceland*
Imperial Marines
Imperial Marine 400 CP Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30]. Secondary Attributes: HP 18 [12]; Basic Speed 6.50 [0]; Move 6 [0]; Per 13 [5]; Will 13 [5]; FP 14 [3]. Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; DR 2 (Hardened 1 +20%, Limited (Partial: Skull, Spine and Vitals) -35%, Tough Skin (not flexible) -20%) [7]; DR 2 (Hardened 1 +20%, Limited (Partial: Skull and Spine) -40%, Tough Skin (not flexible) -20%) [6]; Fearlessness 1 [2]; Fit [5], G-Experience (All) [10]; Hard to Kill 4 [8]; Injury Tolerance (Unbreakable Bones) [10]; Lifting ST +1 [3]; Resistant +8 (Disease) [5]. And [50] points chosen from the following list: More ST, DX, IQ or HT; Increased Speed, Per, Will or FP; Absolute Direction [5 or 10]; Absolute Timing [2]; Acute Senses [2/level]; Ambidexterity [5]; Artificer Talent [10/level]; Born Soldier Talent [5/level]; Born Tactician Talent [10/level]; Common Sense [10]; Danger Sense [15]; Fearlessness [2/level]; Filter Lungs [5]; Flexibility [5]; Healer Talent [10/level]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Less Sleep [2/level]; Night Vision [1/level; max 3]; Outdoorsman Talent [10/level]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Radiation Tolerance [5 or 10]; Reputation (Medals and Military Awards) [var.]; Single-Minded [5] Stalker Talent [5/level] or improve Fit to Very Fit [+10]. Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo; Karate); Sanitised Metabolism; Special Exercises (Lifting ST +1); Standard Operating Practice (On Alert and Moves Under Cover); Style Familitarity (IMC; IMWT) [8]. Disadvantages: Duty (15-) (Imperial Marines) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Sense of Duty (Regiment) [-10] and at least [-10] points from the following list (or quirk versions of these disadvantages): Chummy [-5]; Code of Honour (Imperial Marine) [-10]; Fanaticism (Imperial Mission or Empire) [-15]; Honesty (SC 12 or 15) [-5 to -10]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Selfless (SC 6 to 15) [-2 to -10]; Sense of Duty (Replace Regiment with Comrades-in-arms, Imperial Marine Corps or Empire) [0]; Truthfulness (SC 6 to 15) [-2 to -10]; Workaholic (SC 6 to 15) [-2 to -10]. Other acceptable and reasonably common disadvantages include: Callous [-5]; Compulsive Carousing (SC 15) [-2]; Compulsive Behaviour (Physical Conditioning) (SC 12 or 15) [-2 to -5]; Gluttony (SC 15) [-2]; Intolerance (Backward Colonal Societies or Everyone but Imperials) [-5 to -10]; Lecherousness (SC 15) [-8]; No Sense of Humour [-10]; Oblivious [-5]; Overconfidence (SC 12 or 15) [-2 to -5]. Primary Skills: Battlesuit (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Camouflage (IQ/E) IQ+1 [2] -13; Climbing (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Communications) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -13; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; First Aid/TL10 (IQ/E) IQ+1 [2] -13; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per [2] -13; Free Fall (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Gunner/TL10 (Machinegun) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Guns (GL) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Guns/TL10 (LAW) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (DX/E) DX+1 [4] -15; Guns/TL10 (SMG) (DX/E) DX+1 [3] -15*; Guns/TL10 (LMG) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14*; Hiking (HT/A) HT [2] -13; Judo (DX/H) DX+1 [8] -14; Jumping (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Karate (DX/H) DX+1 [8] -14; Parachuting (New Speciality: Meteoric Drop) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Savior-Faire (Military) (IQ/E) IQ+1 [2] -13; Soldier/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ+2 [8] -14; Stealth (DX/A) DX [2] -13; Tactics (IQ/H) IQ [4] -12; Throwing (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Traps/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Urban Survival (Per/A) Per-1 [1] -11; Vacc Suit/TL10 (DX/A) DX+1 [3] -14*; Wrestling (DX/A) DX+2 [8] -15. Techniques: Arm Lock (Wrestling+1) (A) [1] -16; CQB (SMG+2) (A) [2] -17; CQB (Rifle+2) (A) [2] -17; Retain Weapon (Rifle) (DX+1) (H) [2] -14; Retain Weapon (SMG) (DX+1) (H) [2] -14. Secondary Skills: Acrobatics (DX/H) DX-2 [1] -11; Artillery/TL10 (Guided Missile) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Armoury/TL10 (Small Arms) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Crewman (Spacer) (IQ/E) IQ [1] -12; Diplomacy (Optional Speciality: Crowd Control) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Explosives/TL10 (Demolition) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Escape (DX/H) DX-2 [1] -12; Fast Draw (Ammo) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Fast Draw (Knife) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Fast Draw (Long Arm) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Fast Draw (Pistol) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Forced Entry (DX/E) DX+1 [2] -14; Gesture (IQ/E) IQ [1] -12; Guns/TL10 (Pistol) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14*; Intimidation (Will/A) Will-1 [1] -12; Melee Weapon (Knife) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Melee Weapon (Shortsword) (DX/A) DX [2] -13; Melee Weapon (Spear) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Melee Weapon (Staff) (DX/A) DX [2] -13; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; NBC Suit/TL10 (DX/A) DX [1] -13*; Observation (Per/A) Per [2] -13; Piloting (Flight Pack) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Running (HT/A) HT [2] -13; Scrounging (Per/E) Per [1] -13; Scuba (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -12; Search (Per/A) Per-1 [1] -12; Sport (Rugby) (HT/E) HT+1 [2] -14; Submarine (Free-Flooding Sub) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -12; Swimming (HT/E) HT [1] -13. Background Skills: Spend 12 points on any of Area Knowledge (any), Carousing, Carpentry, Computer Operation, Cooking, Current Affairs (Any), Games (any), Gardening, Hobby Skill, Housekeeping, Knot-Tying, Sewing or Singing, all (E); Administration, Boating/TL10, Connoisseur, Dancing, Driving (any), Erotic Art, Freight Handling, Gambling, Group Performance (Any), Heraldry (Military Insignia), Lifting, Mechanic/TL10 (Any), Performance, Photography, Piloting (Vertol), Poetry, Sex Appeal, Sports (Any), Speed-Reading, Streetwise or Teaching, all (A); Artist (Any), Astrobatics, Astronomy, Autohypnosis, Expert Skill (Military Science), History (Any), Literature, Mathematics (Any), Meditation, Musical Composition, Musical Instrument or Philosophy, all (H). Attributes: [150] Secondary Attributes: [30] Advantages: [121] Perks: [8] Disadvantages: [-40] Skills: [122] Techniques: [9] *From default In addition, Marines have a Military Trade such as Armourer, Artificer, Marksman, Provost, Scout or any of a myriad of other specialities. Every Marine also selects one of the following schools per five year tour he has done. Infantry School Perk: Cross-Trained (Rifle, Common Models) [1]. Skills: Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Gunner/TL10 (Machinegun) (DX/A) DX [+1] -13; Guns/TL10 (LAW) (DX/E) DX+1 [+1] -14; Hiking (HT/A) HT+1 [+2] -14; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Teaching (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12. + Two of Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain or Open Range Operations [10]. Cost: 20 CPs. Meteoric Drop School Skills: Astrobatics (DX/H) DX-1 [2] -12; Battlesuit (DX/A) DX+2 [+4] -15; Crewman (Spacer) (IQ/E) IQ+1 [+1] -14; Free Fall (DX/A) DX+2 [+4] -15; Parachuting (New Speciality: Meteoric Drop) (DX/E) DX+2 [+3] -15; Piloting (Flight Pack) (DX/A) DX [+1] -13. + 5 points from IMC Zero-g Boarding or IMWT Assault. Cost: 20 CPs. Riot School Perk: Cross-Trained (SMG, Common Models); Robust Hearing; Robust Vision; Shieldwall Training; Sure-Footed (Uneven) [5]. Skills: Diplomacy (Optional Speciality: Crowd Control) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Intimidation (Will/A) Will [+1] -13; Melee Weapon (Shortsword) (DX/A) DX [+2] -14; Shield (DX/E) DX+1 [2] -14. Techniques: Arm Lock (Wrestling+2) (A) [+1] -17; Retain Weapon (Shortsword+1) (H) [2] -15. + Urban Operations [5] Skills: Driving (Automobile) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Jumping (DX/E) DX+1 [+1] -14; Piloting (Vertol) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Urban Survival (Per/A) Per [+1] -13. Techniques: Rope Down (Climbing) (A) [1] -14. Cost: 20 CPs.
Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela! Last edited by Icelander; 08-05-2009 at 06:55 AM. |
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