Originally Posted by tbrock1031
13 - 500 million
12 - 100 million
11 - 20 million
10 - 5 million
9 - 1 million
8 - 200 thousand
7 - 50 thousand
6 - 10 thousand
5 - 2,000
4 - 500
3 - 200
2 - 50
1 - 10
0 - none
Someone reality-check these numbers for me?
If you use that system, then US Congresscritters would be rank of around 2 or 3. A head of a small permanent committee would have probably have +1, a large permanent committee +2, majority/minority leaders +3, and head of body +4, which would put Nancy Pelosi in the neighborhood of the rank 7 suggested in City Stats.
Theoretically, the US President has about 5 million subordinates, between executive branch employees and military personnel.