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Old 03-23-2006, 11:05 PM   #61
Gurps Fan
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Rowan
Hm, I thought perhaps the rules for breaking an addiction would work? Is this not sufficient? =?
It doesn't seem sufficient. An ordinary medical/esoteric treatment can cure
an addiction that has been given by even the truly Permanent (+300%)
version of Affliction. The +150%-Permanent Affliction must be one that can
be negated under a much easier condition.

The prince afflicted with Affliction, Alternate Form: Frog (Permanent, +150%)
will be back to normal on a kiss from the princess. The same prince afflicted
with Affliction, AF: Frog (Permanent, +300%) will require a superscience/
alchemical surgery to rewrite his genome.
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Old 03-24-2006, 04:11 PM   #62
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

It just dawned on me that I failed to include a target to be shooting for.

As of this writing, there are 40 50-point abilities posted, (and one 25-point) so I'll make the target number be 50. Once we have 50 abilities posted on this thread, I'll collect them into a nifty PDF file for ease of use. By no means does this mean that I want this project to stop at that point. Those added afterward will be added to updated versions.

As a side note, I wonder how many 25-point advantages we can come up with? Maybe a sort of "Fifty for 50" and "Twentyfive for 25" sort of deal...?
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Old 03-25-2006, 03:46 AM   #63
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Extradimensional Belt Pouch (-15%/-65%):

Payload 50 (Breakable, DR 2, SM -6, -30%; Can Be Stolen, Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Cosmic, +50%; Unique, -25%) [43] + Gizmo 3 (Breakable, DR 2, SM -6, -30%; Can Be Stolen, Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Game Time, +0%; Unique, -25%) [6]

Notes: You have a magical/superscience/whatever belt pouch that carries any items up to your BL*5 lbs (100 lbs assuming ST 10). Stored items are hidden in another dimension, so they never encumbers you and they cannot be seen from outside.

In addition, this Pouch can even create any item you wish to be available just at that time! Such an item must be handheld-sized and meet the criteria on p.B57. You can use this ability three times per week (roughly 56 hours per item). 49 points.
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Old 03-27-2006, 04:29 AM   #64
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Computer Game Style Lighting Bolt: (+120%)

Burning Attack 4D+2(Cone 1 +60%, Surge +20%, Side Effect: Stunning +50%, Reduced Range 1/2 -10%) [51]

Shoot a lightning "bolt" that can hit several enemies in straight line.
Tsuru-Sennin a.k.a. The Crane Hermit a.k.a. Kurki-vanhus

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, and empty threats the final sanctuary of the terminally inept.
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Old 03-27-2006, 07:23 AM   #65
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
It just dawned on me that I failed to include a target to be shooting for.

As of this writing, there are 40 50-point abilities posted, (and one 25-point) so I'll make the target number be 50. Once we have 50 abilities posted on this thread, I'll collect them into a nifty PDF file for ease of use. By no means does this mean that I want this project to stop at that point. Those added afterward will be added to updated versions.

As a side note, I wonder how many 25-point advantages we can come up with? Maybe a sort of "Fifty for 50" and "Twentyfive for 25" sort of deal...?
Perhaps broaden the thread to abilities with clean numbers of points. Multiples of 10 below 50, 50, and multiples of 25 above 50.
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Old 03-27-2006, 12:08 PM   #66
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Everyone Sees Dead People (+410%): Affliction (Negated Invisibility, +40%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Area Effect, 64 yards, +300%; Aura, +80%; Emanation, -20%; Always On, -10%) [51]

Notes: Upon coming within a 64 yard radius of you, any invisible being becomes visible. This works whether the being is substantial or not, and disregards source. 51 points.

Animal Partners (+60%): Ally (100% of your point total, Almost all the time; Summonable, +100%; Requires Ready, -10%; Gadget, Breakable, DR 24, -5%; SM -7, -5%; Can be stolen by trickery, -20%) [24] + Five allies of the same point total as Alternate Abilities [25]

Notes: You have a team of creatures that you can conjure up at will. You can only have one at a time. Each summoning requires a roll of 15 or less at the time of summoning. On a failure, the being is simply unavailable: it may be asleep or unreceptive to your commands. As long as your creatures are around during combat, you may not do anything except issue their orders and walk.
These creatures are kept within individual containers between 3.5" and 5" at their longest dimension. These containers can be anything: common examples are baseball-sized spheres or trading cards. They can be stolen if you're not careful. To have a larger team, each extra ally will cost 5 additional points. 49 points
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Old 03-27-2006, 04:01 PM   #67
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Calming Influence (+380%): Affliction (Disadvantage: Total Pacifism, +30%; Area Effect, 16 yards, +200%; Selective Area, +20%; Emanation, -20%; Contact Agent, +150%)
Notes: The ultimate ability for a hostage negotiator. Any person who comes within 16 yards of you loses their ability to harm anyone. You may choose for it not to affect your friends. 48 points.

Deathwalk (+400%): Affliction (Heart Attack, +300%; Emanation, -20%; Contact Agent, +150%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Always On, -40%; Visible, -20%; Nuisance Effect, Reaction -4, -20%)
Notes: Anyone who comes within two yards of you, er... dies. You do not have control of this ability. You're surrounded by a slight haze effect that makes it apparent to those around you why people are keeling over dead.
Adding area to the effect costs 5 additional points per doubled area.

For some real fun, add Delusion: Nothing is wrong with me for -15 points.
Alternately, you can offer this to your munchkin players as "a secret advantage that will make you the most powerful player in the game." You can also give this to a player who wants a Secret Disadvantage. If the player doesn't know what the ability does, it's definitely a disadvantage! To make it more insidious, replace Visible and/or the reaction penalty with Onset (1 hour) (-20%). 50 points.
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Old 03-28-2006, 02:19 AM   #68
El Guapo
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Okay, here goes:

The Gun Kata -- 50 points

Innate attack (pi)/2d+1 [18.5]
Area effect/16yd +200%
Limited Use/3 with fast reload -10%
Accessibility (only while wielding a pair of identical pistols) -20%
Costs fatigue/2 -10%

Enhanced Dodge/3 [31.5]
Accessibility -40% (only during gun kata)

Total -- 50 points

This is my take on the the gun kata from that (godawful) movie Equilibrium. It would probably be more accurate to make this some combination of Gunslinger and Extra Attacks, but that would end up being very expensive. Instead, I focused on the effects (i.e. shoot lots of people quickly, be hard to hit) and threw in "Costs Fatigue" to keep it from being abused too much. Also, it does not have the "Selective" enhancement, so it's a good idea to get your friends out of the room before you use this.

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Old 03-28-2006, 05:23 AM   #69
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by El Guapo
Okay, here goes:

The Gun Kata -- 50 points

Innate attack (pi)/2d+1 [18.5]
Area effect/16yd +200%
Limited Use/3 with fast reload -10%
Accessibility (only while wielding a pair of identical pistols) -20%
Costs fatigue/2 -10%

Enhanced Dodge/3 [31.5]
Accessibility -40% (only during gun kata)

Total -- 50 points
Oh, very nice! This is exactly the sort of thing this thread was made for. One thing, though - 4e doesn't allow for half-points. Don't worry about it, I never said they had to be exactly fifty points - There's a small "wiggle room" range. So this actually comes to 52 points, well within the margin. Bravo!
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Old 03-28-2006, 06:56 AM   #70
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by El Guapo
The Gun Kata -- 50 points

Innate attack (pi)/2d+1 [18.5]
Area effect/16yd +200%
Limited Use/3 with fast reload -10%
Accessibility (only while wielding a pair of identical pistols) -20%
Costs fatigue/2 -10%

Enhanced Dodge/3 [31.5]
Accessibility -40% (only during gun kata)

Total -- 50 points
I see two problems: One, modified advantages round up on any fraction; two, Accessability in this case can't be worth -40%, because -40% limitations roughly halve the use of the power; a defensive power that kicks in automatically when you attack is not halving the power. It would normally be more like -10% or -20%, but with the Costs 2 Fatigue limitation on the attack (meaning it costs 2 fatigue every second, which limits when you can use it rather severely), I'd say it's -30%.

Some combination of skill and limited Extra Attacks plus Enhanced Defense would probably be the best way to model it, because even though I haven't seen Equilibrium, I highly doubt that whomever was using the "Gun Kata" could shoot absolutely every target within 16 yards within 1 second.
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