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Old 03-27-2022, 09:13 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default [Thaumatology] Paths and Books Rituals

Can't an existing thread for Paths and Books Rituals (see Chapter 5 of Thaumatology), so I'm making one now.

I prefer Effect-Shaping, Books, Magery optional, Magery adds to Rituals.
I made new Rituals, see below. I had help from Chris Rice in deciding the stats.

Mind Shard
Book-7; 1 hour
This ritual copies a snapshot of the mind of the subject and implants it into the client for the duration as a kind of telepathic spirit. The mental copy has all the memories, skills and personality of the subject at the time of the ritual casting. The client can communicate with it (to the point of Interrogation) telepathically - even cast rituals upon it as if the shard is immediately present. The shard may be able to cast rituals, use psychic powers or even possess the client with some supernatural ability - if someone may normally do so while in spirit form. Critical failure when casting this ritual may produce the wrong mind shard or the client may be possessed completely for the duration.

Vigil of the Worthy
Book-0; 5 minutes
The client gains Doesn't Sleep for the duration.

Litany of the Desert
Book-0; 5 minutes
The client gains Doesn't Eat or Drink for the duration.

Freeze Time
Book-12; 5 minutes
This ritual temporarily pauses time completely except for the client. No duration modifiers apply; time is frozen for minutes equal to the margin of success (0 freezes time for 1d seconds) on the casting roll. The client can affect objects while time is frozen.

Glass Like Steel
Book-5; 30 minutes
This ritual enchants a glass object (use the area or weight modifier, whichever is less) to be as strong, hard and tough as metal for the duration. Treat the magically reinforced glass as DR 4, HT 12 and HP 28 - a shard of such glass is effectively a knife.

Book-4; 20 minutes
This ritual blesses the client with the ability to speak any language of their species for the duration. A completely alien or animal Language is beyond this ritual.

Digital Wraith
Book-5; 1dx5 minutes
This ritual allows the client to temporarily leave their physical body behind and become a spirit that possesses a computer network and travels through it like an electrical/information pulse. While projecting their spirit into the computer, the client’s body is effectively comatose. This "techno-projection" can operate and perceive the computer it inhabits as if it were an volitional A.I. and access its files or peripherals like any other user.

False Resurrection
Book-8; 1 hour
This ritual temporarily returns a dead body to life. After the ritual expires, the body crumbles to dust. The corpse dust may be used for future rituals or other magic, effectively acting as an anchor for the dead person’s soul. However, the dust must be kept whole and untainted, or else attempts to work magic may conjure Ye Liveliest Awfulness.

Cat’s Eyes
Book-0; 1 minute
This ritual blesses the client with Dark Vision for the duration.

Speak with the Dead
Book-1; 5 minutes
This ritual allows mental communication with the ghosts of the deceased for the duration. The subject of this ritual must be the corpse, the ghost or the site of the death. A particularly large or potent corpse (say, a dead titan) may require weight or area modifiers.

Spectral Watchman
Book-3; 20 minutes
This ritual creates an invisible "security system" that sounds an alarm (the caster decides if the alarm can be heard like a normal noise or if the caster/client simply gets a psychic notification) if the targeted area is entered by an intruder.

Book-9 and another -1 per 10 points of subject’s point total; 1 hour
This ritual requires some part of the subject's DNA (blood, hair, severed finger, etc.), which is consumed by the rival casting. It creates a clone of the subject. Once the ritual is cast, the clone will grow to full maturity and functionality after 12 modified by the subject’s SM (minimum 3) months of biological development.

Cleanse the Slave Brand
Book-5; 1 hour
This ritual effectively erases the client/caster's True Name, magical signature and DNA profile for the duration. Any ritual targeting him can not receive a bonus for knowing a relevant name, having pieces of him or using any symbolic representation of him. Mundane forensics may not be able to analyse or identify his DNA traces.

Loyal Doorway
Book-8; 1 hour
This ritual is cast upon a portal (usually a door or window) and a specially prepared and enchanted item. For the duration, the caster may teleport from entering another portal to an area on one side of that enchanted portal by touching the unenchanted portal with the enchanted object. For example, casting it on your bedroom door and then touching the door of your prison cell with the ritual object lets you escape to your house instantly.

Ritual I have not finished yet in the next post.
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paths and books, rituals, thaumatology

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