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Old 04-28-2024, 06:36 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2022
Default Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

I ran the Death Test this afternoon for my wife and my friend. I've been playing TFT since the late 70s, my wife started playing TFT with me in the late 80s. My friend is an avid RPGer, but has never played TFT, so he was game to try it. I made three pre-gen characters (all 35 pts) for them to choose one from. I also ran a GM/PC, a 36 pt dwarf fighter who had the Physicker Talent. (We play DT 1 with Talents).

My wife had a Mage, my friend had a Crossbow wielder, and my dwarf was an ax/shield fighter. My wife got toasted by a 3d6 Lightning bolt cast from a man in dark robes (he rolled a 16 for damage.) Then my friend's character and my character ran into 4 mercenaries, one a dwarf with a pike axe, a human with a halberd, an Elf with a longbow, and a half-elf female with a rapier & main-gauche. They managed to kill the dwarf, but then went down. End of the Death Test!

So we tried again, this time they picked two 35-point fighter types, I ran the same dwarf as before. This time, all three of them were killed by two bears!

My friend said - that was pretty brutal. I replied "they do call it the DEATH test!

Good afternoon of playing, even if the results were not to our liking.
Since getting the TFT Legacy Ed, my wife and I have run 5 parties through the Death Test, only one has survived.

We just finished a short campaign were the Thorsz Warriors finished serving their 6-month stint in the Thorsz Guard at a remote outpost, Fort Thorn - in the north/east corner of the Red Plains (just west of Morningstar on the map.) Two of the three, survived the campaign. Lots of NPCs died too. Brutal! but fun.

I purchased a bunch of modules from Gaming Ballistics and will be going to run the Citadel of Ice soon.
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Old 04-28-2024, 07:24 PM   #2
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Default Re: Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

Glad you folks had a couple of fun runs through the Death Test! Death Test II was my proto-Monday night group's first dance with the Legacy Edition. For each of us, it was a time warp back to 1980, and a complete blast.

I hope your friend sticks with TFT!

BTW, Gaming Ballistic's Crown of Eternity is quite fun.
* * * *
Anthony Shostak
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Old 04-29-2024, 09:54 AM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2022
Default Re: Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

Originally Posted by Shostak View Post
BTW, Gaming Ballistic's Crown of Eternity is quite fun.
It's one of the modules that I purchased (actually purchased 11 of them). That one is down the line; it looks like the start of a 5-adventure campaign arc that would be really fun to run.

While my wife will play TFT with me, it's not her preferred system, she LOVES Barbarians of Lemuria and we usually play that, but now and then she indulges me with a few sessions of TFT. (We have several different campaigns going using BoL, one of them is our Hyborian Age "The Hammer of ニs" campaign, that has been running since 2012, we started out with Mongoose 3.5 Conan and switched to BoL in 2014)

Since we got the Legacy Edition a few years back, we have played several different campaigns, but with TFT "deadliness rate" 3 of the 5 have ended with TPKs.

One of the ones still going, only has 1 of the 3 PCs still living, so that character is going to team up with a new GM/PC to go through the Red Crypt. (I am converting it to a 2 PC game.) Should be fun, since my wife's character is a crossbow wielding Monster Hunter! (She also has an enchanted dagger that grants a +1d3 bonus to damage vs undead!)

To many choices, not enough time...
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Old 05-08-2024, 12:26 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2024
Default Re: Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

Originally Posted by Sigulf View Post
I ran the Death Test this afternoon for my wife and my friend. I've been playing TFT since the late 70s, my wife started playing TFT with me in the late 80s. My friend is an avid RPGer, but has never played TFT, so he was game to try it. I made three pre-gen characters (all 35 pts) for them to choose one from. I also ran a GM/PC, a 36 pt dwarf fighter who had the Physicker Talent. (We play DT 1 with Talents).

My wife had a Mage, my friend had a Crossbow wielder, and my dwarf was an ax/shield fighter. My wife got toasted by a 3d6 Lightning bolt cast from a man in dark robes (he rolled a 16 for damage.) Then my friend's character and my character ran into 4 mercenaries, one a dwarf with a pike axe, a human with a halberd, an Elf with a longbow, and a half-elf female with a rapier & main-gauche. They managed to kill the dwarf, but then went down. End of the Death Test!

So we tried again, this time they picked two 35-point fighter types, I ran the same dwarf as before. This time, all three of them were killed by two bears!

My friend said - that was pretty brutal. I replied "they do call it the DEATH test!

Good afternoon of playing, even if the results were not to our liking.
Since getting the TFT Legacy Ed, my wife and I have run 5 parties through the Death Test, only one has survived.

We just finished a short campaign were the Thorsz Warriors finished serving their 6-month stint in the Thorsz Guard at a remote outpost, Fort Thorn - in the north/east corner of the Red Plains (just west of Morningstar on the map.) Two of the three, survived the campaign. Lots of NPCs died too. Brutal! but fun.

I purchased a bunch of modules from Gaming Ballistics and will be going to run the Citadel of Ice soon. tunnel rush

Fort Thorn wasn't the safest place to be a Thorsz Warrior! Two survivors out of three is a decent showing considering TFT's reputation. Those poor NPCs though, never stood a chance!
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Old 08-23-2024, 03:48 AM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2024
Default Re: Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

Originally Posted by Sigulf View Post
I ran the Death Test this afternoon for my wife and my friend. I've been playing TFT since the late 70s, my wife started playing TFT with me in the late 80s. My friend is an avid RPGer, but has never played TFT, so he was game to try it. I made three pre-gen characters (all 35 pts) for them to choose one from. I also ran a GM/PC, a 36 pt dwarf fighter who had the Physicker Talent. (We play DT 1 with Talents).

My wife had a Mage, my friend had a Crossbow wielder, and my dwarf was an ax/shield fighter. My wife got toasted by a 3d6 Lightning bolt cast from a man in dark robes (he rolled a 16 for damage.) Then my friend's character and my character ran into 4 mercenaries, one a dwarf with a pike axe, a human with a halberd, an Elf with a longbow, and a half-elf female with a rapier & main-gauche. They managed to kill the dwarf, but then went down. End of the Death Test!

So we tried again, this time they picked two 35-point fighter types, I ran the same dwarf as before. This time, all three of them were killed by two bears!

My friend said - that was pretty brutal. I replied "they do call it the DEATH test!

Good afternoon of playing, even if the results were not to our liking.
Since getting the TFT Legacy Ed, my wife and I have run 5 parties through the Death Test, only one has survived.

We just finished a short campaign were the Thorsz Warriors finished serving their 6-month stint in the Thorsz Guard at a remote outpost, Fort Thorn - in the north/east corner of the Red Plains (just west of Morningstar on the map.) Two of the three, survived the campaign. Lots of NPCs died too. Brutal! but fun.
I purchased a bunch of modules from Gaming Ballistics and will be going to run the Citadel of Ice soon.
It'll be interesting to see how things unfold in the Citadel of Ice. That module has its own unique challenges, and I知 sure it値l be a blast to play. Hopefully, you値l have better luck with your next adventures!
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Old 08-23-2024, 09:52 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2022
Default Re: Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

Originally Posted by chestnutsmerit View Post
It'll be interesting to see how things unfold in the Citadel of Ice. That module has its own unique challenges, and I知 sure it値l be a blast to play. Hopefully, you値l have better luck with your next adventures!
Have not gotten to it yet, and most likely won't for some time now. We are back to our Barbarians of Lemuria "Hammer of ニs" Hyborian Age campaign. Converting the Mongoose d20 Conan adventure "Trial of Blood" currently, it's a pretty long one to.

If in a few months, we decide to take a break from it, then I might bring out the Citadel of Ice, it really looks good.
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Old 01-05-2025, 02:44 PM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Ran the Death Test today for my wife and friend!

Originally Posted by Sigulf View Post

So we tried again, this time they picked two 35-point fighter types, I ran the same dwarf as before. This time, all three of them were killed by two bears
Those bears are brutal.....I went through it three times with basically 32 point characters, finally decided if I kept doing that they were just gonna keep dying. I'm running through a couple of other adventures right now, trying to build them up a bit.

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