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Old 03-09-2006, 12:14 AM   #21
Fnordianslip's Avatar
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Without the permanant enhancement, I'd probably say that the displacement effect only lasted a number of minutes equal to the amount they failed the DX roll by. Of course, after a number of minutes, when they re-appear naked and alone, they'll probably be mighty sad... ;-)
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Old 03-09-2006, 07:08 AM   #22
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Okay, this is a "furry" ability, and I'm doing this based on memory so there might be an error or two, but:

Awaken Instinct (50 points)
Affliction 2 (10 points of advantages, +100%; -60 points of disadvantages, +60%; Uncontrollable, -20%; Based On Will, +20%; Costs 2 Fatigue, -10%).

This ability awakens hidden instincts in a target, causing them to revert to their "true self." The target gets Will-1 to resist.

However, you do not have a say in what instincts are awakened. Your foe's instincts might turn out to be lapine, in which case they would flee all combat... or your foe's instincts might be that of a solitary predator, such as an alligator or tiger. This usually grants disadvantages (such as lowered IQ or Stress Atavism), but it also grants a few points of advantages (such as +2 Per, +2 Move, or +1 HT). (In very nasty cases where the ability backfires, your foe may actually shapeshift, gaining claws, sharp teeth, and the skills necessary to use them...)

Enhancing: Every 5% of enhancements costs 1 point. For example, removing the Costs 2 Fatigue would be 2 points.
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Old 03-09-2006, 07:30 AM   #23
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Fnordianslip
Without the permanant enhancement, I'd probably say that the displacement effect only lasted a number of minutes equal to the amount they failed the DX roll by. Of course, after a number of minutes, when they re-appear naked and alone, they'll probably be mighty sad... ;-)
Oh, that totally makes sense. While I was writing the ability above, I was
thinking of it in the same way as Affliction with Advantage, Warp -- Basic
implies that the victim afflicted with Warp just goes and doesn't come
back (see p.B36), even if the Affliction doesn't have any enhancements.

If Warp-Affliction works this way, it can be no less sensible to assume that
Jumper-Affliction behaves similarly. However, your suggestion also seems
quite fair.
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Old 03-09-2006, 07:40 AM   #24
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Poor Man's Telekinesis [50]:
Affliction 1 (Flight, +400%)

The target moves at up to its Speed*2 yards per second in any direction you want. (If it's an object with an "HT" of 10, its Speed is 2.5, so its move is 10... so yes, people fly faster than boulders, and cats fly faster still.) If you don't like someone, just have them fly out the door and down the street; if you really don't like someone, just have them fly straight up for a while and wait for the duraton to expire...
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Old 03-09-2006, 07:44 AM   #25
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Well Connected: Modular Abilities 15 (Social Only, 0%; Only in Cities, -20%) With but a phone call, you can reach a Contact with a point total equal to the level of Well Connected. Of course, calling on a Contacts isn't much use in the middle of a break-in or gunfight... 4 points base, 4 per level; 52 points.
Warnng: DryaUnda is psychologically abnormal and likely to say something weird; reader discretion is advised.
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Old 03-09-2006, 08:42 AM   #26
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Big Stone Thrower (-80%):
Crushing Attack 50d (Accessibility, Only with 11-20 assistants, -25%;
Increased Max, x2, +5%; Increased 1/2D, x5, +10%; Inaccurate, Acc 1,
-10%; Minimum Range, 1/20 maximum range, -10%; Preparation Required,
10 minutes, -30%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [50]. 50 points.

Note: You're a living siege engine!

This ability works like a small-sized medieval trebuchet. You need at least 11
trained artillerists helping you. Your squad must spend 10 minutes winching
up the counterweight to load a stone in advance and 2 seconds taking Ready
maneuvers to operate the firing mechanism. Then you can hurl the projectile
at last.

Range is 50/200. The thrown projectile flies in an arc following a convex
parabola, so you can't attack targets closer to you than 10 yards. Still, it's
assumed that the trajectory is fairly flat in comparison with the flight
distance -- not curved enough to qualify for the Overhead enhancement.

Actually, historical trebuchets could throw not only stones but any
appropriately-sized objects, e.g., barrels of burning oil or the severed heads
of enemy soldiers -- the write-up above doesn't represent this capability,
however. I'm not sure how I can do this. (Perhaps Striking ST with Only
When Throwing Something, rather than Innate Attack?)

Suggested Sources: None. Big Stone Thrower is a piece of mechanical
artillery; it's not likely to fall under any power in the sense of Powers.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 03-10-2006 at 08:50 AM. Reason: Minimum Range (-10%) is 1/20 max range, not 1/10
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Old 03-09-2006, 10:57 AM   #27
Fnordianslip's Avatar
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
Oh, that totally makes sense. While I was writing the ability above, I was
thinking of it in the same way as Affliction with Advantage, Warp -- Basic
implies that the victim afflicted with Warp just goes and doesn't come
back (see p.B36), even if the Affliction doesn't have any enhancements.

If Warp-Affliction works this way, it can be no less sensible to assume that
Jumper-Affliction behaves similarly. However, your suggestion also seems
quite fair.
What can I say, I just really like the idea of transporting my enemies naked to a dimension full of biting mosquitos and poison ivy, then, four minutes later, just after they've decided they're screwed, popping them back in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. Sure, it's no way to make friends, but I think it makes for a really fun game effect.
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Old 03-09-2006, 03:06 PM   #28
Atreyu_Hibiki's Avatar
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
Big Stone Thrower (-80%)
Hee hee! I'm picturing some big guy running out into battle, crying out "Okay, guys, load me up!" and all these little guys scurrying around him, moving him around, pulling his arm back, etc. After a minute or so they all stop, and he's got a big boulder in one hand, pulled back. He cries "Fire!" and one of them pokes him in the rear with a huge pin. The boulder goes flying!
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Old 03-09-2006, 03:11 PM   #29
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by DryaUnda
Well Connected: Modular Abilities 15 (Social Only, 0%; Only in Cities, -20%) With but a phone call, you can reach a Contact with a point total equal to the level of Well Connected. Of course, calling on a Contacts isn't much use in the middle of a break-in or gunfight... 4 points base, 4 per level; 52 points.
This is probably a lot cheaper. If it requires a phone call to have someone show up, wouldn't it also have Takes Extra Time (for the time it takes the person to travel to your location) and Only When a Phone Is Present (maybe a -40% limitation or somesuch, have you ever tried to find a phone when you're out and about? This is worth much less if you have a cell phone, though). Just some thoughts.
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Old 03-09-2006, 04:49 PM   #30
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
Hee hee! I'm picturing some big guy running out into battle, crying out "Okay, guys, load me up!" and all these little guys scurrying around him, moving him around, pulling his arm back, etc. After a minute or so they all stop, and he's got a big boulder in one hand, pulled back. He cries "Fire!" and one of them pokes him in the rear with a huge pin. The boulder goes flying!
... did you purposefully adapt that from "The Gamers?" @_@
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