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Old 06-12-2023, 10:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Glendale, Calif. near L.A.
Default Product with two Dashboards

I saw a Car Wars 6th ed. product on the Car Wars webpage that included two dashboards, two colored car bases, and cards (I have no idea if they are the same cards as provided in the two-player starter set or new cards). I think the retail cost was $60.

Could someone please provide me with the links of the products. One was for red and yellow dashboards and the other was for green and blue dashboards.

Does the 50% off sale apply to this product, or is the discount 10% off?

Also, what I really need are the green and blue dashboards. Do you sell the dashboards individually?


Last edited by PBarone714; 06-12-2023 at 11:02 PM.
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Old 06-13-2023, 12:19 AM   #2
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Default Re: Product with two Dashboards

The product you were probably thinking of was a Miniatures Box. Box A (yellow/red) has six miniatures, bases for the miniatures, dashboards, and counters and cards. Box B (green/blue) has six different miniatures, bases for the miniatures dashboards, counters and cards.

These are basically parts of the two-player sets or the core box. As packed, each two player set is a miniatures box plus the rules box. The core box has both of the miniatures boxes plus the rules box.

Therefore, the starter set is a really good deal because it's cheaper than a miniatures box and a rules box together. You need the rules box to get the dice and most of the counters needed, as well as the rulesheet and premade cars 'poster cars.'

I have not heard of dashboards being sold separately, so if you need just the blue and green dashboards, you could get Miniatures Box B.

Though another starter set wouldn't cost much more and would support 2 more players. . .
Currently Running: Without Number family games which use a lot of GURPS material for details when the players start asking(online, sporadically)

Waiting For: Schedule Sanity to Play Car Wars and my Fnordcon special alt Car Wars cards!
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Old 06-13-2023, 12:37 AM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Glendale, Calif. near L.A.
Default Re: Product with two Dashboards

So do you know what kinds of cards come with the miniatures box sets A and B? If they are just copies of the cards that come with the 2-player Starter sets, I don't need them because I write down all of the cars' cards on one sheet of paper.
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Old 06-13-2023, 11:04 AM   #4
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Default Re: Product with two Dashboards

Originally Posted by PBarone714 View Post
So do you know what kinds of cards come with the miniatures box sets A and B? If they are just copies of the cards that come with the 2-player Starter sets, I don't need them because I write down all of the cars' cards on one sheet of paper.
They are the same cards.

The 2-Player Red/Yellow starter set is Miniatures Box A and a Rules Box. The 2-player Green/Blue starters set is Miniatures Box B and a Rules Box. The sub-assembly boxes exist because of how the game was manufactured for different bundles in the original Kickstarter project.
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Old 06-13-2023, 05:54 PM   #5
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Default Re: Product with two Dashboards

Originally Posted by Aleph View Post
They are the same cards.

The 2-Player Red/Yellow starter set is Miniatures Box A and a Rules Box. The 2-player Green/Blue starters set is Miniatures Box B and a Rules Box. The sub-assembly boxes exist because of how the game was manufactured for different bundles in the original Kickstarter project.
That's correct. The cards in the miniatures boxes/cards in the starter sets differ only in color.

Each of those boxes gives you all the cards for the two colors. A red Machinegun card is the same as a yellow or blue or green Machinegun card, except for the background color.

Since you need blue and green dashboards, get Miniatures Box B or the blue/green starter set if you don't want a bunch of extra Car Wars stuff.

Starter set is a good deal right now-all the cars look pretty cool and if you want something new, Carnage STL files and various metal toy cars expand your options even more.
Currently Running: Without Number family games which use a lot of GURPS material for details when the players start asking(online, sporadically)

Waiting For: Schedule Sanity to Play Car Wars and my Fnordcon special alt Car Wars cards!
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car wars 6th edition, dashboard

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