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Old 12-18-2024, 10:04 AM   #631
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

There are five prisoners. What exactly is Anoras asking/saying? What are you trying to find out from each one?
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Old 12-18-2024, 07:24 PM   #632
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Anoras plans to say the same thing to each one, questioning each separately. If there's a Haunden who speaks Venasir and has talent in Psychology/Detect Lies/Body Language or the like that she can trust, she'll have them with her. Cassandra could serve as a guard.

Anoras (speaking in Venasir): "I said I would speak up for you, and I did. But the Elders and others are skeptical. I told them you understand there's no place to run to. There's no place near here to live, and food in this area is very limited. And if you did try to run, Haunden and even Holidor could come after you. Running away would almost certainly be a death sentence. Or, if you're lucky, being sold into slavery.

"You saw what happened to the sorcerers. And that was against only three of us. There are many more here than three.

"Right now with only me (and someone else if appropriate), you can speak freely.

"So tell me truly. Why did you fight for the rebellion against Holidor?

"Do you have family?

"Now that you are here, do you agree to live in peace with Haunden?"

OOC: I understand the GM may not want to create all these replies for each one. A short summary of their responses would be fine with me.
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Old 12-19-2024, 02:48 PM   #633
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

The First Venasir spoken to:

"Rebellion? There is no rebellion. I'm not from Holidor. Stripes found me down south, after the lords down there were done with their war. They wouldn't feed us after battles were over. Stripes would, and he wasn't just a sorcerer, he was a powerful one. We won several wars before he took us up to Old Haunden Country and you killed him."

"I don't have a wife. I would love to find a girl, but its hard as a warrior without a Lord. Surviving comes first, and once I was marked by Stripes, there was no way he'd let me leave and settle down."

"What do you mean, live in peace with the Haunden? You're either going to put me to work, kill me, or sell me."

Second Venasir:

"I was on the loosing end of a war down south, and after the battle, I was sold. Stripes bought me at a slave market, put his mark on me, and put me to battle."

"My family? I haven't seen them in years. They likely got sold all over the place, just like I did."

"Am I staying here? I thought the Haunden didn't keep slaves"

Third Venasir:

"Because I believed in the rebellion."

"No, I don't have family."


(Its really obvious to you this guy is just saying what he thinks you want him to say)

There are two more, but I think this is the range of responses.
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Old 12-19-2024, 04:33 PM   #634
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Anoras will check for Stripes's/sorcerer's mark on the prisoners if she hasn't already. (If I recall correctly, the mark fades slowly after the sorcerer dies. I don't know if Wings's mark on her has faded yet or not. If the marks were gone before she could check, she'll use Hidden Lore (Sorcery)).

Anoras (speaking in Venasir to each prisoner): "Haunden does not put people in slavery. We do not believe people were made to be property.

"But of course Haunden would expect you to work just as it expects me and anyone who can to work. I serve in multiple capacities myself.

"I will speak to the Elders about this."

She'll report to the Elders and others in authority what she was told. After that, she'll say:

Anoras (speaking in Haunden): "So I'm not too sure about (the third one) who seemed to be telling me what he thought I wanted to hear. But again, a captured prisoner might do that to save their life even if they were trustworthy. As for the others, almost anyone captured by an enemy with a sorcerer's death mark would serve to survive. Yes, I'm stubborn enough I would probably die first. No, not probably, I would. But as you know, most people are not as stubborn as me.

"I believe we can put them to work. And I can help teach them our language. Again, they know if they run away, they'll almost certainly die."
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Old 12-20-2024, 10:48 AM   #635
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras will check for Stripes's/sorcerer's mark on the prisoners if she hasn't already. (If I recall correctly, the mark fades slowly after the sorcerer dies. I don't know if Wings's mark on her has faded yet or not. If the marks were gone before she could check, she'll use Hidden Lore (Sorcery)).
The marks have all mostly faded away. Only someone trained about such things could find traces.

Anoras (speaking in Venasir to each prisoner): "Haunden does not put people in slavery. We do not believe people were made to be property.

"But of course Haunden would expect you to work just as it expects me and anyone who can to work. I serve in multiple capacities myself.
Venasir 1: So no master except the whole village.

Venasir 2: So you plan to keep us here, but we keep what crops we grow*?

*The Haunden don't have particuarly great farm-land, its a lot of gathering and a little hunting and some working with poor soils.


"I will speak to the Elders about this."

She'll report to the Elders and others in authority what she was told. After that, she'll say:

Anoras (speaking in Haunden): "So I'm not too sure about (the third one) who seemed to be telling me what he thought I wanted to hear. But again, a captured prisoner might do that to save their life even if they were trustworthy. As for the others, almost anyone captured by an enemy with a sorcerer's death mark would serve to survive. Yes, I'm stubborn enough I would probably die first. No, not probably, I would. But as you know, most people are not as stubborn as me.

"I believe we can put them to work. And I can help teach them our language. Again, they know if they run away, they'll almost certainly die."
Elder 1: The matter is in your hands: will you accept responsibility for any crimes they commit?
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Old 12-20-2024, 11:28 AM   #636
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Venasir 1: So no master except the whole village.
Anoras (speaking in Venasir--she'll say a form of this to the other prisoners as appropriate): "You would have a period of probation, a chance to prove yourself. And to learn the language of the Haunden so you can speak with others and not just a very few."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Venasir 2: So you plan to keep us here, but we keep what crops we grow*?
Anoras (speaking in Venasir--she'll say a form of this to the other prisoners as appropriate): "Our farmland is limited at this time. There would be a lot of gathering and a little hunting and some working with poor soils. As I am a naturalist, I am working with ideas to improve the soil.

"I have an idea that staying on an area for a long time with livestock may actually improve the soil. When the Haunden stayed in one area for generations, the soil was much better. Now that we move from place to place, we have to start all over again.

"So either clearing an area and staying there with livestock, or returning to our lands, may help greatly."


GM, the above concept was used in the Old Testament Biblical times. Oddly enough, it wasn't known in some societies of hundreds, even thousands of years later. That's because they kept moving from place to place.

But the Haunden, like Holidor, used the same land for generations and it was productive. But when Haunden was forced out and kept moving, it wasn't nearly as productive. So I figure Anoras, as an expert Naturalist, could start to figure that out.


Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Elder 1: The matter is in your hands: will you accept responsibility for any crimes they commit?
"Elder, I have stated and worked on plans.

"1) A plan, with ideas planted in Holidor, where we might return to at least some of our land

"2) A plan, again with ideas planted in Holidor, where we might be given more forest land

"3) A plan where we might improve our own land

"If I am compensated appropriately if one or more of those work? Then I will pay back for non-violent crimes they might commit. Except again, I am not certain of (the third prisoner). That one should be kept prisoner, I believe, until we have more time to see what we will see. The others I think we can simply keep under watch until they prove themselves."
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Old 12-23-2024, 09:01 AM   #637
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras (speaking in Venasir--she'll say a form of this to the other prisoners as appropriate): "You would have a period of probation, a chance to prove yourself. And to learn the language of the Haunden so you can speak with others and not just a very few."
They're very hard to read. Are they dismayed about the loss of freedom in general, or about having to work and live here? Are they happy about surviving or about the deal itself?

"I have an idea that staying on an area for a long time with livestock may actually improve the soil. When the Haunden stayed in one area for generations, the soil was much better. Now that we move from place to place, we have to start all over again.

"So either clearing an area and staying there with livestock, or returning to our lands, may help greatly."


GM, the above concept was used in the Old Testament Biblical times. Oddly enough, it wasn't known in some societies of hundreds, even thousands of years later. That's because they kept moving from place to place.

But the Haunden, like Holidor, used the same land for generations and it was productive. But when Haunden was forced out and kept moving, it wasn't nearly as productive. So I figure Anoras, as an expert Naturalist, could start to figure that out.
Intereting ideas.

"Elder, I have stated and worked on plans.

"1) A plan, with ideas planted in Holidor, where we might return to at least some of our land

"2) A plan, again with ideas planted in Holidor, where we might be given more forest land

"3) A plan where we might improve our own land

"If I am compensated appropriately if one or more of those work? Then I will pay back for non-violent crimes they might commit. Except again, I am not certain of (the third prisoner). That one should be kept prisoner, I believe, until we have more time to see what we will see. The others I think we can simply keep under watch until they prove themselves."
Elder 2: "You will of course be rewarded richly with honor and wealth for returning us to our land. And appropriately for increasing the amount or quality of the land we use."

Elder: "but the non-violent crimes of the prisoners are hardly what we are concerned about. The Violent crimes concern us the most. These are Venasir slavers after all."
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Old 12-23-2024, 10:32 AM   #638
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Elder 2: "You will of course be rewarded richly with honor and wealth for returning us to our land. And appropriately for increasing the amount or quality of the land we use."
Anoras does not have Greed, but does have Miserliness. Once she gets hold of that....

Anoras: "Elder, thank you very much. And of course Cassandra will be rewarded for her work as well."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Elder: "but the non-violent crimes of the prisoners are hardly what we are concerned about. The Violent crimes concern us the most. These are Venasir slavers after all."
Anoras sighs. "Elder, these are people who were made slaves. At a whim, tho sorcerer who marked them could kill them. That's even at a distance.

"We are opposed to slavery. Does that mean we also condemn the slaves?

"Please talk to the Haunden who were captured and see how these Venasir treated them. They were treated like captured prisoners, no worse. Would we do any different?"
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Old 12-23-2024, 11:14 AM   #639
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras sighs. "Elder, these are people who were made slaves. At a whim, tho sorcerer who marked them could kill them. That's even at a distance.

"We are opposed to slavery. Does that mean we also condemn the slaves?

"Please talk to the Haunden who were captured and see how these Venasir treated them. They were treated like captured prisoners, no worse. Would we do any different?"
Elder: Then do you accept responsibility for any violent crimes they may commit?
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Old 12-23-2024, 01:16 PM   #640
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Elder: Then do you accept responsibility for any violent crimes they may commit?
Anoras (not hiding being upset): "Fine. If you want to punish an innocent person who helped rescue our people and save our village, fine. I will accept responsibility--for as long as you're an elder."
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