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Old 03-16-2022, 10:12 PM   #141
vicious Violence
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"What are you going on about, oh destroyer of worlds?"

Togosho Approaches and takes a seat.

"Hello, Dismas."
Vanta stands besides Togosho, nods towards Dismas. Deep in thought about his wife, child, and other losses and hopes.
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Old 03-21-2022, 12:27 AM   #142
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

The people in the “throne-room” are of different species, all of them look calm. They don’t seem to mind you, except for Dismas (he’s looking at Bibingui, but also replies to your greetings in the Wookie fashion). You notice they are grouped in teams of 3, yours being the last one to arrive (and also the only one with a droid). As soon as all of you take a seat, a couple of protocol droids bring food. They serve you bread, molasses syrup and roasted beef with herbs. This is accompanied by a glass of water and a digestif. The XJ9-CS14 starts moving too, it brings 4 small seats, the droid places two to the left of the throne and another two to the right.

About 20 minutes later, you hear a bell rings (once).

XJ9-CS14 speaks (in standard):

Everybody stands up.

Four hooded people walk towards the throne (they are wearing black robes and a mask/helmet), each one of them stands in front of the small seats, looking at the door (the same door you entered from). And then, a shining jet-black RQ Unit walks into the room towards the throne, and sits on it.

The people in the room greet the RQ unit, beating their fists against their chests:

The RQ waves his hand and everybody sits again, then he speaks:

(The XJ9-CS14 starts translating the RQ)

“Welcome, champions, to the celebration of war.

Here, I declare my intent:
To sail the Galaxy and burn the detractors of the system.
To seek true power, find the truth and kill our enemies.
To search the depths of CHOWBASA and purge the traitors from its insides.

Keep our banner waving atop the mount.


Everybody replies in unison:

Then, the RQ dismisses the people attending the “ceremony”, except for you (the player’s party).

“I heard you seek an audience, what is it?”
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Old 03-21-2022, 08:18 AM   #143
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

"I believed I was here to render a service, but it seems my teacher had more in mind, but it is still somewhat vague. I need to know the details of the arrangement and what exactly is expected."
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Old 03-21-2022, 02:20 PM   #144
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I believed I was here to render a service, but it seems my teacher had more in mind, but it is still somewhat vague. I need to know the details of the arrangement and what exactly is expected."
Ah, Jensaarai.

From what we learned, they sent members of their to “enemy force user groups” to acquire as much knowledge as possible, in order to destroy them in the future. They wanted to keep their clan pure, immaculate. They decided to make what people often calls “a small sacrifice, for a greater good”.

The Saarai-kaar appointed expendable, gullible creatures to do their bidding in their quest. They picked force sensitive children from other worlds, turned them into zealots and sent them to the “impure, deviate” clans. Hammoth was among these children.

However, their plan backfired and your clan was nearly destroyed; Hammoth was a but pawn of your clan, but also someone else’s scapegoat.

When VA’NITAS* found him, she decided to bring him alive.

He was almost a mindless drone, controlled by the WORM in his head. Yet, everybody was willing to pay a high price for him… he was behind the tragedy of Yavin 4 and the Alliance wanted him badly, Rigellians had a good price in the black market… even the QUORIT were after him, regardless of their current situation.

During his lucid times, he wanted to atone for his sins. So we offered him removing the WORM from his head (he would have died otherwise). He had to offer something in exchange; your master promised CHOWBASA the best and most loyal of his knights (should his plan succeed) and we removed the WORM from his head.

There's no such thing as something that's guaranteed. And when his treatment was complete and his free-will was restored we asked him again about the prize, he agreed to pay what he previously established himself. We are certain that Hammoth is under the watch of those that used him before, perhaps this is the motive behind his secrecy… Ask VA´NITAS about his intentions, she knows best about him.

You (all) are expected to follow and respect your master's command.

Regarding your mission, we detected there are infiltrates in CHOWBASA. I want you to take them out, you are “secret” agents of CHOWBASA, you won’t be pawns or tugs hitting the streets for money, sex and drugs. In the other hand our “allies” are trying to backstab us, since we are in friendly terms, we cannot start an open, war you’ll be the muscle in this race for power, an independent force that will search and destroy the opposition (be it the empire, other crime-lords, the Jedi or the Sith, etc.). Things will be done once they are done.

You will work under the direct orders of VA’NITAS, she knows what to do.

*You understand VA’NITAS is the masked person that stayed in the “room” when the meeting was dismissed. Yeah, this could be Closure.
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Old 03-21-2022, 02:41 PM   #145
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by SID View Post
your master promised CHOWBASA the best and most loyal of his knights (should his plan succeed) and we removed the WORM from his head.
(( ... the galaxy needs universal healthcare.))

"Promised the best and most loyal of his knights for what exactly? This is what is vague. What is the term for this service?"
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Old 03-21-2022, 03:56 PM   #146
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
(( ... the galaxy needs universal healthcare.)) "Promised the best and most loyal of his knights for what exactly? This is what is vague. What is the term for this service?"
Your master asked for our help to revive the Jensaarai. This included removing the WORM from his head, and also helping him find and rescue the survivors of his clan as well as force sensitive children around the galaxy to make his clan grow (children in dire situations such as you).

Once the order was restored, in his right as Saarai-kaar, he would send a Jensaarai knight to serve us.

And now, you’ve been sent and drawn to this place.
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Old 03-21-2022, 04:09 PM   #147
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Man... they really like not answering questions.

"What is the term for this service? How Long?"

... Are you saying Hammoth is Saarai-kaar now?

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 03-21-2022 at 04:13 PM.
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Old 03-21-2022, 04:54 PM   #148
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Man... they really like not answering questions."What is the term for this service? How Long?"... Are you saying Hammoth is Saarai-kaar now?
"Terms as in time, lifetime, for now.

You’ll wage war in places far away, where you’ll live and die.
And then, after your death, I’ll return what I once claimed.

As the one that rebuilt your clan and rescued the survivors, the title of "supreme commander" was always his. Though he might haven’t claimed it right away because of his previous condition (and favoring his elders), your presence (and this document we received) confirms he’s assumed the position."

OOC: BTW, this post and this one feature IC statements, Slava's (should have been in quotes).
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Old 03-21-2022, 05:20 PM   #149
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

"I will do my duty, but know this: You have been promised the service of a Jensaarai Protector and you shall receive it, but I am a Protector still, and will not act contrary to those teachings or the will of the Living Force."

He adds...

"If this agreement was recorded or is in writing, I would see it."
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Old 03-22-2022, 12:08 AM   #150
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I will do my duty...
“I expect no less from you, show him the document”.

The masked woman pulls the document out from her sleeve, and hands the paper to Togosho.

Summing its contents up, it reads:

“I Hammoth Figne, of my own free will and without coercion, intimidation or threat of retaliation, in my right as Saarai-Kaar hereby appoint Klurt'ogosh'oammeo, member of the Jensaarai, to serve the holder of this document, indefinitely, declaring that from this point forward:

The holder’s choices will be his choices.
The holder’s morals will be his morals.
The holder's wishes will be his code.

All of this while having Klurt'ogosh'oammeo adhere to the best of his ability and knowledge, to the teachings of the Jensaarai...”

The document is signed by Hammoth and two Jensaarai Grandmasters you are familiar with. It also is stated that two copies or the document were made, all of them with the power to entitle two different people with the same power.

It is stated that should the orders of the holders contradict each other, Togosho is free to choose who to follow. It also says the document grants the holders a power that precedes that of the Saarai-Kaar. Finally, a holder can unbind Togosho by willingly giving him the document with the intention of releasing him from service.

"What we care about is promises fulfilled; your master did his part.
So you can keep that paper with you, consider it a token of trust, now that we’ve got your word.

It might serve as a fail-safe to you, since we don’t know who’s got the other copy."
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