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Old 09-02-2006, 04:55 AM   #611
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Der Wanderer
@ Requires magic words:
Since this ability can stay on for a long time, I don't think that Requires magic words is worth -10%, that would be more like a special feature worth nothing... unless you have to chant continuosly (And only while playing the trumpet is only -20%!!! B110)
Accessibility, Requires magic words (-10%) is canonical (Powers, p.116). Actually, "simply staring into space while concetrating" is less restrictive than "speaking certain words of power in a firm voice".

Originally Posted by Der Wanderer
Takes Extra Time Levels:
Level 0 10 seconds
Level 1 5 seconds
Level 2 2.5 seconds
Level 3 1.25 seconds
Level 4 less than 1 seconds
Unless I'm totally wrong you only need 4 levels of reduced time (and one level is already included in Reflexive so it would be +60%
Basic Set, p.108 says, "Each level halves the time required to use the ability (round up). Once time is reduced to one second, a further level of Reduced Time makes the ability instantaneous -- using it is a free action."

Reduced Time 0: 10 seconds.
Reduced Time 1: 5 seconds.
Reduced Time 2: 2.5 seconds, rounded up to 3 seconds.
Reduced Time 3: 1.5 seconds, rounded up to 2 seconds.
Reduced Time 4: 1 second.
Reduced Time 5: zero-time free action.
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Old 09-02-2006, 08:31 AM   #612
Der Wanderer
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
Accessibility, Requires magic words (-10%) is canonical (Powers, p.116). Actually, "simply staring into space while concetrating" is less restrictive than "speaking certain words of power in a firm voice".
Yes, because you must be able to speak, that is true. And if the forcefield would require you to concentrat, or sing all the time it would be worth the points. However, in this case you can say the magic words once and then the force field stays on until the next time you get unconscious.
See a related discussion here

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
Basic Set, p.108 says, "Each level halves the time required to use the ability (round up). Once time is reduced to one second, a further level of Reduced Time makes the ability instantaneous -- using it is a free action."

Reduced Time 0: 10 seconds.
Reduced Time 1: 5 seconds.
Reduced Time 2: 2.5 seconds, rounded up to 3 seconds.
Reduced Time 3: 1.5 seconds, rounded up to 2 seconds.
Reduced Time 4: 1 second.
Reduced Time 5: zero-time free action.
So, you round every time? Intresting, I always rounded in the end...
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Old 09-02-2006, 08:44 AM   #613
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Der Wanderer
(And only while playing the trumpet is only -20%!!! B110)
Actually, Playing Trumpet is very similiar to Make Gestures + Speak Magic Words. In both cases, you can't use your hands for anything else, and you need to be able to speak.

Playing Trumpet would probably also require some sort of Gadget Modifier, though. After all, playing a trumpet is only the act of doing so, not the requirement of having a trumpet available in the first place.
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Old 09-02-2006, 03:34 PM   #614
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Fnordianslip
Yuppers. Though, come to think of it, reflexive counts as one level of reduced time, so it probably only needs to be +80%.
Ah, I was wondering about that. I just wanted to be on the safe side. So Reduced Time 4, +80%; and Reflexive, +40%, then? That reduced the price a bit.
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Old 09-02-2006, 06:31 PM   #615
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
TK Shield (-50%): DR 20 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Force Field, +20%; Requires magic words, -10%; Protects at half strength against energy attacks, -10%; Turns off when unconscious, -10%) [50]
Notes: By chanting a meditative spell for focus, you can create a shield that will protect you and your belongings from harm. However, it's protection stops when you get knocked out, and it only provides DR 10 against energy attacks. You also can't wear armor, so this is your first and primary line of defense. 50 points.
Submitted by Rev_Pee_Kitty.
For the record, I would appreciate if you noted any changes that you make in my power writeups when reposting them. I didn't realize they'd be altered. I don't really agree with the combination of requires magic words and turns off when unconscious, either.

As stated in PM, you can take any abilities that I post that you wish, but if they're changed, just note how after my name, or say something like, "inspired by Rev Pee Kitty's TK Shield".
Reverend Pee Kitty of the Order Malkavian-Dobbsian (Twitter) (LJ)

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Old 09-02-2006, 07:27 PM   #616
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Der Wanderer
@Can't Wear Armor, but protects your belongings...
Powers pg 46:
Force Field: ...Add Can’t Wear Armor (-40%) if this repels anything that gets close to the body...
So the most you could wear is a tight fitting costume
The SFX implies the limitation, but the limitation doesn't imply the SFX. "If you have a bright glowing halo around your head, take Supernatural Feature" doesn't imply that everyone with Supernatural Feature has a halo. If your force field repels everything close to your body, you are justified in taking Can't Wear Armor, but there are other SFX for Can't Wear Armor that don't imply this repulsion - like the "Pact With the GM"-like genre convention.
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Old 09-03-2006, 12:36 AM   #617
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Rev_Pee_Kitty
For the record, I would appreciate if you noted any changes that you make in my power writeups when reposting them. I didn't realize they'd be altered. I don't really agree with the combination of requires magic words and turns off when unconscious, either.

As stated in PM, you can take any abilities that I post that you wish, but if they're changed, just note how after my name, or say something like, "inspired by Rev Pee Kitty's TK Shield".
Fair enough, will do. Comments about what's been altered, if at all, will be removed before inclusion in the pdf, however.

As editor, I've had to make a fair number of modifications to various abilities (as well as adding write-ups when necessary, or expanding the notes). Oft-times, I will notice something that doesn't function within the rules, and one of the most common difficulties I have is replacing the power modifiers, as because they are optional rules, I have chosen to keep the document virtually "clean" of them. It's a choice that's given me no amount of headaches, but it has worked so far.

Ah, me. Such is life.
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Old 09-03-2006, 06:09 PM   #618
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Protective Poltergeist [75 Points]

Telekinesis Level 13
Cosmic (No Concentration), +50%
Reflexive, +40%
Uncontrollable, -30%
Unconscious Only, -20%
Animation, -20%
Nuisance Effect: -1 reaction penalty for animating objects around you -5%

Without concentration or active effort, things around you just animate to help out! From pillows blocking swords to stuffed bears closing your window while you sleep on a chilly night. You can't consciously move things, but, whenever your in danger or need a helping hand, something around animates and helps out. Needless to say, most people aren't very happy with you when their clothes animate to dry you off or if there fence tears itself apart to attack the bully picking on you. Perfect for Telekinetic children or adults with gaurdian angels. You can animate one object at a time with up to 13HP, or 26HP if it's homogenous.
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Old 09-03-2006, 06:51 PM   #619
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Fnordianslip
Protective Poltergeist [75 Points]

Telekinesis Level 13
Cosmic (No Concentration), +50%
Reflexive, +40%
Uncontrollable, -30%
Unconscious Only, -20%
Animation, -20%
Nuisance Effect: -1 reaction penalty for animating objects around you -5%

Without concentration or active effort, things around you just animate to help out! From pillows blocking swords to stuffed bears closing your window while you sleep on a chilly night. You can't consciously move things, but, whenever your in danger or need a helping hand, something around animates and helps out. Needless to say, most people aren't very happy with you when their clothes animate to dry you off or if there fence tears itself apart to attack the bully picking on you. Perfect for Telekinetic children or adults with gaurdian angels. You can animate one object at a time with up to 13HP, or 26HP if it's homogenous.
That's pretty cool!
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Old 09-04-2006, 08:35 PM   #620
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Warning! Adult situations below...

OK, for those of you that read the esteemed author Robert Hamburger, here's the infamous Ninja technique from the Real Ultimate Power book: 6-foot boner uppercut! (Please, God, don't boot me off the forums for this)

6-Foot Boner Uppercut (-30%): 15d crush (Double Knockback, +20%; Chi Use, -10%; Melee Attack, Reach 2, no parry, -30%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Nuisance Effect: Painfully Obvious; Causes Women to Swamp to You; May Cause Men to Have Sexual Confusion, -5%)

Total [53]
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