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Old 06-13-2023, 10:38 AM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Originally Posted by Balor Patch View Post

Also, Delvers to Grow from Gaming Ballistic for DFRPG includes Unarmed Master and Wrestling Master.
Unarmed Master is referenced (it's in one of the Upgrade Modules for the Martial Artist, and another module notes that its damage bonus stacks with the bonus from that module), but not described; I assume it's in one of the main DFRPG books, but for GURPS it showed up in Pyramid #3/61 (but I'm currently away from the computer with most of my GURPS content on it, so I can't check to see how it's built there). Wrestling Master is described in DtG, but it's the DFRPG version of the trait - for GURPS, it first showed up in Pyramid #3/111.

Another Pyramid that can be very useful for unarmed combatants is Pyramid #3/65, and specifically the Natural Weapons article. This can allow you to get swing damage with an unarmed strike and can give you a pretty solid damage bonus that does stack with Karate while you're at it (you can get up to +5 to damage - or +2.5 per die, if have thr or sw of 3d-1 or higher - for relatively cheap using the Extra Damage Enhancement, and beyond that you can buy Striking ST with Single Attack Only -60%). It does require you to buy separate instances of it for punches, kicks, headbutts, and bites - although personally I'm somewhat inclined to let these be Alternate Abilities.
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Old 06-13-2023, 01:27 PM   #12
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Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Unarmed Master is in DFRPG Adventurers p. 31.
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Old 06-13-2023, 06:04 PM   #13
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Back at my main computer. Unarmed Master basically just turns all four of your limbs into Strikers, for a bit of bonus damage and making you count as armed for purposes of parrying or being parried by weapons. Wrestling Master (which technically only exists in DFRPG now that I look at the article, but it looks perfectly compatible with normal GURPS) similarly makes your arms and hands (but not feet) count as weapons for parrying purposes, and looks to enhance the high-skill bonus to ST of Wrestling in certain situations (and serves as an Unusual Background for certain esoteric skills and some amount of extra Lifting ST).
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Old 06-13-2023, 06:43 PM   #14
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Berkeley, CA
Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Unarmed master appears to be buying your limbs as strikers, yes. You can get the same effect for a lot cheaper by using innate attack (1 point of damage, reach C, double weapon, ST-based).
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innate attack, limitations, martial arts, melee

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