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Old 06-03-2021, 02:43 PM   #11
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"A dragon? I thought they were taller and scalier. 'All dragons are different', at least that's what I've heard. Know anything about how someone could stop Maximus's spirit from going wherever he pleased?"
"Well, hello there, Halcyone. What an interesting creature you are!" Vassarious comments as he examines his new companion. "I have not seen your kin before, we have much to learn about each other."

"Dragons come in many shapes and sizes to be sure, but there are many of each species in general. The from I am taking now is not how I appear naturally. It is far more convenient to take a form that easily fits in the confines designed for humans than it is to try and enter the library in my true shape."

"There are a number of measures that can prevent a projection of the kind Maximus uses... we will need to gather more information to narrow down the possibilities."

Vassarious joins Halcyone in research to try and learn more about the situation and the nature of Maximus' powers.
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Old 06-04-2021, 10:14 AM   #12
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Perhaps Maximus wants them to have it out instead of just letting the steam build up over and over again. Is the rebellion divided between the worlds or more like division between classes? Is the unrest localized?"
There is an element of both, perhaps because the patricians (aristocracy) are more common on some worlds than others. All five worlds have seen action, but right now:
  • Arthus, the old captial, is controlled by the senate
  • Lithus, the world of deserts, coasts, and cities, is controlled by the rebels
  • Verdaze, the world of Forests, has areas controlled by each side, and sees heavy fighting
  • Aquas, the world of water, has areas controlled by both sides. The fighting is lighter and "cleaner".
  • Monstri, the world of snow, beasts, and low tech inhabitants, is mostly under the control of the senate, but they fear it will join the rebellion if they draw resources from it too heavily.
Well, with what I've read and heard about Maximus, does it make sense that he'd deliberately remain dormant this long? Or do I need more information?
This is the sort of thing he normally wakes up for and sorts out. You'd have expected him to wake up at least a decade ago. At least from these books. You expect Corco's information to be fairly reliable.

So who are the most recent five governors, what's their policy on the rebellion, and who appointed them? Research roll here:
Gylin Malchus, governor of arthus, believes the rebellion must crushed militarily, and that the cause of it is letting plebeians (non-patrician citizens) acquire too much wealth. He's taken steps to reduce the wealth of influence of such individuals on Arthus, with a fair amount of success.

Gracus Curio is technically governor of Lithus. He is bitterly opposed to the rebellion, but he has very little power with his world in enemy hands. He mostly gives vigorous speeches about how the rebels are thieves, heretics, and murders.

Ceillio Gethus is governor of Verdaze. He demands obedience to Maximus (and thus maximus's hierarchy). He spends a lot of effort on promoting philosophy, particularly that of the priests. He says their is little to no room for compromise with those who disobey the emperor.

Hyratus Morco is governor of Aquas. He keeps saying to wait for the emperor to wake up. He sticks with his fellow governors though, and favors maintaining the status quo.

Moratus Ingelni is governor of Monstri. He is seeking a solution to the rebellion, trying to balance the demands of the other governors and the rebels. He's the only Governor who can said to be neutral in the war. The populace of Monstri seems to lean towards the rebellion, but Ingelni seems to be keeping them from raising arms.

Maybe he's distracted or trapped by something?
Vassarious joins Halcyone in research to try and learn more about the situation and the nature of Maximus' powers.
Maximus's powers and the mechanisms behind them are state secrets held by the preisthood. They seem tied to his temples and their architecture though. Vassarious thinks this looks like a magical effect specific to the skerry.
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Old 06-04-2021, 11:52 AM   #13
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I have not seen your kin before, we have much to learn about each other."
"Unsurprising; Doheem's another singleton and thankfully it hasn't discovered interdimensional travel."
Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"The form I am taking now is not how I appear naturally. It is far more convenient to take a form that easily fits in the confines designed for humans than it is to try and enter the library in my true shape."
"I get that. It happens to be the reason I only have two arms above my waist."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
This is the sort of thing he normally wakes up for and sorts out. You'd have expected him to wake up at least a decade ago. At least from these books. You expect Corco's information to be fairly reliable.
OK, so we can be reasonably sure there's some kind of distraction or detention.

OK, more questions:
1) Are the undead heroes active while Maximus rests? Are any of them politically active (i.e. part of the rebellion, sitting in the senate, supporting a particular faction, related to a senator, etc.)?
2) Are any of the soldier breeds (and possible other kinds of breeds?) more or less privileged than others?
3) Are there any notable factions in the senate? Has any expressed dissent at a decision made by Maximus?
4) Are there any public factions amongst the priesthood? If not, is it possible to read between the lines and identify possible factions?
5) Are there any details on the security of Maximus's temples? If entry into his temple is enough to gain his attention, maybe we could try breaking in which would definitely get his attention.

I'll do five research rolls for each question, and add a Memetics roll for 3 and 4 (4 indicated I'll try reading between the lines, for 3 I imagine that dissent might not be public).

[5] 21-06-04 17:52:02 BST
3d6 <= 15
1: 4 + 1 + 5 = 10 ... success
2: 6 + 3 + 3 = 12 ... success
3: 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 ... success
4: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 ... success
5: 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 ... success
[6] 21-06-04 17:52:36 BST
3d6 <= 15
3: 1 + 4 + 5 = 10 ... success
4: 2 + 2 + 4 = 8 ... success
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Old 06-07-2021, 09:31 AM   #14
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
1) Are the undead heroes active while Maximus rests? Are any of them politically active (i.e. part of the rebellion, sitting in the senate, supporting a particular faction, related to a senator, etc.)?
The undead heroes are usually quite inactive. This time there is one of them who is arguably active, but he restricts himself to training troops, and is adamantly politically neutral. He has been active for 50 years.

2) Are any of the soldier breeds (and possible other kinds of breeds?) more or less privileged than others?
The soldier breeds are probably more privileged than the plebians (very different rules apply to each), but they are pretty much equal with each other.
3) Are there any notable factions in the senate? Has any expressed dissent at a decision made by Maximus?
No one alive has met maximus, at least not in his active form. The factions tend to revolve around arguments over the best way to use the vast new planets acquired by Maximus in the last few hundred years. The big debate is between selling the lands to the public, exploiting them with the beuacracy, awarding them to Exceptional individuals to develop, and holding them until Maximus awakes. A secondary layer of factionalism revolves around whether or not the population, especially the new (120 years and they are still new) population of Monstri, should be brought into linguistic and cultural lockstep with the capital. Right now both divisions are subdued due to the war. Especially those who oppose regularizing the empire, as that could be interpreted as sympathy to the rebels.

4) Are there any public factions amongst the priesthood? If not, is it possible to read between the lines and identify possible factions?
The priesthood is currently highly unified, but 15 years ago it purged itself of a faction that held that the doctrine of Maximus was deviating from its historical form. The remnants of this excommunicated faction is embraced by the rebels.

5) Are there any details on the security of Maximus's temples? If entry into his temple is enough to gain his attention, maybe we could try breaking in which would definitely get his attention.
Maximus's temple at the center of a temple complex walled off from the public, containing the tombs and temples of other preserved undead. Tours are given to the relatively rich a few times a week, always with an armed escort of the animal breed soldiers (the ones who guard the tomb seem to be part of the tour). The guards are armed with the latest gear, and the walls have video surveillance. A special legion (~5,000) of troops to gaurd the capital and the imperial tomb is stationed next door to the temple complex. People have historically tried to fly drones over the walls, so small and precise AA guns are secreted in the walls.

The place is also the seat of power for the priests, who dress distinctively.
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Old 06-07-2021, 02:13 PM   #15
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

More questions:
1) Do priests ever leave the temple complex? Do they take security with them?
2) What would be needed to claim to be a priest from far away?
3) Would it be possible for Corco (or whoever handles procurment) to fabricate priestly dress?
4) Would there be anything else needed to pose as priest? (i.e. entries in a database, false identity papers, someone to vouch, etc.)
5) Would the security at the temple complex be able to see through Vassarious's shapeshifting?

[7] 21-06-07 20:13:11 BST
3d6 <= 15
1: 3 + 4 + 6 = 13 ... success
2: 2 + 2 + 5 = 9 ... success
3: 4 + 6 + 6 = 16 ... failure
4: 2 + 5 + 1 = 8 ... success
5: 3 + 6 + 2 = 11 ... success
Edit: How easy is the interdimensional travel Corco provides? Can we just world hop on a whim or are there limits?

Last edited by TGLS; 06-07-2021 at 02:36 PM.
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Old 06-07-2021, 02:28 PM   #16
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

This time there is one of them who is arguably active, but he restricts himself to training troops, and is adamantly politically neutral. He has been active for 50 years.
Does the research reveal his name?

Maximus's powers and the mechanisms behind them are state secrets held by the preisthood. They seem tied to his temples and their architecture though. Vassarious thinks this looks like a magical effect specific to the skerry.
Vassarious reviews the available data on the temple's architecture and the powers they grant to Maximus, to determine what other unwritten properties and features this kind of magic may involve. ((Occult - 14))

"From what I am reading here, Moratus Ingelni is likely the best governor to speak to on the situation. His Neutrality is likely to provide the most accurate representation of the finer details of the situation. "

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Old 06-08-2021, 10:17 AM   #17
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
1) Do priests ever leave the temple complex? Do they take security with them?
Yes, they leave the complex, and yes, they have security with them. The preisthood operates a lot more temples than just the central complex in the capital, including dozens of temples that serve as portals between the five worlds, and the nurseries that create the animal-soldiers.

2) What would be needed to claim to be a priest from far away?
An ID card for a specific priest. This could be hacked into the system, or you could impersonate someone specific. You also need the appropriate clothing, some good acting, and orders telling you to be where you are.

3) Would it be possible for Corco (or whoever handles procurment) to fabricate priestly dress?
Yes. Sariza (Corco's Matronly Aunt) would get someone to copy it for you. And then claim the obviously factory made garment was hand-sown.

4) Would there be anything else needed to pose as priest? (i.e. entries in a database, false identity papers, someone to vouch, etc.)
As above.

5) Would the security at the temple complex be able to see through Vassarious's shapeshifting?
Probably not. Your elastic skin might be an issue, but might not.

How easy is the interdimensional travel Corco provides? Can we just world hop on a whim or are there limits?
He will drop you off once with gear in an inauspicious place. You will have the ability to contact him about once a day. He doesn't want to be used as a ferry, though if you got stuck on a deserted island, he has no problem getting you off.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Does the research reveal his name?
Askalo the Instructor.

Vassarious reviews the available data on the temple's architecture and the powers they grant to Maximus, to determine what other unwritten properties and features this kind of magic may involve. ((Occult - 14))
The temples are attributed with the following abilities:
  • Preservation of Life long beyond the natural
  • The assumption of a fully incorporeal form
  • Manipulation of Tissue and genetics: the animal-based soldiers were created in the temples, and must still be born in them.
  • Historically they were used for healing, though medicine is now mostly superior
  • Some are magically protected from scrying. This is not publicly known, but someone associated with Corco made a note of that. That indicates some sort of scrying ability is native to this world, but none is known in the books. Unless you count the emperor's spirit form.
  • They can open portals to other worlds.
Vassarious makes some notes of the shapes of the architecture, but the information he needs to figure out what does what beyond basic shapes isn't in the books. He figures out enough to tell a nursery from a world portal from an old healing temple from a tomb of the undead.

Does the following represent a contradiction or a distinction between "projection" and other appearances?
It represents a misstatement: the last governor appointed by maximus died 55 years ago. So its been 55 years since a governor appointed by maximus was in office, not 55 years since he appointed a new governor.
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Old 06-08-2021, 12:00 PM   #18
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
An ID card for a specific priest. This could be hacked into the system, or you could impersonate someone specific. You also need the appropriate clothing, some good acting, and orders telling you to be where you are.
So is hacking ID/forging orders something one of Corco's people can do or would we need to look for a local hacker/forger?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He will drop you off once with gear in an inauspicious place. You will have the ability to contact him about once a day. He doesn't want to be used as a ferry, though if you got stuck on a deserted island, he has no problem getting you off.
I see. So we should prefer local methods of traveling between worlds of the skerry?

Is there a lot of language variance on the skerry?

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"From what I am reading here, Moratus Ingelni is likely the best governor to speak to on the situation. His Neutrality is likely to provide the most accurate representation of the finer details of the situation."
"Well, I was thinking that we ought to try and get into the temple, on the assumption that would probably wake Maximus up rather quickly... But maybe we should try something that won't get us arrested first. How hard would it be to arrange an audience with the governor?

Assuming that we will end up needing to break into the temple anyway, do you think it would be easier if you pretended to pretended to be an object I carried in, if only because nobody will be wondering where the missing priests are?"
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Old 06-09-2021, 08:18 AM   #19
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
So is hacking ID/forging orders something one of Corco's people can do or would we need to look for a local hacker/forger?
You'd need to get a local.

I see. So we should prefer local methods of traveling between worlds of the skerry?

Is there a lot of language variance on the skerry?
Not much. The Natives on Monstri have a bewildering variety of languages, but many of them speak the imperial tongue to one degree or another. Everyone else speaks dialects of the imperial tongue, which are mostly interchangeable. If you speak Grand Imperial (which is what Corco will usually give you), then you can understand everyone else at accented, unless you're really in the sticks, and then its broken.
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Old 06-09-2021, 02:45 PM   #20
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Well, I was thinking that we ought to try and get into the temple, on the assumption that would probably wake Maximus up rather quickly... But maybe we should try something that won't get us arrested first. How hard would it be to arrange an audience with the governor?

Assuming that we will end up needing to break into the temple anyway, do you think it would be easier if you pretended to pretended to be an object I carried in, if only because nobody will be wondering where the missing priests are?"
"My changes in form take a few moments, and if there is trouble, I'll be no good to you. I very much dislike taking the shape of inanimate forms. I would prefer to gain entry by subterfuge if an appointment cannot be arranged."
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