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Old 11-28-2024, 07:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2024
Default Automatic Kill vs Automatic Defeat

Greetings from Alaska,
So my friends and I (group of 4) have been playing Munchkin religiously every week on Mondays or Tuesdays. We have grown quite the collection between the 4 of us.

From what I understand, an Automatic Kill is a Kill so therefore you get the rewards and level. The only time you don’t get rewards from auto kill is if you have to run away from remaining monsters. An Automatic Defeat is not a kill, therefore you get no treasures or level.

The “Magic Helm and Spear” item that “automatically kills any bunny” would grant the person levels and rewards from the bunny, even if they are not the owner of the “Magic helm and spear” that automatically kills.

In Rick and Morty Munchkin, If Hepatitis C is in play it automatically defeats Hepatitis A no matter who has draws Hepatitis A. It is defeated and no rewards are given.

In Munchkin, if you use the Potion of Halitosis to automatically kill the floating nose, you get the rewards and level.

Example from our last play session in munchkin booty.
I’m at level 9. I kick down the door find nothing to kill. So I look for trouble and place a shark from my hand. Another Shark is played, I “Not so Fast Buck” a shark. I get wandering monstered “Water Elemental.” I use “dehydration” to instantly kill any monster with sea or water in the name. I win the combat with the remaining monsters.

At the end of the day what I’m trying to find out is: Does “Dehydration” and other auto kills grant rewards and can they be used for the winning level. This is a debate that we keep coming back to and I just would like a concrete answer to show them.

Last edited by Dabbasaurus; 11-28-2024 at 07:41 PM. Reason: Typo
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