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Old 10-06-2024, 10:29 AM   #2011
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"He did ask me if I was still on 'Draco', but them assumed I was since the communication was working. I don't know if that answers that for sure, but I don't think he can track me."
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Old 10-07-2024, 09:57 AM   #2012
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Leo: "That gives us something to work with. Can you ignore or stop him visiting you in dreams? If not, you'll have to tell him something."

"See if you can get details on his local resources. Ask if he can get us a castle in payment or something. Ask if he can get an audience with the rulers of Cardiel, Al-Haz, or Al Wazif. And maybe we can ask for money... 200 lbs of gold perhaps?"

Ann: "Is he confident of finding another way off? We may have to deal with him regardless."
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Old 10-08-2024, 07:36 AM   #2013
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Leo: "That gives us something to work with. Can you ignore or stop him visiting you in dreams? If not, you'll have to tell him something."

"See if you can get details on his local resources. Ask if he can get us a castle in payment or something. Ask if he can get an audience with the rulers of Cardiel, Al-Haz, or Al Wazif. And maybe we can ask for money... 200 lbs of gold perhaps?"

Ann: "Is he confident of finding another way off? We may have to deal with him regardless."
"Ignoring him is unlikely to work, I'm not sure I can block him. He mentioned having resources... It would be hard to get details on what he is offering without admitting we have what he wants to trade. Do you want me to admit that you guys have a way out? He seems fully confident he will find a way, but I'm not sure if that's godly bravado or what."
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Old 10-08-2024, 09:53 AM   #2014
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Rajat: "No! do not admit a way out! that is the last thing we want!"

Leon: "Do we have a choice? He already suspects the truth. And he can already travel on his own, so he's sort of already in on the secret, like Peter is."

Ann: "But he's a god."

Leon: "Who had this ability for hundreds of years and who is only using it to settle a score with someone who invaded his world. He's got to be pretty isolationist"

Rajat: "Or his murdered Head God was and now he's gearing up to conquer an empire."

Ann: "Which is why we need more information. You don't have to admit the thing negotiated is real. He seems to know that already."

Rajat: "We'll want to move to Tedroy faster then. and string out the negotiations. I don't want a god hunting us when we don't have our gear."

Leo: "That's fair. Is that enough to go on Peter?"
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Old 10-08-2024, 10:24 AM   #2015
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"Well, there's nothing to negotiate if we don't have a way out to offer, so I can play dumb, but If I go asking more about his resources to trade, I think that will confirm you have a way. And it begs the question, what do we need with castles and gold if our goal is just to get where we are already going and get out of Dodge? He may have a lot of knowledge useful to your people, so maybe I can help you guys form a relationship if that's what you want. I do think he needs out help. The world I think he's from is a mess from the war the gods are having with their parallels... In fact, I'm really not 100% sure that this is the guy from the world I'm familiar with, or his counterpart. Either way, the war has to come to an end, it's making life miserable for the people."

If Peter has another dream visit from Ink Thur, he will try and glean what resources he may have to offer here, and if he is willing to exchange information on what he knows about transversing worlds with the folks from Homeline.
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Old 10-09-2024, 08:27 AM   #2016
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Leon: "Our goal is to get out. Our friends in Tedroy plan to stay, and they can use castles, gold, and introductions. Also, a good part of the point is to gauge his resources."

Ann: "What knowledge do you think he might have that we would want?"

Ink Thur does in fact visit his dreams again that night. "Have you talked it over with them? What do they want?"
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Old 10-09-2024, 11:56 PM   #2017
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter assures the group he will do what he can.

When he receives another dream visit, he tries to find out what he can.

"They want to know what sort of resources you have to offer in the here and now on this world that may be worth an alliance that would compromise their secrets further than they already have."
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Old 10-10-2024, 11:52 AM   #2018
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Incarius: "Here and Now are two separate questions, I think. After I leave this world, I will have a network of resources I will be leaving behind. They may find that valuable."

"If they simply want payment in a short time, I can offer 2,500 silver Pennies*.

"For more complex requests, I have the ear of the Duke of Rengal**. I have contacts with merchants and courtiers in every court in the southern half of the continent. I have good connections with a network of individuals whose opinions match Modern American opinions much more closely than the locals."

*a minor duke here in Cardiel
** its will take you a while to figure this out, but its about $100,000 in local money... or as much as a dozen peasants make in a year.

They are coming closer to a bigger town, maybe even what passes for a city around here. Farms are now very dense. The city is Rengal -- the seat of power for the duke Incarius says he has pull with. The debate about paying for a real place to stay has resurfaced... especially from Leon and Ann.
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Old 10-10-2024, 08:51 PM   #2019
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Incarius: "Here and Now are two separate questions, I think. After I leave this world, I will have a network of resources I will be leaving behind. They may find that valuable."

"If they simply want payment in a short time, I can offer 2,500 silver Pennies*.

"For more complex requests, I have the ear of the Duke of Rengal**. I have contacts with merchants and courtiers in every court in the southern half of the continent. I have good connections with a network of individuals whose opinions match Modern American opinions much more closely than the locals."
Peter gives Ink Thur a nod, deep enough to be a bit of a bow, deciding to show him a bit more respect and see if he can get to know the man (or whatever) a bit better if he puts him more at ease.
"Hello again Ink Thur, or would you prefer Inarius even in my dreams?"

"I think they are trying to get an idea of the possibilities, and they themselves are just victims of circumstance and not the shot callers who will get the final say. "

"Funny, I was Thuroma's Emissary, and I guess now I'm yours. I'll try to negotiate you a ride out of here. "

"But you are still doing your research and are not ready to go, is that right? And can you get back to your worlds on your own if they get you off of this one? I've been to their homeworld, or one a lot like it, and they couldn't find mine. Are you willing to share your research?"

"We've been traveling <<Insert direction>> since we met, and headed for Tedroy. After our run in with those dorks, this group is really skittish. If your resources can help our safe passage, that would earn some goodwill. "

Peter wanders off topic to general conversation.

"So, when you said this place was a prison, did you mean literally?"

"I work on the Creation magic all the time, but it's super hard, got any tips? Without Billy... Oh, Um, I mean without Tar Billik, I'm an apprentice without a master. Have you learned much about the magic here? The only people I've seen using it were jerks, so I didn't hve the chance to ask questions..."

"Okay, so your a technology god, right? But your world doesn't seem to have lots of stuff or it doesn't work the same, is that the world, or is it you? And like do you know how to make a radio?"

They are coming closer to a bigger town, maybe even what passes for a city around here. Farms are now very dense. The city is Rengal -- the seat of power for the duke Incarius says he has pull with. The debate about paying for a real place to stay has resurfaced... especially from Leon and Ann.
"Well, isn't that a coincidence."

Peter will convey Ink Thur's offer of 2,500 silver Pennies and his various networks of contacts, including the aforementioned Duke.

I feel like this could go a number of ways depending if Ink Thur has more to say in the dream. He is of the opinion that they are safe enough now to enjoy a little comfort.
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Old 10-11-2024, 10:51 AM   #2020
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter gives Ink Thur a nod, deep enough to be a bit of a bow, deciding to show him a bit more respect and see if he can get to know the man (or whatever) a bit better if he puts him more at ease.
"Hello again Ink Thur, or would you prefer Inarius even in my dreams?"
"Given that this is a priestly connection, we shall use my divine name."

"I think they are trying to get an idea of the possibilities, and they themselves are just victims of circumstance and not the shot callers who will get the final say. "
"So it is their allies who control the exit. That makes a great deal of sense."

"Funny, I was Thuroma's Emissary, and I guess now I'm yours. I'll try to negotiate you a ride out of here. "
"You worked with my priests. It is hardly surprising."

"But you are still doing your research and are not ready to go, is that right? And can you get back to your worlds on your own if they get you off of this one? I've been to their homeworld, or one a lot like it, and they couldn't find mine. Are you willing to share your research?"
"Yes, I'm still looking for my quarry. We must find it and slay it. Once that is done, all I need is passage off this particular world, and we shall set all alright again."

"Which research do you refer to? I do a lot, in many different areas, and we don't have time to talk about them all."

"We've been traveling <<Insert direction>> since we met, and headed for Tedroy. After our run in with those dorks, this group is really skittish. If your resources can help our safe passage, that would earn some goodwill. "
(north, you've been going north)
"Do you know if the chaplaincy is tracking you, or just stumbled across you? How well can they identify you?"

"I might be able to arrange letters of recommendation. that won't stop a dedicated search, but it will provide some security."

Peter wanders off topic to general conversation.

"So, when you said this place was a prison, did you mean literally?"
"Yes. This world's true name is Draco, home of the dragons. Dragons once ruled many of the worlds, Puppeting bodies from across planes. They ruled far and wide, and were the terror of hundreds of worlds. Then the elves of this world were convinced into casting a spell that locked travel out of it. And the Dragons have been imprisoned ever since, looking for ways back into the myriad worlds. Occasionally they find one. Apparently my world has some loophole they can use. Or had, before it was drained of magic."

"I work on the Creation magic all the time, but it's super hard, got any tips? Without Billy... Oh, Um, I mean without Tar Billik, I'm an apprentice without a master. Have you learned much about the magic here? The only people I've seen using it were jerks, so I didn't hve the chance to ask questions..."
"You... probably have the gift. Not everyone has it here. If you can demonstrate the gift, you can be apprenticed out, or perhaps taught quickly. It requires a great deal of study and practice. Given what you have done for my city, I can recommend you to a teacher, if you desire."

"Okay, so your a technology god, right? But your world doesn't seem to have lots of stuff or it doesn't work the same, is that the world, or is it you? And like do you know how to make a radio?"
"My world is not the same. Physics is different. Magic is different. Power is different. Radio... does not work as well, but yes, I know how to make one in your old style. The new style will not work. The mechanics don't work out"
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