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Old 02-27-2012, 11:13 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2012
Default Rules clarification for a curse from the munchkin dice bag

The curse blind chance states you must close your eyes and roll a die, then name a number and discard cards equal to the difference between the number you chose and the die roll. With the exception that if you match the number you go up a level. My question is would it be legal to use a loaded die to change the number after you've opened your eyes and seen the result?
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:17 PM   #2
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Default Re: Rules clarification for a curse from the munchkin dice bag

If you want to get technical about it, I think you have to play the Loaded Die immediately after you roll the die but before you guess. Either way, you're changing the result to match a known number, so you go up a level.

That's how I'd play it, at least.
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:48 PM   #3
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Default Re: Rules clarification for a curse from the munchkin dice bag

Fortunately, the wording of Loaded Die seems favourable here. You are allowed to turn the die to a 'number of your choice'. I would say you have to do that while blindfolded, but as long as you announce the number you wish to turn it to, others would be required to tell you if the number of your choice is face-up yet (as otherwise they are letting you break the rules by turning it to a number not of your choice).

If that isn't acceptable (it might be argued that 'your choice' is whatever number you happen to turn it to), then as you pick up the die to turn it, feel the die pips to determine the number you want to be face up. That seems like an even more fun way to play the combo, actually.

I guess it still needs an official response, but the strategy should work, provided the die has indented pips, which I believe the dice in the Munchkin bag should have.

Edit: Oh and note that if somebody plays a Reloaded Die after you play and resolve your Loaded Die, there is no reason for them to announce to you what they actually turned it to. However, they also can't change the die roll after you make your guess, thankfully.

Last edited by Clipper; 02-27-2012 at 11:59 PM.
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curses, dice bag, loaded die

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