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Old 07-30-2009, 10:08 AM   #1
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Default Imperial Marines

Imperial Marine

400 CP

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Attributes: HP 18 [12]; Basic Speed 6.50 [0]; Move 6 [0]; Per 13 [5]; Will 13 [5]; FP 14 [3].

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; DR 2 (Hardened 1 +20%, Limited (Partial: Skull, Spine and Vitals) -35%, Tough Skin (not flexible) -20%) [7]; DR 2 (Hardened 1 +20%, Limited (Partial: Skull and Spine) -40%, Tough Skin (not flexible) -20%) [6]; Fearlessness 1 [2]; Fit [5], G-Experience (All) [10]; Hard to Kill 4 [8]; Injury Tolerance (Unbreakable Bones) [10]; Lifting ST +1 [3]; Resistant +8 (Disease) [5].

And [50] points chosen from the following list: More ST, DX, IQ or HT; Increased Speed, Per, Will or FP; Absolute Direction [5 or 10]; Absolute Timing [2]; Acute Senses [2/level]; Ambidexterity [5]; Artificer Talent [10/level]; Born Soldier Talent [5/level]; Born Tactician Talent [10/level]; Common Sense [10]; Danger Sense [15]; Fearlessness [2/level]; Filter Lungs [5]; Flexibility [5]; Healer Talent [10/level]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Less Sleep [2/level]; Night Vision [1/level; max 3]; Outdoorsman Talent [10/level]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Radiation Tolerance [5 or 10]; Reputation (Medals and Military Awards) [var.]; Single-Minded [5] Stalker Talent [5/level] or improve Fit to Very Fit [+10].

Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo; Karate); Sanitised Metabolism; Special Exercises (Lifting ST +1); Standard Operating Practice (On Alert and Moves Under Cover); Style Familitarity (IMC; IMWT) [8].

Disadvantages: Duty (15-) (Imperial Marines) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Sense of Duty (Regiment) [-10] and at least [-10] points from the following list (or quirk versions of these disadvantages):

Chummy [-5]; Code of Honour (Imperial Marine) [-10]; Fanaticism (Imperial Mission or Empire) [-15]; Honesty (SC 12 or 15) [-5 to -10]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Selfless (SC 6 to 15) [-2 to -10]; Sense of Duty (Replace Regiment with Comrades-in-arms, Imperial Marine Corps or Empire) [0]; Truthfulness (SC 6 to 15) [-2 to -10]; Workaholic (SC 6 to 15) [-2 to -10].

Other acceptable and reasonably common disadvantages include: Callous [-5]; Compulsive Carousing (SC 15) [-2]; Compulsive Behaviour (Physical Conditioning) (SC 12 or 15) [-2 to -5]; Gluttony (SC 15) [-2]; Intolerance (Backward Colonal Societies or Everyone but Imperials) [-5 to -10]; Lecherousness (SC 15) [-8]; No Sense of Humour [-10]; Oblivious [-5]; Overconfidence (SC 12 or 15) [-2 to -5].

Primary Skills: Battlesuit (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Camouflage (IQ/E) IQ+1 [2] -13; Climbing (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Communications) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -13; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; First Aid/TL10 (IQ/E) IQ+1 [2] -13; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per [2] -13; Free Fall (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Gunner/TL10 (Machinegun) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Guns (GL) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Guns/TL10 (LAW) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (DX/E) DX+1 [4] -15; Guns/TL10 (SMG) (DX/E) DX+1 [3] -15*; Guns/TL10 (LMG) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14*; Hiking (HT/A) HT [2] -13; Judo (DX/H) DX+1 [8] -14; Jumping (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Karate (DX/H) DX+1 [8] -14; Parachuting (New Speciality: Meteoric Drop) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Savior-Faire (Military) (IQ/E) IQ+1 [2] -13; Soldier/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ+2 [8] -14; Stealth (DX/A) DX [2] -13; Tactics (IQ/H) IQ [4] -12; Throwing (DX/A) DX+1 [4] -14; Traps/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Urban Survival (Per/A) Per-1 [1] -11; Vacc Suit/TL10 (DX/A) DX+1 [3] -14*; Wrestling (DX/A) DX+2 [8] -15.

Techniques: Arm Lock (Wrestling+1) (A) [1] -16; CQB (SMG+2) (A) [2] -17; CQB (Rifle+2) (A) [2] -17; Retain Weapon (Rifle) (DX+1) (H) [2] -14; Retain Weapon (SMG) (DX+1) (H) [2] -14.

Secondary Skills: Acrobatics (DX/H) DX-2 [1] -11; Artillery/TL10 (Guided Missile) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Armoury/TL10 (Small Arms) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Crewman (Spacer) (IQ/E) IQ [1] -12; Diplomacy (Optional Speciality: Crowd Control) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Explosives/TL10 (Demolition) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Escape (DX/H) DX-2 [1] -12; Fast Draw (Ammo) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Fast Draw (Knife) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Fast Draw (Long Arm) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Fast Draw (Pistol) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14; Forced Entry (DX/E) DX+1 [2] -14; Gesture (IQ/E) IQ [1] -12; Guns/TL10 (Pistol) (DX/E) DX+1 [1] -14*; Intimidation (Will/A) Will-1 [1] -12; Melee Weapon (Knife) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Melee Weapon (Shortsword) (DX/A) DX [2] -13; Melee Weapon (Spear) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Melee Weapon (Staff) (DX/A) DX [2] -13; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; NBC Suit/TL10 (DX/A) DX [1] -13*; Observation (Per/A) Per [2] -13; Piloting (Flight Pack) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Running (HT/A) HT [2] -13; Scrounging (Per/E) Per [1] -13; Scuba (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -12; Search (Per/A) Per-1 [1] -12; Sport (Rugby) (HT/E) HT+1 [2] -14; Submarine (Free-Flooding Sub) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -12; Swimming (HT/E) HT [1] -13.

Background Skills: Spend 12 points on any of Area Knowledge (any), Carousing, Carpentry, Computer Operation, Cooking, Current Affairs (Any), Games (any), Gardening, Hobby Skill, Housekeeping, Knot-Tying, Sewing or Singing, all (E); Administration, Boating/TL10, Connoisseur, Dancing, Driving (any), Erotic Art, Freight Handling, Gambling, Group Performance (Any), Heraldry (Military Insignia), Lifting, Mechanic/TL10 (Any), Performance, Photography, Piloting (Vertol), Poetry, Sex Appeal, Sports (Any), Speed-Reading, Streetwise or Teaching, all (A); Artist (Any), Astrobatics, Astronomy, Autohypnosis, Expert Skill (Military Science), History (Any), Literature, Mathematics (Any), Meditation, Musical Composition, Musical Instrument or Philosophy, all (H).

Attributes: [150]
Secondary Attributes: [30]
Advantages: [121]
Perks: [8]
Disadvantages: [-40]
Skills: [122]
Techniques: [9]

*From default

In addition, Marines have a Military Trade such as Armourer, Artificer, Marksman, Provost, Scout or any of a myriad of other specialities. Every Marine also selects one of the following schools per five year tour he has done.

Infantry School
Perk: Cross-Trained (Rifle, Common Models) [1].
Skills: Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Gunner/TL10 (Machinegun) (DX/A) DX [+1] -13; Guns/TL10 (LAW) (DX/E) DX+1 [+1] -14; Hiking (HT/A) HT+1 [+2] -14; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Teaching (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12.

+ Two of Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain or Open Range Operations [10].

Cost: 20 CPs.

Meteoric Drop School
Skills: Astrobatics (DX/H) DX-1 [2] -12; Battlesuit (DX/A) DX+2 [+4] -15; Crewman (Spacer) (IQ/E) IQ+1 [+1] -14; Free Fall (DX/A) DX+2 [+4] -15; Parachuting (New Speciality: Meteoric Drop) (DX/E) DX+2 [+3] -15; Piloting (Flight Pack) (DX/A) DX [+1] -13.

+ 5 points from IMC Zero-g Boarding or IMWT Assault.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Riot School
Perk: Cross-Trained (SMG, Common Models); Robust Hearing; Robust Vision; Shieldwall Training; Sure-Footed (Uneven) [5].
Skills: Diplomacy (Optional Speciality: Crowd Control) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Intimidation (Will/A) Will [+1] -13; Melee Weapon (Shortsword) (DX/A) DX [+2] -14; Shield (DX/E) DX+1 [2] -14.
Techniques: Arm Lock (Wrestling+2) (A) [+1] -17; Retain Weapon (Shortsword+1) (H) [2] -15.

+ Urban Operations [5]
Skills: Driving (Automobile) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Jumping (DX/E) DX+1 [+1] -14; Piloting (Vertol) (DX/A) DX-1 [1] -12; Urban Survival (Per/A) Per [+1] -13.
Techniques: Rope Down (Climbing) (A) [1] -14.

Cost: 20 CPs.
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Last edited by Icelander; 08-05-2009 at 06:55 AM.
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Old 07-30-2009, 10:10 AM   #2
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Default Re: Imperial Marines


Imperial Marine Combative
(Hand-to-hand combative for Imperial Marines) 11 points

This is a comprehensive system of armed and unarmed combat for the members of a high-tech military. Due to their role as security personnel, riot guards and shipboard police; Imperial Marines devote a lot of attention to less-than-lethal fighting skills with stun batons and grappling. They carry this focus over to their battle skill complement, with individuals being trained at disabling opponents with grappling and using their rifles as melee weapons.

The style assumes that the practisioner may be armoured and that the enemy will often be armoured as well. Strikes are only made with hard surfaces of the armour and/or improvised weapons and usually only against the weak points of the enemy armour. Grapples and throws are preferred, with some moves only effective against opponents in environmental suits or armour.

This is an aggressive style, whether used as during less-than-lethal riot control operations or in deadly earnest against a battlesuited foe in zero-g. Stylists are taught to establish psychological dominance and to seize and hold the initiative. Committed or even All-Out Attacks are routinely made with the aim of disabling or at least distracting the enemy before he can execute his first attack.

Skills: Battlesuit; Free Fall; Intimidation; Judo; Karate; Knife; Shortsword; Staff; Stealth; Wrestling.
Techniques: Aggressive Parry; Arm Lock; Armed Grapple; Choke Hold; Elbow Strike; Hammer Fist; Head Butt; Head Lock; Knee Strike (Karate); Stamp Kick (Karate); Sweep; Retain Weapon (Shortsword or Rifle); Targeted Attack (Hammer Fist/Chinks in Skull); Targeted Attack (Hammer Fist/Face); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Face); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Chinks in Face); Targeted Attack (Knee Strike/Groin); Targeted Attack (Shortsword Thrust/Neck); Targeted Attack (Staff Swing/Chinks in Skull); Targeted Attack (Staff Thrust/Vitals); Two-handed Punch (Karate); Trip; Wrench Limb; Wrench Spine.
Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo or Karate); Improvised Weapons (Karate); Neck Control; Off-Hand Weapon Training; Power Grappling; Special Exercises (Lifting ST); Skill Adaptation (Brawling Techniques default to Karate); Style Adaptation (Any); Sure-Footed (Any).


Skills: Battlesuit; Intimidation; Judo; Karate; Knife; Staff; Wrestling.
Techniques: Aggressive Parry; Arm Lock; Armed Grapple; Choke Hold; Disarm; Elbow Strike; Hammer Fist; Head Butt; Head Lock; Knee Strike (Karate); Stamp Kick (Karate); Sweep; Targeted Attack (Hammer Fist/Face); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Face); Targeted Attack (Knee Strike/Groin); Two-handed Punch (Karate); Trip.
Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo or Karate); Dirty Fighting; Improvised Weapons (Karate); Neck Control; Off-Hand Weapon Training; Power Grappling; Skill Adaptation (Brawling Techniques default to Karate); Style Adaptation (Any); Sure-Footed (Any).
Combinations: A few sample combinations include: Number 2 Chin Jab: Karate Knee Strike/Groin + Karate Hammer Fist/Face; Number 3 Boot Side Kick: Karate Kick/Leg + Karate Stamp Kick/Foot + Karate Hammer Fist/Face; Number 18 Hip Throw: Judo Throw/Torso + Karate Kick/Spine; Number 19 Wrist Throw: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Hand + Judo or Wrestling Arm Lock + Judo Throw/Torso; Number 30 Disarming an Opponent of his Pistol: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Hand + Judo or Wrestling Disarm/Weapon + Karate Knee Strike/Groin.

Crowd Control
Skills: Intimidation; Judo; Karate; Shield; Shortsword; Wrestling.
Techniques: Arm Lock; Armed Grapple; Choke Hold; Elbow Strike; Hammer Fist; Head Lock; Knee Strike (Karate); Stamp Kick (Karate); Sweep; Retain Weapon (Shortsword or SMG); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Face); Targeted Attack (Shortsword Thrust/Neck); Targeted Attack (Shortsword Swing/Arm); Targeted Attack (Shortsword Swing/Leg); Trip.
Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo or Karate); Grip Mastery (Shortsword); Off-Hand Weapon Training; Power Grappling; Quick-Sheathe (Shortsword); Quick Swap (Shortsword); Shoves and Grapples; Shield Wall Training; Skill Adaptation (Brawling Techniques default to Karate); Style Adaptation (Any); Sure-Footed (Uneven); Sure-Footed (Slippery).
Combinations: A few sample combinations include: Disarming an Assailant with a Pistol: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Hand+ Judo or Wrestling Arm Lock + Judo or Wrestling Disarm/Weapon; Police Hold: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Arm + Judo or Wrestling Arm Lock; Handcuff Hold: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Arm + Judo or Wrestling Arm Lock + Judo Throw/Torso; Number 25 Attack with a Small Stick: Shortsword Swing/Torso + Shortsword Thrust/Neck (this attack is always made employing a two-handed Defensive Grip).

Sentry Removal
Skills: Judo; Karate; Knife; Stealth; Wrestling.
Techniques: Choke Hold; Hammer Fist; Head Lock; Knee Strike (Karate); Neck Snap; Stamp Kick (Karate); Targeted Attack (Judo or Wrestling Grab/Face); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Face); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Spine); Targeted Attack (Hammer Fist/Chinks in Skull); Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Neck); Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Neck Arteries); Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Vitals); Two-handed Punch (Karate); Trip.
Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo or Karate); Improvised Weapons (Karate); Neck Control; Off-Hand Weapon Training; Power Grappling; Quick-Sheathe (Knife); Quick Swap (Knife); Skill Adaptation (Brawling Techniques default to Karate); Style Adaptation (Any).
Combinations: A few sample combinations include: Number 13 Sentry Hold: Karate Hammer Fist/Neck +Karate Punch/Spine + Judo or Wrestling Choke Hold. Number 28 Use of the Knife: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Face + Knife Thrust/Neck Arteries or Knife Thrust/Vitals. Number 30 Disarming an Opponent of his Pistol: Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Hand + Judo or Wrestling Disarm/Weapon + Karate Knee Strike/Groin.

Zero-g Boarding
Skills: Astrobatics; Battlesuit; Free Fall; Judo; Karate; Staff; Wrestling.
Techniques: Aggressive Parry; Arm Lock; Armed Grapple; Choke Hold; Elbow Strike; Hammer Fist; Head Lock; Sweep; Retain Weapon (Rifle); Targeted Attack (Judo or Wrestling Grab/Vacc Suit Oxygen Storage); Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Chinks in Face); Targeted Attack (Hammer Fist/Chinks in Skull); Targeted Attack (Staff Swing/Chinks in Skull); Targeted Attack (Staff Thrust/Vitals); Trip; Wrench Limb; Wrench Spine.
Perks: Armour Familiarity (Judo or Karate); Power Grappling; Skill Adaptation (Brawling Techniques default to Karate); Style Adaptation (Any); Sure-Footed (Any).
Combinations: A few sample combinations include: Opponent Neutralised by Means of Steady Pressure: Staff Thrust/Vitals + Staff Armed Grapple (followed by Wrench Spine); Attack on Breathing Apparatus: Judo or Wrestling Arm Lock + Judo or Wrestling Grab/Vacc Suit Oxygen Storage.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, DX or HT
Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed, Per, Will or FP.
Advantages: Combat Reflexes; Fearlessness; Fit or Very Fit; Hard to Subdue; High Pain Threshold; Lifting ST.
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Imperial Marine); Duty; Fanaticism (Imperial Mission or Empire); Obsession (Become the best); Overconfidence; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents); Sense of Duty (Empire).
Skills: Acrobatics; Astrobatics; Axe/Mace; Crewman (Spacer); Fast-Draw (Knife or Sword); Jumping; Shield; Spear; Sports (Rubgy); Sumo Wrestling; Tactics; Two-handed Axe/Mace; Vacc Suit.
Techniques: Armed Techniques for optional weapons; Acrobatic Stand; Eye-Rake; Exotic Hand Strike; Ground Fighting; Handcuffing; Leg Lock; Low Fighting; Retain Weapon (Any); Scissors Hold; Targeted Attack (Judo or Wrestling Grab/Neck); Targeted Attack (Judo Throw/Neck); Targeted Attack (Judo Throw/Skull); Targeted Attack (Karate Exotic Hand Strike/Neck); Targeted Attack (Karate Hammer Fist/Face); Targeted Attack (Karate Two-Handed Punch/Neck); Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Neck Arteries Chinks); Targeted Attack (Spear Thrust/Vitals Chinks); Testicle Grab.
Perks: Dirty Fighting; Focused Fury; Grip Mastery (Any); Quick-Sheathe; Quick Swap; Shoves and Grapples; Shield Wall Training.
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Last edited by Icelander; 08-03-2009 at 11:26 PM. Reason: Revision of presentation
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Old 07-30-2009, 10:21 AM   #3
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Military Trade

Perks: Armourer‘s Gift (LMG, SMG, Rifle or MG) [1].
Skills: Armoury/TL10 (Battlesuit) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Armoury/TL10 (Body Armour) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Armoury/TL10 (Heavy Weapons) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Armoury/TL10 (Smallarms) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+3] -13; Machinist/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Mechanic/TL10 (Walkbots) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Artificer (Eletrician)
Skills: Electrician/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Electronic Repair/TL10 (Communications) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Electronic Repair/TL10 (Computers) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Electronic Repair/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Electronic Repair/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Engineering/TL10 (Eletrical) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Engineering/TL10 (Electronics) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Machinist/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Mathematics/TL10 (Applied) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Artificer (Mechanic)
Perk: Efficient (Mechanic: Fuel Cell Engines) [1].
Skills: Armoury/TL10 (Vehicular Armour) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Engineering/TL10 (Walkers) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Machinist/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Mathematics/TL10 (Applied) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Mechanic/TL10 (Fuel Cell Engines) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Mechanic/TL10 (Fusion Engines) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Mechanic/TL10 (Legged Motive System) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [2] -12; Mechanic/TL10 (Thrusters Motive System) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12. Scrounging (Per/E) IQ [+1] -14.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Assault Pioneer
Perk: One-Task Wonder (Architecture defaults to full IQ when planting explosives) [1].
Skills: Engineering/TL10 (Combat) (IQ/H) IQ [4] -12; Explosives/TL10 (Demolitions) (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+7] -14; Explosives/TL10 (EOD) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Forced Entry (DX/E) DX+1 [+2] -15; Guns (LAW) (DX/E) DX [1] -13; Traps (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+3] -13.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Advantage: Fearlessness 2 [+2]; High Manual Dexterity [5].
Perk: Efficient (EOD) [1].
Skills: Explosives/TL10 (EOD) (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+6] -14; Hazardous Materials/TL10 (Chemical) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Search (Per/A) Per [+1] -13; Traps (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+4] -14.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Perk: Efficient (Demolitions); Efficient (Traps); One Task Wonder (Mechanic defaults to full IQ when planting explosives) [3].
Skills: Electrician/TL10 (Optional Speciality: Sabotage) (IQ/A) IQ [1] -12/10; Explosives/TL10 (Demolitions) (IQ/A) IQ+3 [+4] -15; Holdout (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Machinist/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Smuggling (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Traps (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+4] -14.
Technique: Set Traps (Explosives: Demolition) (A) [3] -15.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Advantage: Acute Vision 1 [2].
Perks: Eye for Distance; Patience of Job [2].
Skills: Camouflage (IQ/E) IQ+2 [+2] -14; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Guns (Rifle) (DX/E) DX+3 [+4] -16; Observation (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Stealth (DX/A) DX+1 [+2] -14; Tactics (IQ/H) IQ [+2] -12.
Technique: Precision Aiming (IQ-based Guns: Rifle-2) (A) [3] -13.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Advanced Marksman

Advantage: Night Vision 1 [1].
Perks: Deadeye; Armourer‘s Gift (Rifle) [2].
Skills: Guns (Rifle) (DX/E) DX+5 [+8] -18.
Technique: Precision Aiming (IQ-based Guns: Rifle-1) (A) [+1] -16; Targeted Attack (Rifle Shot/Skull) (Guns: Rifle-3) (A) [5] -13; Targeted Attack (Rifle Shot/Vitals) (Guns: Rifle-1) (A) [3] -17.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Perks: Efficient (First Aid); Efficient (Surgery) [2].
Skills: Diagnosis (Optional Speciality: Trauma) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12/10; Diplomacy (Upgrade from Optional Specialisation) (IQ/H) IQ-1 [+1] -11; Electronic Operation (Medical) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Electronic Repair (Medical) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; First Aid (IQ/E) IQ+3 [+6] -15; Physician (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Physiology (Human) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Surgery (Optional Speciality: Trauma) (IQ/H) IQ [4] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Hospital Orderly

Perks: Cross-Trained (Electronic Operation: Medical); Efficient (Electronic Operation: Medical); Efficient (Physician); Good With (Patients) [4].
Skills: Diagnosis (Upgrade from Optional Speciality) (IQ/H) IQ [+2] -12; Diplomacy (IQ/H) IQ [+2] -12; Electronic Operation (Medical) (IQ/A) IQ [+2] -13; Electronic Repair (Medical) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Lifting (HT/A) HT [2] -12; Physician (IQ/H) IQ [+3] -12; Pharmacy (Synthetic) (IQ/H) IQ [4] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Advanced Surgery

Perks: Focused (Surgery) [1].
Skills: Diagnosis (Optional Speciality: Trauma) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+2] -13/11; First Aid (IQ/E) IQ+4 [+4] -16; Physiology (Human) (IQ/H) IQ [+3] -12; Surgery (Optional Speciality: Trauma) (IQ/H) IQ [+8] -14/12.

Cost: 20 CPs.
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Last edited by Icelander; 07-31-2009 at 05:50 PM.
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Old 07-30-2009, 10:22 AM   #4
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Perk: Fearsome Stare; Standard Operating Procedure (Check the Crowd) [2].
Skills: Body Language (Per/A) Per-1 [1] -12; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Surveillance) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Forced Entry (DX/E) DX+2 [+2] -15; Guns (GL) (DX/E) DX+1 [+1] -14; Interrogation (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Intimidation (Will/A) Will [+1] -13; Law Enforcement (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Law (Police) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Search (Per/A) Per [+1] -13.
Techniques: Arm Lock (Wrestling+2) (A) [+1] -17; Handcuffing (Wrestling-1) (A) [1] -14; Retain Weapon (Pistol) (DX+1) (H) [2] -14; Retain Weapon (SMG) (DX+2) (H) [+1] -15.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Dignitary Protection

Perk: Sacrificial Parry (Wrestling) [1].
Skills: Body Language (Per/A) Per+1 [+3] -14; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+2] -13; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Surveillance) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Fast Draw (Pistol) (DX/E) DX+2 [+1] -15; Guns (Pistol) (DX/E) DX+2 [+2] -15; Law Enforcement (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+2] -13; Search (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14.
Techniques: Disarming (Wrestling+2) (H) [3] -17; Targeted Attack (Pistol Shot/Vitals) (Guns Pistol-1) (H) [3] -14.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Provost Detective

Skills: Criminology/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Detect Lie (Per/H) Per-2 [1] -11; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Surveillance) (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Holdout (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Interrogation (IQ/A) IQ [+1] -12; Law (Police) (IQ/H) IQ [+2] -12; Observation (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Psychology (Applied) (IQ/H) IQ-1 [2] -11; Photography (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Research (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Search (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Shadowing (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Riot Squad

Advantage: Hard to Subdue 1 [2].
Perk: Shieldwall Training; Shoves and Tackles (Shield); Sure-Footed (Uneven) [3].
Skills: Guns (GL) (DX/E) DX+2 [+2] -15; Intimidation (Will/A) Will+1 [+2] -14; Shield (DX/E) DX+2 [4] -15; Shortsword (DX/E) DX+1 [+2] -14;.
Techniques: Close Hip Shooting (SMG+2) [2] -17; Retain Weapon (Shortsword+1) (H) [2] -15; Retain Weapon (SMG) (DX+2) (H) [+1] -15.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Perks: Patience of Job [1].
Skills: Camouflage (IQ/E) IQ+2 [+2] -14; Cartography/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+3] -13; Electronics Repair/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Intelligence Analysis (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+3] -13; Observation (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Stealth (DX/A) DX+1 [+2] -14; Tracking (Per/A) Per-1 [1] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.


Perks: Efficient (Navigation); Sure-Footed (Uneven) [2].
Skills: Hiking (HT/A) HT+2 [+4] -15; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+4] -14; Observation (Per/A) Per+1 [+2] -14; Running (HT/A) HT+1 [2] -14; Stealth (DX/A) DX+2 [+4] -15; Tracking (Per/A) Per+1 [+3] -14.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Perks: Efficient (Cartography and Electronic Operations: Sensors) [2].
Skills: Cartography/TL10 (IQ/A) IQ [+3] -13; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+4] -14; Electronics Repair/TL10 (Sensors) (IQ/A) IQ [0] -13*; Forward Observer/TL10 (Per/A) Per+2 [+4] -15; Intelligence Analysis (IQ/H) IQ [+3] -12; Mathematics/TL10 (Surveying) (IQ/H) IQ [4] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.
Section Gunner
Advantage: Lifting ST +1 [3]
Perks: Armourer‘s Gift (LMG or MG); Huge Weapons (ST); Special Exercises (Lifting ST) [3].
Skills: Artillery/TL10 (Guided Missiles) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Armoury/TL10 (Heavy Weapons) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Fast Draw (Ammo) (DX/E) DX+2 [+1] -15; Gunner (MG) (DX/A) DX+1 [+2] -14; Guns (GL) (DX/E) DX+1 [+1] -13; Guns (LAW) (DX/E) DX+1 [2] -14; Guns (LMG) (DX/E) DX+2 [+2] -15; Mechanic/TL10 (Walkbots) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12.

Cost: 20 CPs.

Section Leader
Advantage: Military Rank 1 [5]
Skills: Administration (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Computer Operation (IQ/E) IQ [1] -12; Diplomacy (Upgrade from Optional Specialisation) (IQ/H) IQ-1 [+1] -11; Expert Skill (Military Science) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Intelligence Analysis (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Leadership (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Navigation/TL10 (Land) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+1] -12; Operations (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E) IQ+2 [+2] -14; Tactics (IQ/H) IQ+1 [+6] -13; Teaching (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12.

Cost: 25 CPs.


Advantage: Military Rank 2 [+5]
Skills: Administration (IQ/A) IQ+1 [+2] -13; Diplomacy (IQ/H) IQ [+2] -12; Intelligence Analysis (IQ/H) IQ [+3] -12; Leadership (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+6] -14; Operations (IQ/H) IQ-1 [+3] -12; Tactics (IQ/H) IQ+2 [+4] -14.

Cost: 25 CPs.
Perks: Cross-Trained (Communications) [1].
Skills: Administration (IQ/A) IQ-1 [1] -11; Computer Operation (IQ/E) IQ [1] -12; Computer Programming (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Cryptography (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10; Electronic Operation (Communications) (IQ/A) IQ+2 [+6] -14; Electronic Operation (Electronic Warfare) (IQ/A) IQ+1 [4] -13; Electronic Repair (Communications) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Electronic Repair (Electronic Warfare) (IQ/A) IQ [2] -12; Expert Skill (Computer Security) (IQ/H) IQ-2 [1] -10.

Cost: 20 CPs.


Every Marine receives new military trade training for each five year rotation. Cross-training is encouraged, but some do further specialise within their chosen niche. Each speciality is usually taught in a 16-week intensive course, but the more cerebral of them also include classes for a longer period during the rotation. In addition to their trades, Marines also take courses meant to familiarise them with given environments, usually when being stationed somewhere they might be expected to operate in such. These will appear later in this thread, but in general, a Marine will attend one or two such courses per deployment in addition to gaining a new military trade.

Specialities listed under a larger military trade are assumed to be continued training and require the character to pick the base occupational speciality first.

If the character, due to personal skills or another military trade, already has a given trait or requires more points to raise a skill than the lens grants, use the leftover points on other appropriate skills from the template.
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Last edited by Icelander; 07-31-2009 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:44 AM   #5
Join Date: May 2009
Default Re: Imperial Marines

Setting, please?
"Despite (GURPS) reputation for realism and popularity with simulationists, the numbers are and always have been assessed in the service of drama." - Kromm

"(GURPS) isn't a game but a toolkit for building games, and the GM needs to use it intelligently" - Kromm
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:48 AM   #6
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by Randyman View Post
Setting, please?
Brett Evill's Flat Black.
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Old 07-30-2009, 12:20 PM   #7
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
DR 2 (Hardened 1 +20%, Limited (Partial: Skull, Spine and Vitals) -35%, Tough Skin (not flexible) -20%) [11];

DR 2 (Hardened 1 +20%, Limited (Partial: Skull and Spine) -40%, Tough Skin (not flexible) -20%) [10];
Not sure about the price of those

As written, it should be
+20 -35 -20 : -35% , final cost of [7] not 11
+20 -40 -20 : -40% , final cost of [6] not 10
But the partial pricing seem off.
vitals and other should be -30% (use least sever value)
skull and spine -70%.

Houserules or do i misunderstand something ?

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Old 07-30-2009, 12:31 PM   #8
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by Celjabba View Post
Not sure about the price of those

As written, it should be
+20 -35 -20 : -35% , final cost of [7] not 11
+20 -40 -20 : -40% , final cost of [6] not 10
But the partial pricing seem off.
vitals and other should be -30% (use least sever value)
skull and spine -70%.

Houserules or do i misunderstand something ?

Ah, my mistake.

The values are based on Kromm's answers to have to calculate Partial DR for more than one hit locations. But my math is off, so I need to fix that.
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:22 PM   #9
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

These marines sit high in the area of pure badassery. Are they sort of 40k Space Marine analogues or something similar?
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Old 07-30-2009, 07:13 PM   #10
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by Eltharon View Post
These marines sit high in the area of pure badassery. Are they sort of 40k Space Marine analogues or something similar?
Not really.

They're about equivalent to modern day SAS, with different missions, but a similar level of training. Add minor bionics.

Note that a SEAL in the real world is a 275-point character even without combat experience or excelling at anything else but their career. Special ops troopers aren't cheap to make in GURPS.
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