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Old 03-06-2006, 02:28 AM   #1
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Default 50-point Abilities

Following the apparent interest in the Historical Folk 4e thread, I am considering creating a collected PDF 'book' of easy-grab abilities. The idea here is to make a list that any GM would feel comfortable using in a Supers or Anything-Goes campaign (I've been in two GURPS campaigns so far, each was an Anything-Goes campaign...)

For ease of use in a generic game I'm placing some rules:

-All abilities must follow 'standard' GURPS rules, so no homebrew base advantages allowed.

-All abilities should cost as near to 50 points as possible, and must cost between 47 and 53 points. This allows for a GM to say 'each player may have one ability from this list'...

-All abilities should come with a description of what it does, how it functions in game terms, and any important 'special effects'.

-I'd also like suggested Powers the ability could fall under, but this isn't necessary.

-If you would like an ability that was previously posted on the board, either in a thread on a subject or in a character post to be included, please re-post it here.

-If you post your ability here, it is assumed that you would like it included in the eventual collection. You will recieve credit by your online name, unless you PM me otherwise.

Here's a template based on the abilities offered in Powers:

Ability Name (+total modifiers of advantage 1% / +total modifiers of advantage 2%): Advantage 1 (Modifier 1, +x%; Modifier 2, +x%; Modifier 3, +x%) [point cost of advantage 1] + Advantage 2 (Modifier 1, +x%; Modifier 2, +x%; Modifier 3, +x%) [point cost of advantage 2]
Notes: Description of Ability, including special effects. X points.

File graciously hosted at Ericbsmith's GurpsLand page:

Last edited by Atreyu_Hibiki; 04-11-2014 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 03-06-2006, 03:25 AM   #2
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

To start things off, I offer an ability inspired by Pyro from the X-Men (but he uses flamethrowers to create his flame...)

Pyro's Flame (+30%/-50%):
Control Fire 2 (Ranged, +50%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Costs 3 FP per use, -15%) [48] + Burning Attack 1d (No Wounding, -50%) [3]
Notes: Allows user to create just enough fire to ignite a blaze, and then control it from a distance. Costs 3 FP. 51 points.
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Old 03-06-2006, 08:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

I find the intention of this thread quite interesting.

Aura of Vengeance (+400%): Affliction 1 (Advantage, DR 3 with Force Field
and Reflection, +330%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%)
[50]. Notes: Gives the subject a gleaming aura that rebounds any incoming
damage up to 3 against his foe. The caster must touch the subject. This
ability is considered a "beneficial Affliction". 50 points.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 03-06-2006 at 08:06 PM. Reason: Grammatical correction
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Old 03-08-2006, 07:14 AM   #4
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

I wonder that there, unexpectedly, seems not to be much demand for this
thread . . . I think this can be of great use if provided with a good collection
of abilities.

Now, two combat abilities:

Plasma Claws (+145%): Burning Attack 4d (Armor Divisor 5, +150%; Melee
Attack, Destructive Parry, +10%; Melee Attack, Dual, +10%; Melee Attack,
Reach C, -30%; Variable, +5%) [49]. Notes: Generates claws of high-
temperature plasma from fingertips of both hands. The plasma composing
claws is superhot and compressed enough to easily burn through armor.
Damages weapons it parries or that parry it like a force sword. Can adjust
output. 49 points.

Supersonic Strike (+40%/+10%): Crushing Attack 6d (Costs Fatigue 3, -15%;
Linked, +10%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Melee Attack,
ST-Based, +100%; Takes Recharge, 15 seconds, -20%) [42] + Crushing
Attack 2d (Accessibility, Not in a vacuum, -10%; Emanation, -20%;
Explosion, +50%; Linked, +10%; Takes Recharge, 15 seconds, -20%) [11].
Notes: Electromagnetically accelerates the fist to a supersonic speed and
throws it against a foe. Damage is thrust plus 6d of crushing. Also causes a
sonic shockwave which expands in every direction in the presence of an
atmosphere (of any kind). Once used, requires 15 seconds to charge the
capacitor again. 53 points.

Anyone who knows Battle Angel Alita: Last Order also knows that these are
cheap imitations of the protagonist Alita's special moves (though these 50-
point versions will be far too weak to match hers).

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 03-08-2006 at 08:49 PM. Reason: Grammatical correction
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Old 03-08-2006, 09:07 AM   #5
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Just to give you both support... I love the idea, and these boards are great for collaborations like this (such as the supers thread), but the times when I have my GURPS book handy and the times when I have computer access are not often one and the same.

EDIT: Could this also apply to 50-points "minitemplates" -- e.g., Space Experience, a template that a pilot, merchant, mechanic, or marine might have?

Last edited by Almafeta; 03-08-2006 at 10:35 AM.
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Old 03-08-2006, 10:33 AM   #6
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Here's one I cooked up for my paladinoid for my friend's game, leveled up for 50 points :D

Divine Retribution (+305%): Burning Attack 2d+1 (Accessability: Only affects truely Evil beings, -10%; Accessibility: Must prominantly display Holy Symbol, -10%; Area Effect: 4 yards, +100%; Cosmic: Irresistible attack, +300%; Emanation, -20%; Pact: with patron deity, -10%) [50]

NOTE: Character should also take a 10 point self-imposed disadvantage, as per the Pact rules. Point cost of disad not included in ability cost as it will probably be involved in various other abilities with Pacts

This is likely to be part of a Divine or Good power; in a game where undead are 'powered' by 'anti-life-energy', this is also a good candidate for Life power. Note that in most cases you should replace the Pact with the appropriate power modifier.

The character displays a holy symbol of his deity aggresively, concentrates for one second, and all creatures of supernatural evil within 4 yards are smote with 2d+1 of holy fire that bypasses non-cosmic DR. In this case, "creatures of supernatural evil" are those affected by True Faith. Note that, as per the Pact rules, if the character ever acts against the strictures of his faith, he will be deserted by his god and loose access to this power.

Possible modifications: add a fatigue cost, limited uses/day or Takes Extra Time, increase damage to "instazap" evil creatures. I suggest a minimum of 4 dice if you want to fry vile creatures in one incredible bolt of divine flame.

This ability, at the current level or lower, also goes well when Linked with True Faith ;)
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Old 03-08-2006, 10:39 AM   #7
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Writing up one potential variation:

Divine Retribution (+315%/+85%): Burning Attack 1d (Accessability: Only affects truely Evil beings, -10%; Accessibility: Must prominantly display Holy Symbol, -10%; Area Effect: 4 yards, +100%; Cosmic: Irresistible attack, +300%; Emanation, -20%; Link: Exclusive with True Faith, +10; Pact: with patron deity, -10%) [21] + True Faith (Turning, +65%; Link: Selective with Burning Attack, +20) [28]. 49 points.

Turning is from Powers.
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Last edited by Bruno; 03-08-2006 at 02:11 PM. Reason: Bad math on the Burning Attack total enhancement value. Link is an ENHANCEMENT, Bruno!
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Old 03-08-2006, 11:42 AM   #8
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Erasing the Name (+375%): Affliction 1 (Malediction, +100%; Advantage, Zeroed with Cosmic, +200%; Disadvantage, Total Amnesia, +25%; Extended Duration, until someone speaks subject’s true name, +150%; Preparation Time, 8 hours, -60%; Trigger, subject’s true name, -40%) [48]. 48 points.

This ritual curse erases all record of the subject (including memories – his own and others’) indefinitely. The caster must possess a physical copy of the subject’s true name, and if this copy is ever destroyed the curse ends. In addition, the curse ends if anyone discovers the subject’s true name and speaks it in his presence.
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Old 03-08-2006, 12:24 PM   #9
MIB 1473
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Super Medic (+70%): Heal (Injuries Only, -20%; Own Race Only, -20%; Reduced Fatigue Cost, 5, +100%; Reliable, +6, +30%; Takes Extra Time, x4, -20%). Notes: Heal up to 10 points of injury for free every 4 seconds, with a +6 bonus to the roll. 51 points.

Rock Solid (-80%): Damage Resistance 50 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Hardened, +20%; Temporary Disadvantage, Sessile, -50%; Uncontrollable, -10%). 50 points. Notes: Some times, the character responds to an attack by turning into a rock.

Totally Abusive Assasination Special (+5200%): Toxic Attack, 1 point (Contagious, +20%; Cosmic, Irresistable, +300%; Cyclic, 1 minute, 120 cycles, +4760%; Malediction, +100%; No Signature, +20%). 53 points. Notes: Does 1 point of toxic damage per minute, regardless of DR, with no resistance roll allowed. It will spread to anyone who spends a minute with the victim (secondary victims probably ought to be allowed resistance rolls). An example of mutiplicative modifiers sometimes being more fair.

Last edited by Shumway; 03-08-2006 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 03-08-2006, 01:50 PM   #10
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Shumway
Totally Abusive Assasination Special (+5200%): Toxic Attack, 1 point (Contagious, +20%; Cosmic, Irresistable, +300%; Cyclic, 1 minute, 120 cycles, +4760%; Malediction, +100%; No Signature, +20%). 53 points. Notes: Does 1 point of toxic damage per minute, regardless of DR, with no resistance roll allowed. It will spread to anyone who spends a minute with the victim (secondary victims probably ought to be allowed resistance rolls). An example of mutiplicative modifiers sometimes being more fair.
This doesn't do what you think it does. Cosmic +300% doesn't eliminate the resistance roll for a Malediction. All it does is bypass DR, which you don't need because you have a Malediction; I'd thus recommend raising this to Malediction 3 with the points you save. Now, you can add "Cosmic, Lingering Effect, +100%" so the target doesn't have a way to stop the cyclic damage once it starts. But your target still gets to resist this with his HT vs your Will to prevent the damage in the first place.

And multiplicative modifiers, as presented in Powers, wouldn't change this. The rule only affects how limitations work, and you don't have any limitations on this ability.
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